- Stephanie Smith

Been contacted about a huge inheritance or compentation? It's 419 or advance fee fraud.
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Joined: Mon Nov 26, 2018 9:14 am - Stephanie Smith

Post: # 803Post LegalBriefs »


My Name is Stephanie Smith,from California, USA. I am a former Director and Investor with British Petroleum but presently diagnosed with Leukemia (Cancer of the Blood), which according to the medical team handling my case, I do not have a chance of surviving this ailment.

However, I have decided to set up a Charitable Foundation, to create awareness about CANCER related disease, helping the disable and less privileged in the society as a way of keeping a legacy not for myself, but for the world in general that after my demise I will be remembered for good.

Consequently, I have decided to put all of my life earnings running into Millions of Dollars for setting up this memorial foundation and would love you to chair and head it in the capacity of handling and administering the day-to-day running of this foundation after my demise.

I wait to hear from you, to give you further detail regarding this and to direct you to my lawyer who will perfect all documents to formally declare and present you as the beneficiary and administrator of this fund.

best regards

Please do email me on my private Email: {}

Stephanie Smith

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