- Maxwell Kelechi

Been contacted about a huge inheritance or compentation? It's 419 or advance fee fraud.
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Joined: Mon Nov 26, 2018 9:14 am - Maxwell Kelechi

Post: # 976Post LegalBriefs »

Attention ,

I am Mr. Maxwell Kelechi, the new Head authorized Fund Crediting
Manager handling all foreign unpaid inheritance and contract fund your
name is among the listed beneficiary who have not receive their
inheritance payment and also among the once who have spend and lost a
lot of money while trying to claim their inheritance your payment file
have been open today after the World Bank Executive board meeting
concerning all Unpaid inheritance and we notice that your payment have
been kept pending for a very long time due to the wrong communication
and information given to you previously by the payment Administrative

The Federal Republic of Nigeria under the instruction of His
Excellency President Muhammadu Buhari, GCFR have given ORDER in this
2019 first Quarter Payment Approval 2019 to release ALL outstanding
payment through our Bank UNITED BANK OF AFRICA and your name is among
the listed approved beneficiary to receive your PAYMENT of
US$9,700,000.00 Furthermore, to be sure of whom we have
contacted, The UNITED BANK OF AFRICA Management hereby advice that you
fill and return the below listed personal details so as to enable us
cross check with the one in your payment file before we commence with
the release of your approval payment.

First Name:
Last Name:
Other Name:
Residential Address:
Marital Status:
Mobile #:
A Copy of Identification (A valid, government-issued photo ID, such as
driver's license or a passport

As soon as the above information is receive and confirm correctly, the
bank management will not hesitate to furnish you with your online
account details and transfer instructions, We Sincerely Apologize for
the delay you have encountered in trying to receive your fund, but we
assure you that those delays will never be encountered again call me
with the above telephone number as soon as you
receive this email and note that telephone conversation and constant
email are very important to this transaction and you have to stop
every communication you have with all this so call officials if you
really know you want to receive your fund i wait for your urgent


Yours Regard
Mr. Maxwell Kelechi

Code: Select all

Date: Sat, 12 Jan 2019 05:59:27 -0800
Subject: your urgent and immediate reply is needed on before 24 hours.
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Bcc: [Redacted]

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