- Maryam Amina Mohammed

Been contacted about a huge inheritance or compentation? It's 419 or advance fee fraud.
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Joined: Mon Nov 26, 2018 9:14 am - Maryam Amina Mohammed

Post: # 79Post LegalBriefs »


Here below is the information of your Card.

Invoice No. 550
Date Purchased: Thursday 24 November, 2018
Payment Method: Credit Card
Credit Card Type: Master
Credit Card Number: 5177 3101 0424 5765 Mask this number
Credit Card CVV Number: 125 Delete CVV from database
Credit Card Expires: 09/20

I write to inform you that we have finished up the process of your ATM CARD, and every arrangements has perfectly concluded to effect your shipment as soon as possible,

Kindly view mail attachment..


Number of Item: One Sealed Parcel
Contents: Envelop package
Reference Code: BKL/090/ZZ/XX/11-041


It is our pleasure to inform you that your ATM Card has been approved and upgraded in your favor. The ATM Card Value is US$450,000.00 Only. You are advised that a maximum withdrawal value of US$5,000.00 is permitted daily. And we are duly inter-switched and you can make withdrawal in any location of the ATM Center of your choice/nearest to you. We have also concluded delivery arrangement with our accredited courier service Company to be fully insured by Nicon Insurance Corporation (NICON) to oversee the delivery of the ATM Card to your home address without any further delay..

There is a shipment service fee of $93 as its indicated to this mail. In view of this development, you are requested to immediately offset the shipment service fee of $93 via Western Union through the payment instruction as follows urgently so that your Envelop package containing your PIN NUMBER / ATM Card can be deliver to you without any more delay:

Receiver Name:..........:MOSES OGBEDU OGON
Receiver Location:......:NIGERIA
Amount to send:.........:US$93
Sender name:............:
Sender address:.........:
Sender telephone:.......:

Send the REF # or MTCN # to this office for the money to be picked up. Be informed that delivery will be made to your address within 24 hours of our confirmation of this payment. Be aware that the delivery fee receipt will be attached to your payment delivery documents to avoid being delayed by the customs. Advice this office of your preferred time of visitation to delivery so that we can inform the courier service Company. And be informed that your valid I.D card must be presented to the dispatchers before release will be done to you to avoid wrong delivery, therefore you are directed to present your ID to the Courier on receipt of you package.

Treat as very urgent, as we also remind you once again that your ATM Card is ready. You can Call, SMS or WhatsApp me on +23457083778027

Yours faithfully,
Maryam Amina Mohammed
Supervisor of Internet / Computer Banking Department
Central Bank of Nigeria

Code: Select all

From: info office <>
Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2018 11:13:09 +0100
Subject: Here below is the information
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Bcc: [Redacted]
Country Code: 234
Country Name: Nigeria
Area Name: Auchi (57)
Type: Land line
Validity: Phone numbers for Auchi, Nigeria should be 11 digits in length including the country code.The number you searched for is 14 digits long.

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