u.sdepartmentoftreasury12@gmail.com - Jacob J. Lew

Been contacted about a huge inheritance or compentation? It's 419 or advance fee fraud.
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u.sdepartmentoftreasury12@gmail.com - Jacob J. Lew

Post: # 1761Post LegalBriefs »

U.S. Department of the Treasury Trusty Board
1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20220


We are writhing to know if it's true that you are DEAD, Because we received a notification from Mr. Joseph Ifeanyi today from USA stating that you are DEAD and that you have giving him the right to claim your US$500,000usd fund as awarded to you as a scam victim compensation fund to the lose you insured from hoodlums scammers. Mr. Joseph stated you died on a ghastly CAR accident last three days and He has been calling us regarding this issue but we cannot proceed with him until we reconfirm his report by not hearing from you after 3 working days.

Be advised that we have made all arrangements for you to receive your fund of FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND UNITED STATE DOLLARS US$ 500,000 Via Bank to Bank wire transfer through the authorized and mandated Bank without any more stress and without any further delays.

Kindly get back to this Office for immediate commencing of your fund release as you send us your banking details using these email address in getting back to us( u.sdepartmentoftreasury12@gmail.com )All we need to confirm now is your been DEAD or still Alive? Because Joseph’s message brought shock to our minds and we just can't proceed with him until we confirm if this is reality OR not but if it happens that we don’t hear from you after 3 days then we say: MAY YOUR SOUL REST IN PERFECT PEACE"

May the peace of the Lord be with you wherever you may be now?


Regards Deputy Director
Jacob J. Lew

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Reply-To: <u.sdepartmentoftreasury12@gmail.com>
From: TEST <8612confirmation@almond.ocn.ne.jp>
Subject: What is going on
Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2019 05:23:31 -0800

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