- Dr. Edward L. Adamu

Been contacted about a huge inheritance or compentation? It's 419 or advance fee fraud.
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Joined: Mon Nov 26, 2018 9:14 am - Dr. Edward L. Adamu

Post: # 1047Post LegalBriefs »

Central Bank of Nigeria,
Plot 33, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa Way
Central Business District,
Cadastral Zone,
Abuja, Federal Capital Territory,

Good Day to you:,

In regards to your unpaid fund from Federal Government of Nigeria, in connection with the United Nations and World Bank I'm personally sending this message considering the urgency it deserves following our resolve to conclude the transfer of your funds this month. As part of our new banking reforms, we are acting in compliance with the stipulated financial regulations to returns all unclaimed funds to the National Treasury.

This is in accordance with national monetary policy to revitalize the economy.

We hereby officially inform you that your unpaid funds valued US$ (Six Million Two Hundred Thousand United States Dollars) falls within the stipulated regulation and would be diverted to the appropriate authorities if unclaimed on before the 30th of January 2019.

It look like you are no longer interested to receive your fund, I feel so bad for you because you are about to lose a life time opportunity to receive compensation for all the money you lost to Nigeria scammer, I will not force you to claim your fund but i will only advice you never let this opportunity pass you by. When i hear from you again, I will send my working ID Card for you to be sure of whom you are dealing with.
For More information please call via Telephone No:(+234)-802-559-5055) if you need my further assistance.


Dr.Edward L. Adamu| Deputy Governor | CBN| Central Bank Of Nigeria
Direct Line |(+234)-802-559-5055)
Financial System Stability
Central Bank of Nigeria
Tinubu square,
Lagos- Nigeria

Code: Select all

Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2019 18:26:31 +0530 (IST)
Subject: Re: Payment Notification About Your Fund
Country Code: 234
Country Name: Nigeria
Type: Mobile
Original Provider: Airtel Nigeria
Validity: The number is the correct length for a Nigerian mobile phone number.
More information at

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