westernu2045@hotmail.com - Jenet Dibor

Been contacted about a huge inheritance or compentation? It's 419 or advance fee fraud.
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westernu2045@hotmail.com - Jenet Dibor

Post: # 1675Post LegalBriefs »

Attention My Dear,

We received an email from this Mr. Michael Victor and his friend Dr. Jerry Lawrence Richard. who said that you was give them the power of attorney to make claims of your funds that you are not capable to complete your transfer again, so we should transfer your funds to their giving account and they promise to pay for the balance so that we will be transfer your funds to them.

They said that they have an meting with you in some hours ago and you give them this office email address that they should contact us and let us know that you are the one who give your power of attorney to them to make the claim on your behalf that you are not capable to complete the transfer any longer We will like to hear from you before we give them the order to make the payment of this $38.00 usd and we will being divert your funds to them like they said you give them your power of attorney to make claims of your funds ($2.5 million usd)

If you know that you are not the one who gave your power of attorney to make the claim then go ahead and send this $38.00 usd to under below

Receiver name; Pioner Ekwemo
Country; Benin Republic
City; Cotonou
Text question; Sent
Answer; Yes
Amount; $38.00 usd
Sender?s name;

Mrs.Jenet Dibor
Email ( westernu2045@hotmail.com )

Code: Select all

Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2019 10:50:36 +0000 (UTC)
From: "Mrs.Jenet Dibor" <clarrierobins@yahoo.com.au>
Reply-To: "Mrs.Jenet Dibor" <westernu2045@hotmail.com>
Subject: Attention My Dear,

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