GOOD NEWS on behalf of Mrs melania trump
I am Mr. mike William and I’m written you from the White house
Be inform that we have concluded to deliver your ATM visa card which you
abandoned from Africa because of their insecurity/ and there scam artist
ATM Visa card was brought by United Embassy from the government of Benin
Republic to the white house Washington DC we have investigated in order
make sure
the fund is legit. according to the IMF officer he stated that the ATM
master card is good and ready and it’s also been mandated to be deliver
to your address
on Monday being January 14th 2018 as soon as you get back to me with
below information.
Home address:.............................
Phone number.........................
Your visa card is containing the sum of $18 million USD.
Contact Fred miller for prompt delivery
+1(646) 585-8210
Fred Miller
I will be waiting to hear from you immediately you got my email, thanks
and God bless you.
Mr. mike William
Code: Select all
Date: Sat, 12 Jan 2019 11:22:46 +0900 (JST)
From: Mr mike william <>
Reply-To: Mr mike william <>
Subject: GOOD NEWS on behalf of Mrs melania trump
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