- Vincent Robert

Been contacted about a huge inheritance or compentation? It's 419 or advance fee fraud.
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Joined: Mon Nov 26, 2018 9:14 am - Vincent Robert

Post: # 1811Post LegalBriefs »

Attention and Greetings:

I am Mr. Robert Vincent, The Chair person in charge of US Department
of the Treasury, International wire transfers of United States.

I want to inform you that your Payment File was brought to my desk
today to Cancel because the Western Union Money Transfer director &
management of the International Monitory Funds (IMF) have declared to
divert your fund to the government treasury account just because you
can not pay the signed wire transfer fee. In reasoning wisely to this
complain I told them to wait until I hear from you today so that I
will know the reason why you decide to rejected such amount of money
USD$4.950.000.00 which is your rightful & legal overdue inheritance
payment just because of signed wire transfer fee.

The reason why I sent this massage to you is because its your sweat
and for this reason you still have this last chance to claim your fund
if you can send USD$50.00 today because I have already arranged your
transfer ready for its daily wires to you but failing to do this, I will
allow them to have power over your fund and am very sorry if you
failed as this is the last chance.

Therefore, send the USD $50.00 immediately you receive this massage
now and email your full name and address to me if you want your USD
$4.950.000.00 be send to you by western union money transfer but the
maximum amount officially allow for it per a day wire to you is USD
$4,500 per day until you receive your complete US$4.950.000.00 from

The second option is for you to send me the full details of your bank
account if you want your fund be fully transfer to you by direct bank
to bank wire transfer to your account at once. After you have sent the
$50.00 and email me the mtcn numbers, you are to indicate your wish
to receive your funds as i have stated above and the funds will be
release to you without any hitch.

Here is the western union information in name of the accountant to
avoid delay in receiving your fund and remember that I have done my
best for you and I will make sure that your wire transfer will begin
releasing to you from the moment you sent this $50.00.

Send the $50.00 now and send me email with the western union or Money
Gram Copy of the transfer slip or the MTCN numbers here immediately
you send it to,


Receivers Name:........ POPE RANDY
City : .......COTONOU
Test Question:.. God is?
Answer :.. Good.
Amount to send: ...$50
Sender's name.......

Send it and Attached us the western union copy of the transfer payment
slip or the MTCN for easy collection and you will confirm your funds today.

We are waiting for your reply with the Attached of the transfer slip
or MTCN of the $50 usd immediately after you send it today. OK

Mr.Vincent Robert
US Department of the Treasury, International Wire transfers United States.

Code: Select all

From: "I am Mr. Robert Vincent, The Chair Person In Charge" <>
Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2019 09:33:01 -0800
Subject: Cancellation Of Your Inheritance Fund Transfer of $4.950.000.00 To You Today
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Bcc: [Redacted]

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Posts: 36550
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Re: - James J. Clinton

Post: # 2621Post LegalBriefs »

Attention Please.

Responding to the latter we received today from office of the
Presidency and office of the Senator David Mark. Senate President and
Chairman Senate Committee in what they said over the past experiences
with you have encounter in years past has now boarder them so much to
consider to treat fair signing of Clearance paperwork entrust base on
your second paragraph of the latter I received.

Therefore wish if this situation regards to this institution law act
was not made to guide illegal transactions abroad which Chief
Accountant of the Federation could have go on sign the the final
Clearance paper on your favor without the charges backing up the
transaction to confirmed into your account before your reporting, but
at the same time, he ask you if you can be on his shoe reason with him
office of the Federation he make a credible endorsement of transaction
done after you send the needed fee of $110.00 only as soon as the
obligations is being done perfect you will get paid immediately. I,
Mr. James J. Clinton, Director, Foreign Paymaster General, World Bank
Of West Africa Benin rep wish to guarantee you that as soon as you pay
the total sum of $110.00 only for the (Final Transfer Pin Code) I, Mr.
James J. Clinton, promise to transfer your fund immediately without
any problem. This letter of guarantee will be treated as stated as
soon as you, send the fee of $110only.

This is to notify you that after our meeting this morning with the
President, Accountant General of the Federation, and broad of
directors the bank CBB. They instructed me to transfer your funds as
soon as possible you come up with obligations required $110 only.

Please i have to explain to you. it was based on the instruction
receive from our President Federal Republic of Benin to release all
foreign debt through this office urgent you send the needed charge
before we will release your funds to you as soon as possible.

Based on the above, you,1,2 Milton, have been given 100% guarantee
that as soon as you made the payment of $110.00 only for (Final
Transfer Pin Code) your $6.500.000.00 usd will be transfer and reflect
into your account as stated above within 24hrs.

Note: This letter of guarantee was made with good intentions this 28TH
day of MARCH, 2019, and the content of this Promissory
note/guarantee letter will be treated as stated there in Money Gram or
western union with receiver's stated below. Send the fee with this


Receiver's Name:........... MACO UDO
Country:........................BENIN REPUBLIC
City:............................ COTONOU
Sender's Name:..................??

Congratulation and remain God bless, while we look forward to hear
positive. Hope to receive good news from you shortly. Thanks and have
a great and wonderful day more ahead.

Expecting your urgent response.

Yours faithfully.
Mr. James J. Clinton
The New Foreign Paymaster General, World Bank Of West Africa Benin

Code: Select all

Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2019 08:56:55 -0700
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Bcc: [Redacted]

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Posts: 36550
Joined: Mon Nov 26, 2018 9:14 am

Re: - Vincent Robert

Post: # 8511Post LegalBriefs »

Attention and Greetings:

I am Mr. Robert Vincent, The Chair person in charge of US Department
of the Treasury, International wire transfers of United States.

I want to inform you that your Payment File was brought to my desk
today to Cancel because the Western Union Money Transfer director &
management of the International Monitory Funds (IMF) have declared to
divert your fund to the government treasury account just because you
can not pay the signed wire transfer fee. In reasoning wisely to this
complain I told them to wait until I hear from you today so that I
will know the reason why you decide to rejected such amount of money
USD$4.950.000.00 which is your rightful & legal overdue inheritance
payment just because of signed wire transfer fee.

The reason why I sent this massage to you is because its your sweat
and for this reason you still have this last chance to claim your fund
if you can send USD$50.00 today because I have already arranged your
transfer ready for its daily wires to you but failing to do this, I will
allow them to have power over your fund and am very sorry if you
failed as this is the last chance.

Therefore, send the USD $50.00 immediately you receive this massage
now and email your full name and address to me if you want your USD
$4.950.000.00 be send to you by western union money transfer but the
maximum amount officially allow for it per a day wire to you is USD
$4,500 per day until you receive your complete US$4.950.000.00 from

The second option is for you to send me the full details of your bank
account if you want your fund be fully transfer to you by direct bank
to bank wire transfer to your account at once. After you have sent the
$50.00 and email me the mtcn numbers, you are to indicate your wish
to receive your funds as i have stated above and the funds will be
release to you without any hitch.

Here is the western union information in name of the accountant to
avoid delay in receiving your fund and remember that I have done my
best for you and I will make sure that your wire transfer will begin
releasing to you from the moment you sent this $50.00.


Send the $50.00 now and send me email with the western union or Money
Gram Copy of the transfer slip or the MTCN numbers here immediately
you send it to, IGNATIUS U OBECHE

Receivers Name:........ IGNATIUS U OBECHE
City : .......LAGOS
Test Question:.. God is?
Answer :.. Good.
Amount to send: ...$50
Sender's name.......

Send it and Attached us the western union copy of the transfer payment
slip or the MTCN for easy collection and you will confirm your funds today.

We are waiting for your reply with the Attached of the transfer slip
or MTCN of the $50 usd immediately after you send it today. OK

Mr.Vincent Robert
US Department of the Treasury, International Wire transfers United States.

Code: Select all

From: US Department of the Treasury <>
Date: Sat, 4 Jan 2020 17:44:27 +0000
Subject: Cancellation Of Your Inheritance Fund Transfer of $4.950.000.00 To You Today

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