kanemnatalia9@gmail.com - Dr. Ms Natalia Kanem

Been contacted about a huge inheritance or compentation? It's 419 or advance fee fraud.
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kanemnatalia9@gmail.com - Dr. Ms Natalia Kanem

Post: # 829Post LegalBriefs »



This is to inform you that we the World bank and United Nations in collaboration with the Paris club and G20 has therefor change all payments modalities and policy due to the world wide financial restrictions which has made it impossible for you to receive your overdue inheritance fund of only $10m as accumulated till date.

It has been mandated that all outstanding payment funds will now be paid out through the bitcoin payment registration center which will enable you to get a bitcoin account privately within your range without any third party and you will be instructed to open an account with your private password with your secret code that is not transferable and your fund will then be directly lodged into the account for your accessibility and confirmation.

This new payment policy is just established to avoid extortion and demand of unapproved fees which has made it impossible for you to receive your due payment till now.

Kindly respond immediately for further directives and instructions so that your fund can be immediately be transferred or loaded for you without any request of upfront fees.

Dr.Ms Natalia Kanem
Executive Director of UNFPA,
the United Nations Population Fund.

Code: Select all

From: NATALIA KANEM <kanemnatalia9@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2019 14:46:40 -0800
Subject: Attn:[Redacted]
To: [Redacted]

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Re: kanemnatalia9@gmail.com - Dr. Ms Natalia Kanem

Post: # 1113Post LegalBriefs »



This is to inform you that we the World bank and United Nations in collaboration with the Paris club and G20 has therefor change all payments modalities and policy due to the world wide financial restrictions which has made it impossible for you to receive your overdue inheritance fund of only $10m as accumulated till date.

It has been mandated that all outstanding payment funds will now be paid out through the bitcoin payment registration center which will enable you to get a bitcoin account privately within your range without any third party and you will be instructed to open an account with your private password with your secret code that is not transferable and your fund will then be directly lodged into the account for your accessibility and confirmation.

This new payment policy is just established to avoid extortion and demand of unapproved fees which has made it impossible for you to receive your due payment till now.

Kindly respond immediately for further directives and instructions so that your fund can be immediately be transferred or loaded for you without any request of upfront fees.

Reply to: kanemnatalia9@gmail.com

Dr.Ms Natalia Kanem
Executive Director of UNFPA,
the United Nations Population Fund.

Code: Select all

From: ken mckay <kenmckay1970@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 19 Jan 2019 03:17:14 -0800
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Bcc: [Redacted]

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