executive_unaids@mail.com - Michel Sidibe

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executive_unaids@mail.com - Michel Sidibe

Post: # 75Post LegalBriefs »

United Nations AIDS
20, Avenue Appia
CH-1211 Geneva 27
Attn: Ambassador Select.
The Joint United Nations programmed on HIV and AIDS (UNAIDS) is the main advocate for accelerated, comprehensive and coordinated global action on the HIV/AIDS pandemic.

The mission of UNAIDS is to lead, strengthen and support an expanded response to HIV and AIDS that includes preventing transmission of HIV, providing care and support to those already living with the virus, reducing the vulnerability of individuals and communities to HIV and alleviating the impact of the epidemic.
UNAIDS seeks to prevent the HIV/AIDS epidemic from becoming a severe pandemic, this we have done over the decade and still counting. In West and Central Africa were being left behind due to gaps in HIV prevention and treatment.
As a result, UNAIDS developed a West and Central Africa Catch up Plan to help speed up implementation of the fast track targets which was adopted by the UN and its organization, Heads of States and Governments at the 29th African Union Summit. Among other plans, we at UNAIDS needs more humanitarians officer(AMBASSADOR) to help in this capacity.
I, Mr. Michel Sidibe. The Executive Director of UNAIDS, wish to inform you that you have been select by the World Health Organization(WHO) via vetting in the last 29th African Union Summit in Addis Ababa, among other to take this wonderful humanitarian position as our new appointed UNAIDS Ambassador to West and Central Africa.
The current startle rise in AIDS/HIV in these region need urgent humanitarian needs, we UNAIDS are on a course to ending the AIDS epidemic as a public health threat by 2030 within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals, and we need you to be part of our team to make this global historical change.
Ambassador select, what must you do at this point in time? we do hope that you want to make history with us, there are lot more of Benefit/Allowance/Salary for been among our current UNAIDS Ambassador, but first you are been compare to download, fill and sent the form in the attach folder, to issue your letter of appointment to you within the next 12 hours after summation, Please kindly ignore any mail from anyone because Mrs Angela Trenton-Mbonde, is UNAIDS coordinator as only current representative in West and Central Africa responsible for such activities.
More you hit on us with the needed information or your response we will update you as soon as possible.
Hoping to hear from you.
Mr Michel Sidibe.
The Executive Director of UNAIDS
UNAIDS Geneva, Switzerland.

Code: Select all

Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2018 10:54:04 +0000 (UTC)
From: UNAIDS REGISTRY <executive_unaids@mail.com>
Reply-To: UNAIDS REGISTRY <executive_unaids@mail.com>
To: "executive_unaids@mail.com" <executive_unaids@mail.com>

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Re: executive_unaids@mail.com - Michel Sidibe

Post: # 3954Post LegalBriefs »

United Nations AIDS
20, Avenue Appia
CH-1211 Geneva 27

Attn: Ambassador Select.

The Joint United Nations programmed on HIV and AIDS (UNAIDS) is the main advocate for accelerated, comprehensive and coordinated global action on the HIV/AIDS pandemic.

The mission of UNAIDS is to lead, strengthen and support an expanded response to HIV and AIDS that includes preventing transmission of HIV, providing care and support to those already living with the virus, reducing the vulnerability of individuals and communities to HIV and alleviating the impact of the epidemic.

UNAIDS seeks to prevent the HIV/AIDS epidemic from becoming a severe pandemic, this we have done over the decade and still counting. In West and Central Africa were being left behind due to gaps in HIV prevention and treatment.

As a result, UNAIDS developed a West and Central Africa Catch up Plan to help speed up implementation of the fast track targets which was adopted by the UN and its organization, Heads of States and Governments at the 29th African Union Summit. Among other plans, we at UNAIDS needs more humanitarians officer(AMBASSADOR) to help in this capacity.

I, Mr. Michel Sidibe. The Executive Director of UNAIDS, wish to inform you that you have been select by the World Health Organization(WHO) via vetting in the last 29th African Union Summit in Addis Ababa, among other to take this wonderful humanitarian position as our new appointed UNAIDS Ambassador to West and Central Africa.

The current startle rise in AIDS/HIV in these region need urgent humanitarian needs, we UNAIDS are on a course to ending the AIDS epidemic as a public health threat by 2030 within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals, and we need you to be part of our team to make this global historical change.

Ambassador select, what must you do at this point in time? we do hope that you want to make history with us, there are lot more of Benefit/Allowance/Salary for been among our current UNAIDS Ambassador, but first you are been compare to download, fill and sent the form in the attach folder, to issue your letter of appointment to you within the next 12 hours after summation, Please kindly ignore any mail from anyone because Mrs Angela Trenton-Mbonde, is UNAIDS coordinator as only current representative in West and Central Africa responsible for such activities.

More you hit on us with the needed information or your response we will update you as soon as possible.

Hoping to hear from you.

Mr Michel Sidibe.
The Executive Director of UNAIDS
UNAIDS Geneva, Switzerland.

Code: Select all

Date: Thu, 30 May 2019 02:53:34 +0000 (UTC)
From: UNAIDS REGISTRY <unaids_executive@mail.com>
Reply-To: UNAIDS REGISTRY <unaids_executive@mail.com>
To: "unaids_executive@mail.com" <unaids_executive@mail.com>

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