- Donald John Trump

Been contacted about a huge inheritance or compentation? It's 419 or advance fee fraud.
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Posts: 34856
Joined: Mon Nov 26, 2018 9:14 am - Donald John Trump

Post: # 1244Post LegalBriefs »

Does it means that you are no more interested of making the claim of
your outstanding fund US$10.Million of yours which i have been working
so hard to make sure it get to.till this moment you have decided to
remain silent after I have personally took an Oath for you to secure
this fund. With all due respect, if you really know that you are no
more interested of making this claim of your outstanding fund of yours
kindly update me now to cancel this Delivery since your negative
thought does not allow you to believe on the reality so send me a
declaration letter stated that you are no more interested of making
the claim so that I will cancel the Delivery .

What makes you think that you will not secure your fund and have
Access of the fund as Beneficiary and you should know that I have made
everything possible for you so kindly go now and send this Fee
US$250usd so that the necessary document will obtain to enable the
delivery . Does it means that you are internationally want to delay
this matter and it has been long that I made the announcement of
release of your fund which is ready to be with you so with all due
respect I advice you to go now and send this Fee immediately without
any delay and update me because I want you to secure this fund as a
agreed and signed.Make sure that you scan the Attached Copy of payment
slip to me immediately

You are advice to send the US$250usd by Western Union as directed
below and update with the Attached Copies of payment Information for
recorded as directed immediately and also get ready and I am at your
Service because of your Funds transfer is READY which you know that
you have to appreciate the effort that white house have secured your
fund .With all due respect, please do not delay to send this fee Today
because this is a last chance and final conclusion. Kindly do your
best now to send the Fee and update me immediately

Receiver Name:Debra Harroun
City /Address:1739 South 9th Street Omaha, Nebraska 68108
Text question:urgent
Zip code:+229
Sender's Name?

Update me with the MTCN and senders name also your address.

Sincerely your

Code: Select all

From: Donald John Trump <>
Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2019 13:11:25 -0800
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Bcc: [Redeacted]

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Posts: 34856
Joined: Mon Nov 26, 2018 9:14 am

Re: - Dr. Jackson Conary Jr

Post: # 2062Post LegalBriefs »

ExxonMobil – Taking on the world’s toughest energy challenges.
Our Reference: EMIA/ 2019/19513-18.

I want You to Accept My Sincere Congratulation As Your Email Address
Have Been Shortlisted as One Of the Beneficiary Of this Year Exxon
Mobil International Award.

(EMIA) You are Advised to Read and Understand the Explanation Of this
Scheme as Analyzed Below So that You Will Understand this
International Award from the Exxon

Mobil International.


Exxon Mobil Is One Of the Biggest Multi-National Oil and Gas Company
In the World that Specialize In Exploring, Refining and Marketing Of
Crude Oil and Have Been Rated

the Largest and the Biggest Oil and Gas Producing Company 17 Times
Ever Since We Started Operation In 1916.

Due to the Profit Max Of the Company, We Were Mandated By the United
Nations (UN), Organization Of the Petroleum Exporting Company (OPEC),
And the World Crude Oil

Monitoring Forum to Always Use a Reasonable Percentage Of Our Yearly
Profit to Help the Society at Large.

It Is In View Of this That We Have Always Empower and Assist Some
Governmental and Non-Governmental Agencies Like the United Nations
Children Emergency Fund (UNICEF),

World Health Organization (WHO), Future Group Europe, World Action
Committee On AIDS e.t.c Financially, We are Committed to Giving Most
of this Organization a

Reasonable Percentage Of Our Annual Profit to Enhance and Promote
their Activities For the Sake Of Humanity.

On January 17th, 2019, Microsoft Corporation in collaboration with
Society for Internet Management Signed a Memorandum Of Understanding
With the Exxon Mobil Where the

Later (Exxon Mobil) Agree to Always Donate a Reasonable Percentage Of
Her Yearly Profit Out to Promote the Use Of Internet.

That Is: Exxon Mobil Since January 2006 Enhances Millions People With
Financial Assistance to Liberate their World and Help their Society
With a Better Living.

After The Successful Completion Of Our Market Year Of 2018 Which Ended
November 8,2018. This Company Have Realized Profit Which Is About 0.7%
Lower Than What We Have

Realized In 2017, It Is In View Of this That Three Hundred Million
United State Dollars ($300,000,000) Have Been Released to Be Shared
Among the One Hundred Active

Lucky Internet Users For the Year, Leaving Each Person With three
Million United State Dollars ($3,000,000USD) each.

On Behalf Of the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Of Exxon Mobil
Corporation Mr.Darren Woods, I am Pleased to inform you That Your
Email Address Have Been Selected

to Be Among This One Hundred Lucky Email Address For the Year 2008
International Award..

The Microsoft Corporation Have Always Supplied this Company With Fifty
Thousand Email Addresses Of Active Internet Users Yearly, And Your
Email Address Was Submitted

as One Of the Active Internet Users For the Year 2018. After Email
Address are Been Submitted to Us For the Random Selection By Microsoft
Corporation, The Best One

Hundred Members Of Staff For the Year 2018 Picked All Over a Hundred
Branch Office Of the Exxon Mobil Corporation were Invited For a Dinner
at the Caribbean Where they

Were Privileged to Pick One Email Address Each at Random.

Mr. Benjamin Bruce From Our london Office Who Was the Best Staff at
Our london Branch Office Picked Your Email Address When He Was Asked
to Pick at Random, Therefore

Giving You the Opportunity to Claim For Yourself a Total Cash Of Three
Million United States Dollars. ($3,000,000).

Please Understand that this Is Neither a Lottery nor a Gambling
Winning, You are Expected to Claim Your Funds In this Branch office as
Been Zoned, The Reason Why It

Has Been Zoned Is to Avoid Mix Up Of Claims and Unnecessary Crowdie
Environment In Any Of Our Offices, This Is Why Winners Have Been Zoned
Into Twenty Different Zones

Of Five Winners Each, I am Pleased to Inform You That You Have Been
Zone to Claim Your Winning Here at Zone D With the Head Office Here In
the United Kingdom, I Wish

to Let You Know that I am the Officer In charge Of Your Claims.

Your Funds Will Be Released to You any Moment From Now, But Before Any
Further Processing, We Need to Have Your Information Registered On Our
Database, Please Fill The

Form as Below.

*Full Name:
*Residential Address:
*Fax Number:
*Next of Kin:
*Lucky Number:

*Annual Income:

*Please Note That Your Lucky Number is 2018/69 As You Were The 69th
Beneficiary That Was Selected.
Soon as We Receive The Information Above, You Will Be Duly Informed On
What Next to Do.

Get Back to Me With Information Required Soonest So that Your Funds
Can Be Officially Released Immediately.

Once Again, Congratulations.

Yours Faithfully, Dr. Jackson Conary jr

Officer In-charge,

Zone D
Public Welfare Department,
ExxonMobil Corporation.

Irving, Texas, United States

Code: Select all

From: Donald John Trump <>
Date: Sat, 2 Mar 2019 09:54:18 +0100
Subject: ExxonMobil Irving, Texas, United States
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Bcc: [Redacted]

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Posts: 34856
Joined: Mon Nov 26, 2018 9:14 am

Re: - Donald John Trump

Post: # 8625Post LegalBriefs »

Does it means that you are no more interested of making the claim of
your outstanding fund US$60.Million of yours which i have been working
so hard to make sure it get to.till this moment you have decided to
remain silent after I have personally took an Oath for you to secure
this fund. With all due respect, if you really know that you are no
more interested of making this claim of your outstanding fund of yours
kindly update me now to cancel this Delivery since your negative
thought does not allow you to believe on the reality so send me a
declaration letter stated that you are no more interested of making
the claim so that I will cancel the Delivery .

What makes you think that you will not secure your fund and have
Access of the fund as Beneficiary and you should know that I have made
everything possible for you so kindly go now and send this Fee
US$250usd so that the necessary document will obtain to enable the
delivery . Does it means that you are internationally want to delay
this matter and it has been long that I made the announcement of
release of your fund which is ready to be with you so with all due
respect I advice you to go now and send this Fee immediately without
any delay and update me because I want you to secure this fund as a
agreed and signed.Make sure that you scan the Attached Copy of payment
slip to me immediately

Code: Select all

From: Donald John Trump <>
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2020 02:28:33 -0800
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

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