- JohnPaul Patrick

Been contacted about a huge inheritance or compentation? It's 419 or advance fee fraud.
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Joined: Mon Nov 26, 2018 9:14 am - JohnPaul Patrick

Post: # 1051Post LegalBriefs »

From United Nation
Organization And IMF Desk
Compensation United State of American
DC1 1200, One UN Plaza,
Washington DC 1775 K Street NW
Regular Store Hours
Sunday: Closed
Monday: 9:00 am-4:00 pm-Tuesday: 9:00 am-4:00 pm
Wednesday: 9:00 am-4:00 pm-Thursday: 9:00 am-4:00 pm
Friday: 9:00 am-5:00 pm--Saturday: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

This Is Very Urgency Sir/Madam,

Sir/Madam, today is 1St January 2019 yet we never heard from you, what
are your plans over your total fund? Again, can you tell us your stand
and plans over your total fund?

Are you still interested over total fund if I may ask? When shall you
sending the pending fee sum of the $350 for Anti Code of Contact Bureau
Certificate? This morning, we observed that Mr. Basil has traveled down
West Africa for UNO Summit I just spoke with my friend and pleaded with
him for his personal assistance, finally he has promised to assist us with
the sum of the $150. I have the sum of the $130 which I wanted to use for
a family's need but will like to you assist with the $130.

Now that the total fund has left with the sum of the $70, I want to know
when you shall be sending this $70 so your total Fund which was load into
the ATM Master Card shall be mail to you.?

Remember that this is a new year and we want to make sure that you receive
your fund through the ATM Master Card before we shall serve any other one?

Time is not on your side,therefore get back to us now so we shall know your
plans over your total fund?? If you don't need to receive your fund,do let
us know so your total fund shall be cancel and delete off from the payment
desk. We shall Forward the Payment Instruct on how to direct the payment
sum of the $70 to Mr. John.

Mr. JohnPaul Patrick.
Director Public Communication

Code: Select all

Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2019 07:31:53 -0800
From: "Mr. JohnPaul Patrick." <>
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: (no subject)

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Posts: 36304
Joined: Mon Nov 26, 2018 9:14 am

Re: - JohnPaul Patrick

Post: # 16451Post LegalBriefs »

Who Do You Sent To Claim Your Fund Sir/Madam?

Why did you direct this man to claim your fund with out letting us to
know before anything? Do you want to hook me responsible if he claims
your total sum of the $2.5Million USD?

Please,we need to know,have you forgotten about your fund on our
care? Please, if you have not forgotten your fund, kindly get back
to us because somebody is calling us to claim your fund on our care!

We have communicate with the Director of your Bank in your Country
over this, and to be very honest with you, nothing shall stops you
from receiving of your fund at all.

Finally, do you know that this person by name Mr. Jess Smith has now
promised to send the sum of the $2500 so we shall allow him to claim
your fund saying you got an accident and died.

please did you sent any one to Us? Do you wish to receive your fund?
Do not reply back to us if you do not need to receive your fund.
But if you wish to receive your fund, do try very hard to keep to
the instruction's to you. If you can not send the fee through gift
card e-Bay Card of $50 and send it.

Mr.Johnpaul Patrick,
Team-LM-Charity Foundation

Code: Select all

From: Reply Now For Your Fund <>
Date: Wed, 7 Oct 2020 09:28:58 -0700
Subject: Your Urgent Attention Dear Client Sir/Madam,
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

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