edwardamana1@outlook.com - Edward Amana

Been contacted about a huge inheritance or compentation? It's 419 or advance fee fraud.
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edwardamana1@outlook.com - Edward Amana

Post: # 1107Post LegalBriefs »

My name is Edward Amana; I am an attorney at law. Kindly indicate your interest in receiving the sum of Nine Million Five Hundred

Thousand Dollars as an inheritance.

The money in question belongs to my late client who died in an auto crash with her only child. I will be entitled to half of the

total fund while the other half will be for you.

Please contact my private email here for more details: edwardamana1@outlook.com

Many thanks in advance,
Edward Amana

Code: Select all

Reply-To: edwardamana1@outlook.com
From: edwardamana <bojonajohn@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 19 Jan 2019 13:09:03 +0000
To: natty bongo <barrister.james2012m@gmail.com>
Bcc: [Redacted]

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Re: edwardamana1@outlook.com - Edward Amana

Post: # 1199Post LegalBriefs »

My name is Edward Amana; I am an attorney at law. Kindly indicate your interest in receiving the sum of Nine Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars as an inheritance.

The money in question belongs to my late client who died in an auto crash with her only child. I will be entitled to half of the total fund while the other half will be for you.

Please contact my private email here for more details: edwardamana1@outlook.com

Many thanks in advance,
Edward Amana

Code: Select all

Reply-To: edwardamana1@outlook.com
From: edwardamana <bojonajohn@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2019 13:32:43 +0000
To: doctorhenryvictor@gmail.com
Bcc: [Redacted]

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compensationpaymentsoffice1111@gmail.com - Alfred Ikem

Post: # 1200Post LegalBriefs »

Attn: Beneficiary

This is to bring to your notice that I am delegated from the United
Nations to ACCESS BANK OF NIGERIA PLC(ABN) to pay 700 Nigerian 419
scam victims $2.5Million each, you are listed and approved for this
payments as one of the scammed victims, get back to me as soon as
possible for the immediate payments of your $2.5 Million united
state dollars compensations funds.

On this faithful recommendations, I want you to know that during the
last UN meetings held at abuja,Nigeria, it was alarmed so much by the
rest of the world in the meetings on the lose of funds by various
foreigners to the scams artists operating in syndicates all over the
world today, in other to retain the good image of the country, the
president of the country is now paying 200 victims of this operators
$2.5 Million USD each, Due to the corrupt and inefficient banking
systems in Nigeria, the payments are to be paid by Access bank of
Nigeria as corresponding paying bank under funding assistance.

Stop dealing with those fake officials, they will be asking for money
from you, our Government here has paid for all charges, feel free to
contact us, for free transfer, no hidden fee, free of transfer, stop
sending money to them, this is am opportunity for you to
claim your compensation funds now. According to the number of
applicants at hand,80 beneficiaries has been paid, half of the victims
are from the United States, we still have more 320 left to be paid
the Compensations of $2.5 Million Dollars each.

Your particulars was mentioned by one of the syndicates who was
arrested in Lagos Nigeria as one of their victims of the
operations,you are hereby warned not to communicate or duplicate
this message to him for any reason what so ever, the US secret
service is already on trace of the criminal.You can receive your
compensations payments via any of the both options you choose, ATM
VISA CARD or WIRE TRANSFERS, I shall feed you with further
modalities as soon as I hear from you.

Do send to us the follow viatl information.

1. Your full names.
2. Your direct phone number.
3. Home Address if you need ATM VISA CARD.

If You prefer bank to bank wire transfer , you are advice to forward
your banking details where the funds will be transfer into , also
forward your a copy of your passport or drivers license . with your
telephone number Send all your reply .

Yours faithfully,

Mr. Alfred Ikem

Code: Select all

From: Access Bank of Nigeria <compensationpaymentsoffice1111@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2019 00:27:00 -0800
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Bcc: [Redacted]

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