I'm diplomat Mr.Williams James; I have been trying to reach you on your email about an hour now just to inform you about my successful arrival in Atlanta Gerogia International Airport but your mail keep returning back and am here in Atlanta Gerogia International Airport with your package which contain your Package worth $4.5Musd which I have been instructed by DHL Company to be delivered to you.
The Airport authority demanded for all the legal back up papers to prove to them that the fund is no way related with drug nor fraud money, I have presented the papers I handed to them and they are very much pleased with the paper's I presented, but the only thing that is still keeping me here is the airport delivery Yellow Tag which is not placed on the package, one of the Airport Authority has advise that we get the delivery Yellow tag so that I can exit the airport immediately and make my delivery successful to you.
I try to reason with them and they stated the delivery Yellow tag will cost you just $100 Dollars only to get the Tag placed on the package as that tag will enable me get to your house ADDRESS successfully without any interference.they scanned the package and found out that the Package is 100 % acceptable by any bank in the whole world.
i want you to call or TEXT me now with the re-confirmation of your delivery information below.
1- Your Full Name
2- Your Delivery Address
4- Your Contact Telephone Number
5- Your Occupation
6- Your Identification (Passport number or ID Card number)
Try and follow the instruction as I told you.I want to complete my assignment today and return back as scheduled, kindly reply now with your details (williamjames6258@gmail.com)
also call or send me text here (719-297-3188). immediately, Waiting for your swift response,
DHL Diplomatic Agent.Mr.Williams James
Text or Call: (719-297-3188)
Code: Select all
Date: Sat, 26 Jan 2019 19:50:17 +0900 (JST)
From: william james <wwww.@jasmine.ocn.ne.jp>
Reply-To: william james <williamjames6258@gmail.com>
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