- David I Mckay

Been contacted about a huge inheritance or compentation? It's 419 or advance fee fraud.
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Posts: 36550
Joined: Mon Nov 26, 2018 9:14 am - David I Mckay

Post: # 94Post LegalBriefs »

Attention Customer,

This is to inform you that a Lottery Winning payment in the amount of US$12,000,000,000.00 (Twelve Billion United State Dollars) was legally approved and deposited with this Bank, Royal Bank of Canada (RBC). The lottery won by your e-mail address via online active email address selected from sponsor of Coca Cola Company award. It was registered with your email address by the Lottery Board Executive Directors Of Coca-Cola Company Canada Branch, and they instructed this Bank to credit this Winning direct to your private bank account with immediate effect.

Please take note that Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) have decided and agreed together towards the actualization of the above subject matter which will be conducted under a legitimate arrangement that will protect both parties from any breach of law. To actualize this The new arrangement. Be well informed that Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) was successful opened Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) Checking Account on behalf of your personal name and the total $12 Billions has been transferred to the non resident account.

Meanwhile, the good news about your payment now is that this paying have made a Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) Checking Account Booklet and Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) Platinum MasterCard on behalf of your personal name, which you will be use to withdraw from your non resident account with this Bank smoothly .

And we shall proceed with the delivery of your Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) Checking Account Booklet and Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) Platinum MasterCard to you, upon receipt of the Activation fee of $120.00 USD only. This means that as soon as we receive the activation fee we will activate the account for you to be able to withdraw immediately from the account ,once we make the delivery of your Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) Checking Account Booklet and Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) Platinum MasterCard with some of the legal documents backing this prize to your address between 24 hours, because we were mandated to transfer this Winning to you as one of the winner whose the name is listed in the Coca- Cola Company Canada Lottery award. Please expedite actions as the rightful winner, as the administrative overheads statement account valued added balance sheet have been issued in your favor. $12,000,000,000.00 USD Payment notification from Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC).

So you are therefore advice to use below information and send the activation fee of $120 via (WESTERN UNION OR MONEY GRAM OR ITUNES CARD) for urgent activation of your fund into your account:

Receiver Name: Mary Jane Saldana
City:... Tucson
Address;.... 85746 Tucson Arizona Usa
Text Question: Instruction
Text Answer: Given

After sent the money kindly fill the below details for pick up"

Mtcn Number.......
Sender's name.......
Sender's address.....

Your immediate compliance will be in your very best interest.

Below are details of the Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) non resident account that opened on behalf of your personal name:

Account Number: 6021253365.
Swift Code: 239936957
Routing # 053904483

If at any time you have questions, concerns or comments, please contact us as we strive to ensure that you will always receive a prompt and courteous attention.

Yours Faithfully,

David I Mckay
The President and CEO.
Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC).
Head Office Location Address: 200 Bay Street,
Royal Bank Plaza,
Toronto, ON, CA, M5J 2J5$12,000,000.00 USD Finally notification from Royal Bank of Canada (RBC)

Code: Select all

Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2018 19:06:02 +0900
From: David I Mckay CEO <>
Subject: $12,000,000.00 USD Finally notification from Royal Bank of Canada (RBC)

User avatar
Posts: 36550
Joined: Mon Nov 26, 2018 9:14 am

Re: - David I Mckay

Post: # 458Post LegalBriefs »

Attention Customer,

This is to inform you that a Lottery Winning payment in the amount of
US$12,000,000,000.00 (Twelve Billion United State Dollars) was legally
approved and deposited with this Bank, Royal Bank of Canada (RBC).
The lottery won by your e-mail address via online active email
address selected from sponsor of Coca Cola Company award. It was
registered with your email address by the Lottery Board Executive
Directors Of Coca-Cola Company Canada Branch, and they instructed
this Bank to credit this Winning direct to your private bank account
with immediate effect.

Please take note that Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) have decided and
agreed together towards the actualization of the above subject matter
which will be conducted under a legitimate arrangement that will
protect both parties from any breach of law. To actualize this The
new arrangement. Be well informed that Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) was
successful opened Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) Checking Account on
behalf of your personal name and the total $12 Billions has been
transferred to the non resident account.

Meanwhile, the good news about your payment now is that this paying
have made a Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) Checking Account Booklet and
Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) Platinum MasterCard on behalf of your
personal name, which you will be use to withdraw from your non
resident account with this Bank smoothly .

And we shall proceed with the delivery of your Royal Bank Of Canada
(RBC) Checking Account Booklet and Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC)
Platinum MasterCard to you, upon receipt of the Activation fee of
$120.00 USD only. This means that as soon as we receive the
activation fee we will activate the account for you to be able to
withdraw immediately from the account ,once we make the delivery of
your Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) Checking Account Booklet and Royal
Bank Of Canada (RBC) Platinum MasterCard with some of the legal
documents backing this prize to your address between 24 hours,
because we were mandated to transfer this Winning to you as one of
the winner whose the name is listed in the Coca- Cola Company Canada
Lottery award. Please expedite actions as the rightful winner, as the
administrative overheads statement account valued added balance sheet
have been issued in your favor. $12,000,000,000.00 USD Payment
notification from Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC).

So you are therefore advice to use below information and send the
activation fee of $120 via (WESTERN UNION OR MONEY GRAM OR ITUNES
CARD) for urgent activation of your fund into your account:

Receiver Name: Juanita L. Gumataotao
Address;....Santa Rita,Guam 96915
Text Question: Instruction
Text Answer: Given

After sent the money kindly fill the below details for pick up"

Mtcn Number.......
Sender's name.......
Sender's address.....

Your immediate compliance will be in your very best interest.

Below are details of the Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) non resident
account that opened on behalf of your personal name:

Account Number: 6021253365.
Swift Code: 239936957
Routing # 053904483

If at any time you have questions, concerns or comments, please
contact us as we strive to ensure that you will always receive a
prompt and courteous attention.

Yours Faithfully,

David I Mckay
The President and CEO.
Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC).
Head Office Location Address: 200 Bay Street,
Royal Bank Plaza,
Toronto, ON, CA, M5J 2J5

Code: Select all

From: David I Mckay CEO <>
Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2018 09:36:48 +0100
Subject: $12,000,000.00 USD Finally notification from Royal Bank of Canada (RBC)
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Bcc: [Redacted]

User avatar
Posts: 200
Joined: Wed Dec 26, 2018 1:37 am

Re: - David I Mckay

Post: # 646Post falconsfan1 »

Received: by 2002:a6b:6515:0:0:0:0:0 with SMTP id z21csp9852141iob;
Sun, 30 Dec 2018 01:40:17 -0800 (PST)
X-Google-Smtp-Source: ALg8bN5eCfv7HZC5A4fgCm1f53ZGn1pMtuS2dZDL0RSOgjOhDUDKCJY+I2VV4QKXkp8oo13i5IJb
X-Received: by 2002:a17:902:142:: with SMTP id 60mr34525707plb.330.1546162817383;
Sun, 30 Dec 2018 01:40:17 -0800 (PST)
ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; t=1546162817; cv=none;; s=arc-20160816;
ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arc-20160816;
ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1;;
spf=pass ( domain of designates as permitted sender)
Return-Path: <>
Received: from ( [])
by with ESMTP id e34si42665029pgb.80.2018.;
Sun, 30 Dec 2018 01:40:17 -0800 (PST)
Received-SPF: pass ( domain of designates as permitted sender) client-ip=;
spf=pass ( domain of designates as permitted sender)
Received: from mf-smf-unw003c1 ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id E8A56B80A44; Sun, 30 Dec 2018 18:40:11 +0900 (JST)
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Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP; Sun, 30 Dec 2018 18:40:11 +0900 (JST)
Date: Sun, 30 Dec 2018 18:40:11 +0900 (JST)
From: "Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC)" <>
Reply-To: "Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC)" <>
Message-ID: <>
Subject: $12,000,000,000.00 USD Payment from Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-2022-JP
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Attention Customer,

This is to inform you that a Lottery Winning payment in the amount of US$12,000,000,000.00 (Twelve Billion United State Dollars) was legally approved and deposited with this Bank, Royal Bank of Canada (RBC). The lottery won by your e-mail address via online active email address selected from sponsor of Coca Cola Company award. It was registered with your email address by the Lottery Board Executive Directors Of Coca-Cola Company Canada Branch, and they instructed this Bank to credit this Winning direct to your private bank account with immediate effect.

Please take note that Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) have decided and agreed together towards the actualization of the above subject matter which will be conducted under a legitimate arrangement that will protect both parties from any breach of law. To actualize this The new arrangement. Be well informed that Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) was successful opened Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) Checking Account on behalf of your personal name and the total $12 Billions has been transferred to the non resident account.

Meanwhile, the good news about your payment now is that this paying have made a Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) Checking Account Booklet and Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) Platinum MasterCard on behalf of your personal name, which you will be use to withdraw from your non resident account with this Bank smoothly .

And we shall proceed with the delivery of your Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) Checking Account Booklet and Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) Platinum MasterCard to you, upon receipt of the Activation fee of $120.00 USD only. This means that as soon as we receive the activation fee we will activate the account for you to be able to withdraw immediately from the account ,once we make the delivery of your Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) Checking Account Booklet and Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) Platinum MasterCard with some of the legal documents backing this prize to your address between 24 hours, because we were mandated to transfer this Winning to you as one of the winner whose the name is listed in the Coca- Cola Company Canada Lottery award. Please expedite actions as the rightful winner, as the administrative overheads statement account valued added balance sheet have been issued in your favor. $12,000,000,000.00 USD Payment notification from Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC).

So you are therefore advice to use below information and send the activation fee of $120 via Western union OR Money Gram Money Transfer for urgent activation of your fund into your account:

Receiver Name:
Address;....Santa Rita,Guam 96915
Text Question: Instruction
Text Answer: Given

After sent the money kindly fill the below details for pick up"

Mtcn Number.......
Sender's name.......
Sender's address.....

Your immediate compliance will be in your very best interest.

Below are details of the Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) non resident account that opened on behalf of your personal name:

Account Number: 6021253365.
Swift Code: 239936957
Routing # 053904483

If at any time you have questions, concerns or comments, please contact us as we strive to ensure that you will always receive a prompt and courteous attention.

Yours Faithfully,

David I Mckay
The President and CEO.

Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC).
Head Office Location Address: 200 Bay Street,
Royal Bank Plaza,
Toronto, ON, CA, M5J 2J5.

Never use Money Gram,Western Union,Ria to send a fee to strangers. Never buy an i-tunes card,Amazon card(s) to send to scammers.Never use bitcoin and send the wallet/address to scammers. If you do,it is gone for ever. If you must send the money (please don't), insist on Using direct bank transfer only. Send the money to a US,UK,Canada, or South Africa bank account only. You could get your money back by following the advice below..
If you send money to this scammer or to any scammer,please
In the US...
1.first... file a police report
2. second... file a complaint at and include the case number of the police report
in the UK...
1.first... file a police report
2. second... file a complaint at and include the case number of the police report

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Posts: 36550
Joined: Mon Nov 26, 2018 9:14 am

Re: - David I Mckay

Post: # 1056Post LegalBriefs »

Attention Customer,

This is to inform you that a Lottery Winning payment in the amount of US$12,000,000,000.00 (Twelve Billion United State Dollars) was legally approved and deposited with this Bank, Royal Bank of Canada (RBC). The lottery won by your e-mail address via online active email address selected from sponsor of Coca Cola Company award. It was registered with your email address by the Lottery Board Executive Directors Of Coca-Cola Company Canada Branch, and they instructed this Bank to credit this Winning direct to your private bank account with immediate effect.

Please take note that Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) have decided and agreed together towards the actualization of the above subject matter which will be conducted under a legitimate arrangement that will protect both parties from any breach of law. To actualize this The new arrangement. Be well informed that Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) was successful opened Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) Checking Account on behalf of your personal name and the total $12 Billions has been transferred to the non resident account.

Meanwhile, the good news about your payment now is that this paying have made a Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) Checking Account Booklet and Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) Platinum MasterCard on behalf of your personal name, which you will be use to withdraw from your non resident account with this Bank smoothly .

And we shall proceed with the delivery of your Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) Checking Account Booklet and Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) Platinum MasterCard to you, upon receipt of the Activation fee of $120.00 USD only. This means that as soon as we receive the activation fee we will activate the account for you to be able to withdraw immediately from the account ,once we make the delivery of your Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) Checking Account Booklet and Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) Platinum MasterCard with some of the legal documents backing this prize to your address between 24 hours, because we were mandated to transfer this Winning to you as one of the winner whose the name is listed in the Coca- Cola Company Canada Lottery award. Please expedite actions as the rightful winner, as the administrative overheads statement account valued added balance sheet have been issued in your favor. $12,000,000,000.00 USD Payment notification from Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC).

So you are therefore advice to use below information and send the activation fee of $120 via Western union OR Money Gram Money Transfer (OR BY ITUNES CARD) for urgent activation of your fund into your account:

Name.... Barbara Crosby
City..... Albany
Postal code-.... 31705
State..... Georgia
Text Question: Instruction
Text Answer: Given

After sent the money kindly fill the below details for pick up"

Mtcn Number.......
Sender's name.......
Sender's address.....

Your immediate compliance will be in your very best interest.

Below are details of the Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) non resident account that opened on behalf of your personal name:

Account Number: 6021253365.
Swift Code: 239936957
Routing # 053904483

If at any time you have questions, concerns or comments, please contact us as we strive to ensure that you will always receive a prompt and courteous attention.

Yours Faithfully,

David I Mckay
The President and CEO.

Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC).
Head Office Location Address: 200 Bay Street,
Royal Bank Plaza,
Toronto, ON, CA, M5J 2J5.

Code: Select all

Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2019 19:25:06 +0900 (JST)
From: " Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC)" <>
Reply-To: " Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC)" <>
Subject: $12,000,000,000.00 USD Payment from Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC)
X-Originating-IP: []
Orig IP: | Orig ISP: Quintex Alliance Consulting | City: n/a | Country: Anonymous Proxy | More info: ... 249.230.89

User avatar
Posts: 36550
Joined: Mon Nov 26, 2018 9:14 am

Re: - David I Mckay

Post: # 2107Post LegalBriefs »

Attention Customer,

This is to inform you that a Lottery Winning payment in the amount of US$12,000,000,000.00 (Twelve Billion United State Dollars) was legally approved and deposited with this Bank, Royal Bank of Canada (RBC). The lottery won by your e-mail address via online active email address selected from sponsor of Coca Cola Company award. It was registered with your email address by the Lottery Board Executive Directors Of Coca-Cola Company Canada Branch, and they instructed this Bank to credit this Winning direct to your private bank account with immediate effect.

Please take note that Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) have decided and agreed together towards the actualization of the above subject matter which will be conducted under a legitimate arrangement that will protect both parties from any breach of law. To actualize this The new arrangement. Be well informed that Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) was successful opened Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) Checking Account on behalf of your personal name and the total $12 Billions has been transferred to the non resident account.

Meanwhile, the good news about your payment now is that this paying have made a Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) Checking Account Booklet and Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) Platinum MasterCard on behalf of your personal name, which you will be use to withdraw from your non resident account with this Bank smoothly .

And we shall proceed with the delivery of your Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) Checking Account Booklet and Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) Platinum MasterCard to you, upon receipt of the Activation fee of $120.00 USD only. This means that as soon as we receive the activation fee we will activate the account for you to be able to withdraw immediately from the account ,once we make the delivery of your Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) Checking Account Booklet and Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) Platinum MasterCard with some of the legal documents backing this prize to your address between 24 hours, because we were mandated to transfer this Winning to you as one of the winner whose the name is listed in the Coca- Cola Company Canada Lottery award. Please expedite actions as the rightful winner, as the administrative overheads statement account valued added balance sheet have been issued in your favor. $12,000,000,000.00 USD Payment notification from Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC).

You have to buy iTunes card of $100 and $25 scratch it attached it and send it to me immediately so that our Attorney to procure the necessary documents that will enable the remittance of your Funds into your Bank account today
Your immediate compliance will be in your very best interest.

Below are details of the Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) non resident account that opened on behalf of your personal name:

Account Number: 6021253365.
Swift Code: 239936957
Routing # 053904483

If at any time you have questions, concerns or comments, please contact us as we strive to ensure that you will always receive a prompt and courteous attention.

Yours Faithfully,
David I Mckay
The President and CEO.
Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC).
Head Office Location Address: 200 Bay Street,
Royal Bank Plaza,
Toronto, ON, CA, M5J 2J5.

Code: Select all

Date: Mon, 4 Mar 2019 11:39:17 +0000 (UTC)
From: David I Mckay CEO <>
Reply-To: David I Mckay CEO <>
Subject: $12,000,000,000.00 USD Payment from Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC)

User avatar
Posts: 36550
Joined: Mon Nov 26, 2018 9:14 am

Re: - David I Mckay

Post: # 2382Post LegalBriefs »

Attention Customer,

This is to inform you that a Lottery Winning payment in the amount of US$12,000,000,000.00 (Twelve Billion United State Dollars) was legally approved and deposited with this Bank, Royal Bank of Canada (RBC). The lottery won by your e-mail address via online active email address selected from sponsor of Coca Cola Company award. It was registered with your email address by the Lottery Board Executive Directors Of Coca-Cola Company Canada Branch, and they instructed this Bank to credit this Winning direct to your private bank account with immediate effect.

Please take note that Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) have decided and agreed together towards the actualization of the above subject matter which will be conducted under a legitimate arrangement that will protect both parties from any breach of law. To actualize this The new arrangement. Be well informed that Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) was successful opened Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) Checking Account on behalf of your personal name and the total $12 Billions has been transferred to the non resident account.

Meanwhile, the good news about your payment now is that this paying have made a Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) Checking Account Booklet and Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) Platinum MasterCard on behalf of your personal name, which you will be use to withdraw from your non resident account with this Bank smoothly .

And we shall proceed with the delivery of your Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) Checking Account Booklet and Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) Platinum MasterCard to you, upon receipt of the Activation fee of $120.00 USD only. This means that as soon as we receive the activation fee we will activate the account for you to be able to withdraw immediately from the account ,once we make the delivery of your Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) Checking Account Booklet and Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) Platinum MasterCard with some of the legal documents backing this prize to your address between 24 hours, because we were mandated to transfer this Winning to you as one of the winner whose the name is listed in the Coca- Cola Company Canada Lottery award. Please expedite actions as the rightful winner, as the administrative overheads statement account valued added balance sheet have been issued in your favor. $12,000,000,000.00 USD Payment notification from Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC).

So you are therefore advice to use below information and send the activation fee of $120 via Walmart To Walmart OR Money Gram Money Transfer or (GOOGLE PLAY GIFT CARD) for urgent activation of your fund into your account:


Receiver name: ...Bessy Hurd
Location address:..Jonesboro Arkansas 72401 USA
Text question:......To Whom
Text answer:......Bessy
Amount: $120
copy of the card

After sent the money kindly fill the below details for pick up"

Mtcn Number.......
Sender's name.......
Sender's address.....

Your immediate compliance will be in your very best interest.

Below are details of the Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) non resident account that opened on behalf of your personal name:

Account Number: 6021253365.
Swift Code: 239936957
Routing # 053904483

If at any time you have questions, concerns or comments, please contact us as we strive to ensure that you will always receive a prompt and courteous attention.

Yours Faithfully,

David I Mckay
The President and CEO.
Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC).
Head Office Location Address: 200 Bay Street,
Royal Bank Plaza,
Toronto, ON, CA, M5J 2J5

Code: Select all

Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2019 21:24:42 +0900 (JST)
From: David I Mckay CEO <>
Reply-To: David I Mckay CEO <>
Subject: $12,000,000,000.00 USD Payment from Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC)
X-Originating-IP: []
Orig IP: | Orig ISP: Mtn Nigeria Communication Limited | City: Lagos | Country: Nigeria | More info: ... .210.29.14

User avatar
Posts: 36550
Joined: Mon Nov 26, 2018 9:14 am

Re: - David I Mckay

Post: # 3070Post LegalBriefs »

Attention Customer,

This is to inform you that a Lottery Winning payment in the amount of
US$12,000,000,000.00 (Twelve Billion United State Dollars) was legally approved
and deposited with this Bank, Royal Bank of Canada (RBC). The lottery won by
your e-mail address via online active email address selected from sponsor of
Coca Cola Company award. It was registered with your email address by the
Lottery Board Executive Directors Of Coca-Cola Company Canada Branch, and they
instructed this Bank to credit this Winning direct to your private bank account
with immediate effect.

Please take note that Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) have decided and agreed
together towards the actualization of the above subject matter which will be
conducted under a legitimate arrangement that will protect both parties from
any breach of law. To actualize this The new arrangement. Be well informed that
Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) was successful opened Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC)
Checking Account on behalf of your personal name and the total $12 Billions has
been transferred to the non resident account.

Meanwhile, the good news about your payment now is that this paying have made a
Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) Checking Account Booklet and Royal Bank Of Canada
(RBC) Platinum MasterCard on behalf of your personal name, which you will be
use to withdraw from your non resident account with this Bank smoothly .

And we shall proceed with the delivery of your Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC)
Checking Account Booklet and Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) Platinum MasterCard to
you, upon receipt of the Activation fee of $120.00 USD only. This means that as
soon as we receive the activation fee we will activate the account for you to
be able to withdraw immediately from the account ,once we make the delivery of
your Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) Checking Account Booklet and Royal Bank Of
Canada (RBC) Platinum MasterCard with some of the legal documents backing this
prize to your address between 24 hours, because we were mandated to transfer
this Winning to you as one of the winner whose the name is listed in the Coca-
Cola Company Canada Lottery award. Please expedite actions as the rightful
winner, as the administrative overheads statement account valued added balance
sheet have been issued in your favor. $12,000,000,000.00 USD Payment
notification from Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC).

So you are therefore advice to use below information and send the activation
fee of $120 via Walmart Money Transfer for urgent activation of your fund into
your account:


Receiver name: ...Bessy Hurd
Location address:..Jonesboro Arkansas 72401 USA
Text question:......To Whom
Text answer:......Bessy
Amount: $120

After sent the money kindly fill the below details for pick up"

Mtcn Number.......
Sender's name.......
Sender's address.....

Your immediate compliance will be in your very best interest.

Below are details of the Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) non resident account that
opened on behalf of your personal name:

Account Number: 6021253365.
Swift Code: 239936957
Routing # 053904483

If at any time you have questions, concerns or comments, please contact us as
we strive to ensure that you will always receive a prompt and courteous

Yours Faithfully,

David I Mckay
The President and CEO.
Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC).
Head Office Location Address: 200 Bay Street,
Royal Bank Plaza,
Toronto, ON, CA, M5J 2J5

Code: Select all

Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2019 15:50:36 +0200 (CEST)
From: David I Mckay <>
Subject: $12,000,000,000.00 USD Payment notification from Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC)
Orig IP: | Orig ISP: Mtn Nigeria Communication Limited | City: Lagos | Country: Nigeria | More info: ... .210.64.69

User avatar
Posts: 36550
Joined: Mon Nov 26, 2018 9:14 am

Re: - David I Mckay

Post: # 3222Post LegalBriefs »

Attention Customer,

This is to inform you that a Lottery Winning payment in the amount of US$12,000,000,000.00 (Twelve Billion United State Dollars) was legally approved and deposited with this Bank, Royal Bank of Canada (RBC). The lottery won by your e-mail address via online active email address selected from sponsor of Coca Cola Company award. It was registered with your email address by the Lottery Board Executive Directors Of Coca-Cola Company Canada Branch, and they instructed this Bank to credit this Winning direct to your private bank account with immediate effect.

Please take note that Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) have decided and agreed together towards the actualization of the above subject matter which will be conducted under a legitimate arrangement that will protect both parties from any breach of law. To actualize this The new arrangement. Be well informed that Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) was successful opened Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) Checking Account on behalf of your personal name and the total $12 Billions has been transferred to the non resident account.

Meanwhile, the good news about your payment now is that this paying have made a Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) Checking Account Booklet and Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) Platinum MasterCard on behalf of your personal name, which you will be use to withdraw from your non resident account with this Bank smoothly .

And we shall proceed with the delivery of your Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) Checking Account Booklet and Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) Platinum MasterCard to you, upon receipt of the Activation fee of $120.00 USD only. This means that as soon as we receive the activation fee we will activate the account for you to be able to withdraw immediately from the account ,once we make the delivery of your Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) Checking Account Booklet and Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) Platinum MasterCard with some of the legal documents backing this prize to your address between 24 hours, because we were mandated to transfer this Winning to you as one of the winner whose the name is listed in the Coca- Cola Company Canada Lottery award. Please expedite actions as the rightful winner, as the administrative overheads statement account valued added balance sheet have been issued in your favor. $12,000,000,000.00 USD Payment notification from Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC).

So you are therefore advice to use below information and send the activation fee of $120 via Walmart Money Transfer for urgent activation of your fund into your account:


Receiver name: ...Bessy Hurd
Location address:..Jonesboro Arkansas 72401 USA
Text question:......To Whom
Text answer:......Bessy
Amount: $120

After sent the money kindly fill the below details for pick up"

Mtcn Number.......
Sender's name.......
Sender's address.....

Your immediate compliance will be in your very best interest.

Below are details of the Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) non resident account that opened on behalf of your personal name:

Account Number: 6021253365.
Swift Code: 239936957
Routing # 053904483

If at any time you have questions, concerns or comments, please contact us as we strive to ensure that you will always receive a prompt and courteous attention.

Yours Faithfully,

David I Mckay
The President and CEO.
Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC).
Head Office Location Address: 200 Bay Street,
Royal Bank Plaza,
Toronto, ON, CA, M5J 2J5

Code: Select all

Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2019 10:30:47 +0000 (UTC)
From: David I Mckay CEO <>
Reply-To: David I Mckay CEO <>
Subject: $12,000,000,000.00 USD Payment from Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC)

User avatar
Posts: 36550
Joined: Mon Nov 26, 2018 9:14 am

Re: - David I Mckay

Post: # 3248Post LegalBriefs »

Attention Customer,

This is to inform you that a Lottery Winning payment in the amount of
US$12,000,000,000.00 (Twelve Billion United State Dollars) was legally approved
and deposited with this Bank, Royal Bank of Canada (RBC). The lottery won by
your e-mail address via online active email address selected from sponsor of
Coca Cola Company award. It was registered with your email address by the
Lottery Board Executive Directors Of Coca-Cola Company Canada Branch, and they
instructed this Bank to credit this Winning direct to your private bank account
with immediate effect.

Please take note that Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) have decided and agreed
together towards the actualization of the above subject matter which will be
conducted under a legitimate arrangement that will protect both parties from
any breach of law. To actualize this The new arrangement. Be well informed that
Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) was successful opened Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC)
Checking Account on behalf of your personal name and the total $12 Billions has
been transferred to the non resident account.

Meanwhile, the good news about your payment now is that this paying have made a
Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) Checking Account Booklet and Royal Bank Of Canada
(RBC) Platinum MasterCard on behalf of your personal name, which you will be
use to withdraw from your non resident account with this Bank smoothly .

And we shall proceed with the delivery of your Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC)
Checking Account Booklet and Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) Platinum MasterCard to
you, upon receipt of the Activation fee of $120.00 USD only. This means that as
soon as we receive the activation fee we will activate the account for you to
be able to withdraw immediately from the account ,once we make the delivery of
your Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) Checking Account Booklet and Royal Bank Of
Canada (RBC) Platinum MasterCard with some of the legal documents backing this
prize to your address between 24 hours, because we were mandated to transfer
this Winning to you as one of the winner whose the name is listed in the Coca-
Cola Company Canada Lottery award. Please expedite actions as the rightful
winner, as the administrative overheads statement account valued added balance
sheet have been issued in your favor. $12,000,000,000.00 USD Payment
notification from Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC).

So you are therefore advice to use below information and send the activation
fee of $120 via Walmart Money Transfer for urgent activation of your fund into
your account:


Receiver name: ...Bessy Hurd
Location address:..Jonesboro Arkansas 72401 USA
Text question:......To Whom
Text answer:......Bessy
Amount: $120

After sent the money kindly fill the below details for pick up"

Mtcn Number.......
Sender's name.......
Sender's address.....

Your immediate compliance will be in your very best interest.

Below are details of the Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) non resident account that
opened on behalf of your personal name:

Account Number: 6021253365.
Swift Code: 239936957
Routing # 053904483

If at any time you have questions, concerns or comments, please contact us as
we strive to ensure that you will always receive a prompt and courteous

Yours Faithfully,

David I Mckay
The President and CEO.
Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC).
Head Office Location Address: 200 Bay Street,
Royal Bank Plaza,
Toronto, ON, CA, M5J 2J5

Code: Select all

Date: Sat, 27 Apr 2019 18:53:30 +0200 (CEST)
From: David I Mckay CEO <>
Subject: $12,000,000,000.00 USD Payment from Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC)
Orig IP: | Orig ISP: Mtn Nigeria Communication Limited | City: Lagos | Country: Nigeria | More info: ... .210.45.98

User avatar
Posts: 36550
Joined: Mon Nov 26, 2018 9:14 am

Re: - David I Mckay

Post: # 3913Post LegalBriefs »

Attention Customer,

This is to inform you that a Lottery Winning payment in the amount of
US$12,000,000,000.00 (Twelve Billion United State Dollars) was legally approved
and deposited with this Bank, Royal Bank of Canada (RBC). The lottery won by
your e-mail address via online active email address selected from sponsor of
Coca Cola Company award. It was registered with your email address by the
Lottery Board Executive Directors Of Coca-Cola Company Canada Branch, and they
instructed this Bank to credit this Winning direct to your private bank account
with immediate effect.

Please take note that Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) have decided and agreed
together towards the actualization of the above subject matter which will be
conducted under a legitimate arrangement that will protect both parties from
any breach of law. To actualize this The new arrangement. Be well informed that
Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) was successful opened Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC)
Checking Account on behalf of your personal name and the total $12 Billions has
been transferred to the non resident account.

Meanwhile, the good news about your payment now is that this paying have made a
Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) Checking Account Booklet and Royal Bank Of Canada
(RBC) Platinum MasterCard on behalf of your personal name, which you will be
use to withdraw from your non resident account with this Bank smoothly .

And we shall proceed with the delivery of your Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC)
Checking Account Booklet and Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) Platinum MasterCard to
you, upon receipt of the Activation fee of $120.00 USD only. This means that as
soon as we receive the activation fee we will activate the account for you to
be able to withdraw immediately from the account ,once we make the delivery of
your Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) Checking Account Booklet and Royal Bank Of
Canada (RBC) Platinum MasterCard with some of the legal documents backing this
prize to your address between 24 hours, because we were mandated to transfer
this Winning to you as one of the winner whose the name is listed in the Coca-
Cola Company Canada Lottery award. Please expedite actions as the rightful
winner, as the administrative overheads statement account valued added balance
sheet have been issued in your favor. $12,000,000,000.00 USD Payment
notification from Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC).

So you are therefore advice to use below information and send the activation
fee of $120 via Walmart Money Transfer for urgent activation of your fund into
your account:


Receiver name: ...Bessy Hurd
Location address:..Jonesboro Arkansas 72401 USA
Text question:......To Whom
Text answer:......Bessy
Amount: $120

After sent the money kindly fill the below details for pick up"

Mtcn Number.......
Sender's name.......
Sender's address.....

Your immediate compliance will be in your very best interest.

Below are details of the Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC) non resident account that
opened on behalf of your personal name:

Account Number: 6021253365.
Swift Code: 239936957
Routing # 053904483

If at any time you have questions, concerns or comments, please contact us as
we strive to ensure that you will always receive a prompt and courteous

Yours Faithfully,

David I Mckay
The President and CEO.
Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC).
Head Office Location Address: 200 Bay Street,
Royal Bank Plaza,
Toronto, ON, CA, M5J 2J5

Code: Select all

Date: Tue, 28 May 2019 12:18:01 +0200 (CEST)
From: Royal Bank Of Canada <>
Subject: $12,000,000,000.00 USD Payment notification from Royal Bank Of Canada (RBC)
Orig IP: | Orig ISP: Mtn Nigeria Communication Limited | City: Lagos | Country: Nigeria | More info: ... 210.45.174

Post Reply