- Steven Francis

Been contacted about a huge inheritance or compentation? It's 419 or advance fee fraud.
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Joined: Mon Nov 26, 2018 9:14 am - Steven Francis

Post: # 981Post LegalBriefs »

My Humble Greetings,

Please i need your urgent response to this message, I am Mr Steven
Francis from Cote d'ivoire West Africa, The only surviving Child to
late Chief Francis Frank of Cote d'ivoire, I lost my entire family to
a Motor Accident eleven months ago, Since then i have been living with
a Redeem Pastor with his family,

My reason for contacting you is that i have made up my mind to travel
out to any country where i can forget little about my current
memories, Am searching for a honest and God fearing person who can
welcome and take me as part of his/her family member, If you agree to
welcome me, I promise to abide on your family rules and regulations no
matter your religion,

I also want you to be my adviser towards investing the money i
inherited from my late father which was deposited in his bank account
before his death, the total sum of $1.200.000, ( One Million Two
Hundred Thousand United State Dollars ). as soon as we concludes, i
will instruct the bank to transfer the money to you and i will also
make an urgent arrangement on how to come up to your country
Immediately, I want you to be my adviser towards investing the money
to any lucrative business in your country, Am also promising to offer
you %40 out of the total sum for accepting to help me invest the

Please your urgent reply to this message will be highly Appreciated,

Yours Sincerely,
Mr, Steven Francis.

Code: Select all

From: Mr Steven Francis <>
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2019 02:18:59 -0800
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Bcc: [Reacted]

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