- Peter John

Been contacted about a huge inheritance or compentation? It's 419 or advance fee fraud.
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Joined: Mon Nov 26, 2018 9:14 am - Peter John

Post: # 1766Post LegalBriefs »


I’m Diplomat Mr.peter john ; I have been trying to reach you on your Telephone
about an hour now just to inform you about my successful Arrival in John Los
Angeles International Airport with your two boxes of Consignment worth 750
thousand Dollars which I have been instructed By ECO-WAS COURIER DELIVERY
COMPANY to be delivered to you. The Airport authority demanded for all the
legal back up papers to prove to them that the fund is no way related with drug
nor fraud money I have presented the papers I handed to them and they are very
much Pleased with the paper’s I presented but the only thing that is still
Keeping me here is the airport delivery Tag which is not placed on the Boxes,
one of the Airport Authority has advise that we get the Delivery tag so that I
can exit the airport immediately and make my Delivery successful .I try to
reason with them and they stated the Delivery tag will cost us just $105
Dollars only to get the two tags Placed on the boxes as that tag will enable me
get to your house Successfully without any interference, they scanned the boxes
and Found out that the fund is 550 % spend able and accepted by any bank In the
whole world.

Please try and reach me with my number or sms +12092841945 as I can not afford
to spend more time here due to other Delivery I have to take care of in Bang
OK. Here are the papers Backing the funds together with my ID CARD as I can
accompany you to Your bank were you will deposit the fund successfully with
these papers. I have I more vital paper with me but I can only present you the
hard copy when I reach your house as that it’s the diplomatic rules, such as
authorization to deliver.

ADDRESS: Address:

You can direct the tag fee to our Head Office as they will get it here for you
and they are entitled to receive and make any payment to foreign countries


Receiver .ASAN DAYO.
Country Benin Republic.
City ............Cotonou
Amount $105 US Dollars
Text Question.Who is our savior?
Answer …The Lord Jesus.


Diplomat Mr.peter john

Code: Select all

Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2019 08:06:14 +0100 (CET)
From: "Diplomat Mr.peter john" <>
Subject: Diplomat Mr.peter john
Orig IP: | Orig ISP: Mtn Nigeria Communication Limited | City: Lagos | Country: Nigeria | More info: ... 210.47.196

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Re: - Peter John

Post: # 11372Post LegalBriefs »


I’m Diplomat Mr.peter john ; I have been trying to reach you on your Telephone about an hour now just to inform you about my successful Arrival in Los Angeles International Airport with your two boxes of Consignment worth 750 thousand Dollars which I have been instructed By ECO-WAS COURIER DELIVERY COMPANY to be delivered to you. The Airport authority demanded for all the legal back up papers to prove to them that the fund is no way related with drug nor fraud money I have presented the papers I handed to them and they are very much Pleased with the paper’s I presented but the only thing that is still Keeping me here is the airport delivery Tag which is not placed on the Boxes, one of the Airport Authority has advise that we get the Delivery tag so that I can exit the airport immediately and make my Delivery successful .I try to reason with them and they stated the Delivery tag will cost us just $50 Dollars iTunes gift card only to get the two tags Placed on the boxes as that tag will enable me get to your house Successfully without any interference, they scanned the boxes and Found out that the fund is 550 % spend able and accepted by any bank In the whole world.

Please try and reach me because I can not afford to spend more time here due to other Delivery I have to take care of in Bang OK. Here are the papers Backing the funds together with my ID CARD as I can accompany you to Your bank were you will deposit the fund successfully with these papers. I have I more vital paper with me but I can only present you the hard copy when I reach your house as that it’s the diplomatic rules, such as authorization to deliver.

when your ready for the payment go to the any Walmart store and pay in the $50 into an iTunes gift card and scratch iTunes gift card, snap and send a photo of it and make sure its clear

ADDRESS: Address:

Diplomat Mr.peter john

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Date: Tue, 7 Apr 2020 16:14:55 +0000 (UTC)
From: "Diplomat Mr.peter john" <>
Subject: I’m Diplomat Mr.peter john

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Re: - Peter John

Post: # 17061Post LegalBriefs »


I’m Diplomat Mr.peter john ; I have been trying to reach you on your Telephone about an hour now just to inform you about my successful Arrival in Los Angeles International Airport with your two boxes of Consignment worth 750 thousand Dollars which I have been instructed By ECO-WAS COURIER DELIVERY COMPANY to be delivered to you. The Airport authority demanded for all the legal back up papers to prove to them that the fund is no way related with drug nor fraud money I have presented the papers I handed to them and they are very much Pleased with the paper’s I presented but the only thing that is still Keeping me here is the airport delivery Tag which is not placed on the Boxes, one of the Airport Authority has advise that we get the Delivery tag so that I can exit the airport immediately and make my Delivery successful .I try to reason with them and they stated the Delivery tag will cost us just $25 Dollars iTunes gift card only to get the two tags Placed on the boxes as that tag will enable me get to your house Successfully without any interference, they scanned the boxes and Found out that the fund is 550 % spend able and accepted by any bank In the whole world.

Please try and reach me because I can not afford to spend more time here due to other Delivery I have to take care of in Bang OK. Here are the papers Backing the funds together with my ID CARD as I can accompany you to Your bank were you will deposit the fund successfully with these papers. I have I more vital paper with me but I can only present you the hard copy when I reach your house as that it’s the diplomatic rules, such as authorization to deliver.

when your ready for the payment go to the any Walmart store and pay in the $25 into an iTunes gift card and scratch iTunes gift card, snap and send a photo of it and make sure its clear

Diplomat Mr.peter john

Code: Select all

Date: Thu, 29 Oct 2020 12:25:50 +0000 (UTC)
From: "Diplomat Mr.peter john" <>
Subject:  I’m Diplomat Mr.peter john

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Re: - Peter John

Post: # 18194Post LegalBriefs »


I’m Diplomat Mr.peter john ; I have been trying to reach you on your Telephone about an hour now just to inform you about my successful Arrival in Los Angeles International Airport with your two boxes of Consignment worth 750 thousand Dollars which I have been instructed By ECO-WAS COURIER DELIVERY COMPANY to be delivered to you. The Airport authority demanded for all the legal back up papers to prove to them that the fund is no way related with drug nor fraud money I have presented the papers I handed to them and they are very much Pleased with the paper’s I presented but the only thing that is still Keeping me here is the airport delivery Tag which is not placed on the Boxes, one of the Airport Authority has advise that we get the Delivery tag so that I can exit the airport immediately and make my Delivery successful .I try to reason with them and they stated the Delivery tag will cost us just $25 Dollars iTunes gift card only to get the two tags Placed on the boxes as that tag will enable me get to your house Successfully without any interference, they scanned the boxes and Found out that the fund is 550 % spend able and accepted by any bank In the whole world.

Please try and reach me because I can not afford to spend more time here due to other Delivery I have to take care of in Bang OK. Here are the papers Backing the funds together with my ID CARD as I can accompany you to Your bank were you will deposit the fund successfully with these papers. I have I more vital paper with me but I can only present you the hard copy when I reach your house as that it’s the diplomatic rules, such as authorization to deliver.

when your ready for the payment go to the any Walmart store and pay in the $25 into an iTunes gift card and scratch iTunes gift card, snap and send a photo of it and make sure its clear

Diplomat Mr.peter john

Code: Select all

Date: Sun, 29 Nov 2020 18:01:54 +0000 (UTC)
From: "Diplomat Mr.peter john" <>
Subject: I’m Diplomat Mr.peter john

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Re: - Peter John

Post: # 19841Post LegalBriefs »


I’m Diplomat Mr.peter john ; I have been trying to reach you on your Telephone about an hour now just to inform you about my successful Arrival in Los Angeles International Airport with your two boxes of Consignment worth 750 thousand Dollars which I have been instructed By ECO-WAS COURIER DELIVERY COMPANY to be delivered to you. The Airport authority demanded for all the legal back up papers to prove to them that the fund is no way related with drug nor fraud money I have presented the papers I handed to them and they are very much Pleased with the paper’s I presented but the only thing that is still Keeping me here is the airport delivery Tag which is not placed on the Boxes, one of the Airport Authority has advise that we get the Delivery tag so that I can exit the airport immediately and make my Delivery successful .I try to reason with them and they stated the Delivery tag will cost us just $50 Dollars Apple card only to get the two tags Placed on the boxes as that tag will enable me get to your house Successfully without any interference, they scanned the boxes and Found out that the fund is 550 % spend able and accepted by any bank In the whole world.

Please try and reach me because I can not afford to spend more time here due to other Delivery I have to take care of in Bang OK. Here are the papers Backing the funds together with my ID CARD as I can accompany you to Your bank were you will deposit the fund successfully with these papers. I have I more vital paper with me but I can only present you the hard copy when I reach your house as that it’s the diplomatic rules, such as authorization to deliver.

when your ready for the payment go to the any Walmart store and pay in the $25 into an Apple gift card and scratch Apple gift card, snap and send a photo of it and make sure its clear

Diplomat Mr.peter john

Code: Select all

From: "Diplomat Mr.peter john" <>
Date: Sat, 23 Jan 2021 20:07:48 +0100
Subject: I’m Diplomat Mr.peter john
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

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Posts: 36510
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Re: - Peter John

Post: # 21054Post LegalBriefs »


I’m Diplomat Mr.peter john ; I have been trying to reach you on your Telephone about an hour now just to inform you about my successful Arrival in Los Angeles International Airport with your two boxes of Consignment worth 750 thousand Dollars which I have been instructed By ECO-WAS COURIER DELIVERY COMPANY to be delivered to you. The Airport authority demanded for all the legal back up papers to prove to them that the fund is no way related with drug nor fraud money I have presented the papers I handed to them and they are very much Pleased with the paper’s I presented but the only thing that is still Keeping me here is the airport delivery Tag which is not placed on the Boxes, one of the Airport Authority has advise that we get the Delivery tag so that I can exit the airport immediately and make my Delivery successful .I try to reason with them and they stated the Delivery tag will cost us just $25 Dollars Apple card only to get the two tags Placed on the boxes as that tag will enable me get to your house Successfully without any interference, they scanned the boxes and Found out that the fund is 550 % spend able and accepted by any bank In the whole world.

Please try and reach me because I can not afford to spend more time here due to other Delivery I have to take care of in Bang OK. Here are the papers Backing the funds together with my ID CARD as I can accompany you to Your bank were you will deposit the fund successfully with these papers. I have I more vital paper with me but I can only present you the hard copy when I reach your house as that it’s the diplomatic rules, such as authorization to deliver.

when your ready for the payment go to the any Walmart store and pay in the $25 into an Apple gift card and scratch Apple gift card, snap and send a photo of it and make sure its clear

Diplomat Mr.peter john

Code: Select all

From: "Mr.peter john" <>
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 2021 10:42:00 +0100
Subject: I’m Diplomat Mr.peter john
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

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Posts: 36510
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Re: - Peter John

Post: # 22528Post LegalBriefs »


I’m Diplomat Mr.peter john ; I have been trying to reach you on your Telephone about an hour now just to inform you about my successful Arrival in Los Angeles International Airport with your two boxes of Consignment worth 750 thousand Dollars which I have been instructed By ECOWAS COURIER DELIVERY COMPANY to be delivered to you. The Airport authority demanded for all the legal back up papers to prove to them that the fund is no way related with drug nor fraud money I have presented the papers I handed to them and they are very much Pleased with the paper’s I presented but the only thing that is still Keeping me here is the airport delivery Tag which is not placed on the Boxes, one of the Airport Authority has advise that we get the Delivery tag so that I can exit the airport immediately and make my Delivery successful .I try to reason with them and they stated the Delivery tag will cost us just $50 Dollars Apple card only to get the two tags Placed on the boxes as that tag will enable me get to your house Successfully without any interference, they scanned the boxes and Found out that the fund is 550 % spend able and accepted by any bank In the whole world.

Please try and reach me because I can not afford to spend more time here due to other Delivery I have to take care of in Bang OK. Here are the papers Backing the funds together with my ID CARD as I can accompany you to Your bank where you will deposit the funds successfully with these papers. I have a more vital paper with me but I can only present you the hard copy when I reach your house as that 's the diplomatic rules, such as authorization to deliver.

when your ready for the payment go to the any Walmart store and pay in the $50 into an Apple gift card and scratch Apple gift card, snap and send a photo of it and make sure its clear

Diplomat Mr.peter john

Code: Select all

From: "Mr.peter john" <>
Date: Mon, 24 May 2021 08:43:36 +0100
Subject: I’m Diplomat Mr.peter john
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

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Posts: 36510
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Re: - Peter John

Post: # 23994Post LegalBriefs »


I’m Diplomat Mr.peter john ; I have been trying to reach you on your Telephone about an hour now just to inform you about my successful Arrival in Los Angeles International Airport with your two boxes of Consignment worth 750 thousand Dollars which I have been instructed By ECO-WAS COURIER DELIVERY COMPANY to be delivered to you. The Airport authority demanded for all the legal back up papers to prove to them that the fund is no way related with drug nor fraud money I have presented the papers I handed to them and they are very much Pleased with the paper’s I presented but the only thing that is still Keeping me here is the airport delivery Tag which is not placed on the Boxes, one of the Airport Authority has advise that we get the Delivery tag so that I can exit the airport immediately and make my Delivery successful .I try to reason with them and they stated the Delivery tag will cost us just $50 Dollars iTunes gift card only to get the two tags Placed on the boxes as that tag will enable me get to your house Successfully without any interference, they scanned the boxes and Found out that the fund is 550 % spend able and accepted by any bank In the whole world.

Please try and reach me because I can not afford to spend more time here due to other Delivery I have to take care of in Bang OK. Here are the papers Backing the funds together with my ID CARD as I can accompany you to Your bank were you will deposit the fund successfully with these papers. I have I more vital paper with me but I can only present you the hard copy when I reach your house as that it’s the diplomatic rules, such as authorization to deliver.

when your ready for the payment go to the any Walmart store and pay in the $50 into an iTunes gift card and scratch iTunes gift card, snap and send a photo of it and make sure its clear

ADDRESS: Address:

Diplomat Mr.peter john

Code: Select all

From: "Diplomat Mr.peter john" <>
Date: Mon, 5 Jul 2021 07:30:56 +0100
Subject: I’m Diplomat Mr.peter john
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

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Posts: 36510
Joined: Mon Nov 26, 2018 9:14 am

Re: - Peter John

Post: # 28601Post LegalBriefs »


I’m Diplomat Mr.peter john ; I have been trying to reach you on your Telephone about an hour now just to inform you about my successful Arrival in Los Angeles International Airport with your two boxes of Consignment worth 750 thousand Dollars which I have been instructed By ECO-WAS COURIER DELIVERY COMPANY to be delivered to you. The Airport authority demanded for all the legal back up papers to prove to them that the fund is no way related with drug nor fraud money I have presented the papers I handed to them and they are very much Pleased with the paper’s I presented but the only thing that is still Keeping me here is the airport delivery Tag which is not placed on the Boxes, one of the Airport Authority has advise that we get the Delivery tag so that I can exit the airport immediately and make my Delivery successful .I try to reason with them and they stated the Delivery tag will cost us just $50 Dollars Apple card only to get the two tags Placed on the boxes as that tag will enable me get to your house Successfully without any interference, they scanned the boxes and Found out that the fund is 550 % spend able and accepted by any bank In the whole world.

Please try and reach me because I can not afford to spend more time here due to other Delivery I have to take care of in Bang OK. Here are the papers Backing the funds together with my ID CARD as I can accompany you to Your bank were you will deposit the fund successfully with these papers. I have I more vital paper with me but I can only present you the hard copy when I reach your house as that it’s the diplomatic rules, such as authorization to deliver.

when your ready for the payment go to the any Walmart store and pay in the $50 into an Apple gift card and scratch Apple gift card, snap and send a photo of it and make sure its clear

Diplomat Mr.peter john

Code: Select all

From: "Diplomat Mr.peter john" <>
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2021 20:31:30 +0100
Subject: I’m Diplomat Mr.peter john
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

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Posts: 36510
Joined: Mon Nov 26, 2018 9:14 am

Re: - Peter John

Post: # 31845Post LegalBriefs »


I’m Diplomat Mr.peter john ; I have been trying to reach you on your
Telephone about an hour now just to inform you about my successful
Arrival in Los Angeles International Airport with your two boxes of
Consignment worth 750 thousand Dollars which I have been instructed By
ECO-WAS COURIER DELIVERY COMPANY to be delivered to you. The Airport
authority demanded for all the legal back up papers to prove to them
that the fund is no way related with drug nor fraud money I have
presented the papers I handed to them and they are very much Pleased
with the paper’s I presented but the only thing that is still Keeping
me here is the airport delivery Tag which is not placed on the Boxes,
one of the Airport Authority has advise that we get the Delivery tag
so that I can exit the airport immediately and make my Delivery
successful .I try to reason with them and they stated the Delivery tag
will cost us just $65 Dollars Apple card only to get the two tags
Placed on the boxes as that tag will enable me get to your house
Successfully without any interference, they scanned the boxes and
Found out that the fund is 550 % spend able and accepted by any bank
In the whole world.

Please try and reach me because I can not afford to spend more time
here due to other Delivery I have to take care of in Bang OK. Here are
the papers Backing the funds together with my ID CARD as I can
accompany you to Your bank were you will deposit the fund successfully
with these papers. I have I more vital paper with me but I can only
present you the hard copy when I reach your house as that it’s the
diplomatic rules, such as authorization to deliver.

when your ready for the payment go to the any Walmart store and pay in
the $65 into an Apple gift card and scratch Apple gift card, snap and
send a photo of it and make sure its clear

Diplomat Mr.peter john

Code: Select all

From: "Diplomat Mr.peter john" <>
Date: Tue, 1 Mar 2022 15:22:56 +0100
Subject: I’m Diplomat Mr.peter john
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

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