- John Anderson Powell

Been contacted about a huge inheritance or compentation? It's 419 or advance fee fraud.
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Joined: Mon Nov 26, 2018 9:14 am - John Anderson Powell

Post: # 1834Post LegalBriefs »

Mr. John Anderson Powell Assistance Manager of Fidelity Worldwide Investment (FWI) John F. Kennedy International Airport USA Address: Queens, NY 11430, USA. To Your Attention. I am Mr. John Anderson Powell, Assistance Manager of Fidelity Worldwide Investment and Head of Luggage and Baggage storage facilities here at John F. Kennedy International Airport New York United States. During my recent withheld package routine check at the Airport Storage Vault (ASV), I discovered that you are not yet to receive your fund of US$10 Million in a two trunk boxes. Meanwhile for security reason I have secured your two trunk boxes of US$10 Million which I register with Fidelity Worldwide Investment with registered number FWI/1299/XX95/219/2019. Be informed that we the Fidelity Worldwide Investment have concluded the arrangement to delivery your two trunk boxes to you through diplomatic means. So in order words to enable me cross check your details, I will advise you to send the required details below for quickly processing and get your two trunk boxes delivered to you within the next 24hours. (1). Name: (2). Address: (3). Telephone Number: (4). Occupation: (5). Age: (6). Gender: (7). Marital Status: (8). Company's Name: (9). Driver's License OR Passport: (10). Nearest Airport: I wait to hear from you as soon as possible today then you have to keep this confidential and I will appreciate it. Call or text me on +1 (518)-303-2602. Best regards, Mr. John Anderson Powell. +1 (518)-303-2602.

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Reply-To: <>
From: "Mr. John Anderson Powell" <>
Subject: Act Accordingly.
Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2019 02:05:31 -0800

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