davidfischerc11@gmail.com - David Fischer

Been contacted about a huge inheritance or compentation? It's 419 or advance fee fraud.
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davidfischerc11@gmail.com - David Fischer

Post: # 1087Post LegalBriefs »

Attention Beneficiary.

This is to inform you that after the meeting held in my office this
morning which consist between the United States Embassy and the United
Nations, African ECO- WAS, we have concluded that you will be
compensated with all the money you have loosed in the hands of
Africans and most especially Uk precisely.

Your Fund has being deposited in cheque worth of ($2.800`000`00USD)
through Western Union department after our finally meeting regarding
your fund, All you will do is to get back me so that i will direct you
on how you will be receiving the Fund.

Remember to send me your Full information to avoid wrong transfer such as,

1. Your Full name....................
2. Your home Address.................
3. Your telephone number.............
4. A copy of your ID.................
5. Your country......................

We will send $5000 in your name today and give you the Mtcn, sender
name and question/answer to pick the $5000.

Yours sincerely

David Fischer

Code: Select all

From: David Fischer <davidfischerc11@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2019 23:40:25 -0500
Subject: Happy New Year Sir/Madam
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Bcc: [Redacted]

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