fgnpresidency1@outlook.com - Ahmed Idris

Been contacted about a huge inheritance or compentation? It's 419 or advance fee fraud.
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fgnpresidency1@outlook.com - Ahmed Idris

Post: # 813Post falconsfan1 »

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Office Of The Presidency..
Federal Republic Of Nigeria
His Excellency, resident Muhammed Buhari,GCFR.
President And Commander In Chief Of The Armed Forces..
State House,Aso Rock Presidential Villa.
Private Email-fgnpresidency1@outlook.com


I wish to inform you that with the Presidential Executive Powers vested on me as the President and Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and in line with sections 367 Cap 98 of the amended Presidential Acts i have today Friday 4th Jan 2019 Approved the immediate release and payment of your overdue NNPC Contract Funds/Lottery Inheritance funds without delays through a Presidential Gazetted Memo with Presidential Reference Numbers as thus..FGN/NNPC/CBN/ACTG2019 in your name and favor after the Presidential Panels i set up have submitted there report to me last week of which your name was genuine approved as a genuine and bonafide beneficiary by the Presidential Panel as a genuine beneficiary not yet paid by the previous Government,in view of this now i have handed over your Payment File and delegated my Presidential Powers to him to my Accountant General of the Federations..AGF.Mr Ahmed Idris to release and offset your lone over due funds as directed by the World Bank to me as preconditions for loan request from them,you are hereby requested to contact my Accountant General of the Federations with the below details and let him know by referencing the above payment Numbers to him as your Payment File and Voucher is on his desk now awaiting for your payment as i have ordered him already..

Mr.Ahmed Idris..FCAU...
Accountant General Of The Federations..AGF.
Email: fgnpresidency1@outlook.com

Finally and in specific Terms tell my Accountant General how you want to claim your funds from his desk and as well forward your complete banking details and address and telephone numbers to him hence i have released the Approved funds to him for immediate disbursement to you as the Accountant General of the Federations because am too busy with State matters to attend to you in this,this Presidential Payment Instructions supersedes any other arrangement you have before now as regards to your over due payment as the final authority now remains my Accountant General of the Federations Mr.Ahmed Idris..FCAU..Warning if you fall victim to fraudsters and scammers NEVER you blame the Nigerian Government as the only constituted Authority by me for your payment is the Accountant General as above,call him on phone and email him as well for your payment as he is waiting to hear from you on my order..

Faithfully Yours...

His Excellency President Muhanmmed Buhari,,GCFR..
Executive President Federal Republic of Nigeria..
State House Presidential Villa,Aso Rock.
Never use Money Gram,Western Union,Ria to send a fee to strangers. Never buy an i-tunes card,Amazon card(s) to send to scammers.Never use bitcoin and send the wallet/address to scammers. If you do,it is gone for ever. If you must send the money (please don't), insist on Using direct bank transfer only. Send the money to a US,UK,Canada, or South Africa bank account only. You could get your money back by following the advice below..
If you send money to this scammer or to any scammer,please
In the US...
1.first... file a police report
2. second... file a complaint at www.ic3.gov and include the case number of the police report
in the UK...
1.first... file a police report
2. second... file a complaint at www.actionfraud.police.uk and include the case number of the police report

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Re: fgnpresidency1@outlook.com - Ahmed Idris

Post: # 1700Post LegalBriefs »


I wish to inform you that with the Presidential Executive Powers vested on me as the President and Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and in line with sections 367 Cap 98 of the amended Presidential Acts i have today Monday 13th Feb 2019 Approved the immediate release and payment of your overdue NNPC Contract Funds/Lottery Inheritance funds without delays through a Presidential Gazetted Memo with Presidential Reference Numbers as thus..FGN/NNPC/CBN/ACTG2019 in your name and favor after the Presidential Panels i set up have submitted there report to me last week of which your name was genuine approved as a genuine and bonafide beneficiary by the Presidential Panel as a genuine beneficiary not yet paid by the previous Government,in view of this now i have handed over your Payment File and delegated my Presidential Powers to him to my Accountant General of the Federations..AGF.Mr Ahmed Idris to release and offset your lone over due funds as directed by the World Bank to me as preconditions for loan request from them,you are hereby requested to contact my Accountant General of the Federations with the below details and let him know by referencing the above payment Numbers to him as your Payment File and Voucher is on his desk now awaiting for your payment as i have ordered him already..

Mr.Ahmed Idris..FCAU...
Accountant General Of The Federations..AGF.
Email: fgnpresidency1@outlook.com

Finally and in specific Terms tell my Accountant General how you want to claim your funds from his desk and as well forward your complete banking details and address and telephone numbers to him hence i have released the Approved funds to him for immediate disbursement to you as the Accountant General of the Federations because am too busy with State matters to attend to you in this,this Presidential Payment Instructions supersedes any other arrangement you have before now as regards to your over due payment as the final authority now remains my Accountant General of the Federations Mr.Ahmed Idris..FCAU..Warning if you fall victim to fraudsters and scammers NEVER you blame the Nigerian Government as the only constituted Authority by me for your payment is the Accountant General as above,call him on phone and email him as well for your payment as he is waiting to hear from you on my order..

Faithfully Yours...

His Excellency President Muhanmmed Buhari,,GCFR..
Executive President Federal Republic of Nigeria..
State House Presidential Villa,Aso Rock.

Code: Select all

Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2019 18:08:14 +0000 (UTC)
From: gtbn gtbn <gtbng@yahoo.com>
Reply-To: gtbn gtbn <gtbng@yahoo.com>
Subject: FGN/NNPC/CBN/ACTG2019

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