- Mohammed Allan

Been contacted about a huge inheritance or compentation? It's 419 or advance fee fraud.
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Joined: Mon Nov 26, 2018 9:14 am - Mohammed Allan

Post: # 784Post LegalBriefs »


My name is Mohammed Allan, I am writing to seek for your assistance in
helping me in any business venture which will be profitable to you and
I if the necessary understanding is achieved. I am account manager to
investor and the man died along with his only daughter in a ghastly
auto clash, his fortune (Million of dollars) it is in the process of
been confiscate by the state after many years unclaimed. I would
therefore like to know if you would be interested in a partnership
with me to claim the fund, under the following terms:

1. The fund is $60 Million USD and is right now under the custody in
the vault of a financial institution. In fact, I need your cooperation
to be able to claim the funds, due to certain clause on the deposit
agreement between the depositor and the financial institution.

2. The funds must be transferred in this same state.

3. For your assistance percentage will be discuss of the total sum as
soon as I am able to establish a proper partnership and relationship
with you.

4. I require that my personality and the transaction to be handled
professionally and confidentially.

My request thus is for you to cooperate with me to claim the fund and
establishment of a corporation in your country, through which the
venture would be established. Let me know if you would be able to
cooperate with me in this manner.

I anticipate your response.

Best regards,
Mohammed Allan

Code: Select all

From: Mohammed Allan <>
Date: Sat, 5 Jan 2019 09:33:04 +0100
Subject: ATTN:[Redacted]
To: [Redacted]

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Re: - Mohammed Allan

Post: # 2033Post LegalBriefs »


My name is Mohammed Allan, please accept my apologies I do not intend
to invade your privacy but need warrant me to communicate with you. I
am an investment manager to investor and the man died in a ghastly
auto clash, his fortune (Million of dollars) it is in the process of
been confiscated by the state after many years unclaimed. I have tried
several time to locate his relative all my efforts proved abortive. I
would therefore like to know if you would be interested in a
partnership with me to claim the fund, under the following terms:

1. The fund is $75 Million USD and is right now under the custody in
the vault of a financial institution. In fact, I need your cooperation
to be able to claim the funds, due to certain clause on the deposit
agreement between the depositor and the financial institution.

2. The funds must be transferred in this same state.

3. For your assistance percentage will be discuss of the total sum as
soon as I am able to establish a proper partnership and relationship
with you.

4. I require that my personality and the transaction to be handled
professionally and confidentially.

My request thus is your trust and cooperation to claim the fund and
establishment of a corporation in your country, through which the
venture would be established. Let me know if you would be able to
cooperate with me in this manner.

I anticipate your response.

Best regards,
Mohammed Allan

Code: Select all

From: Mohammed Allan <>
Date: Fri, 1 Mar 2019 14:20:34 +0000
Subject: ATTN:[Redacted]
To: [Redacted]

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