ahmedidrismohammed2019@hotmail.com - Ahmed Idris

Been contacted about a huge inheritance or compentation? It's 419 or advance fee fraud.
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ahmedidrismohammed2019@hotmail.com - Ahmed Idris

Post: # 772Post LegalBriefs »

Date: 1-4-2019
Country: Nigeria

No: RS/1999/729/85638/2019


Welcome to Zenith Bank, Commercial bank and we wish you happy new year 2019.

With due reference to the audit and financial report on all fund beneficiaries for the First quarter payments of the New Year, be notified that your $5,853,211 as approved makes you among the first beneficiaries to be paid this first quarter.

The New Accountant General of the Federal Ministry of Finance stated that transparency purpose all intended beneficiaries approved for payment are to forward their information to his desk for clearance and verification procedures.

So, Kindly act on this new information and contact the office of the accountant general of the ministry of finance to get verified for payment and secure your payment so we can release your fund to you.

The details of the New Accountant General of the Federal Ministry of Finance is as follows:

Ahmed Idris
Accountant General of the Federation (AGF)
5th Floor, Broad, 14 Broad St,
Lagos Nigeria
Email: ahmedidrismohammed2019@hotmail.com

Your payment was kept on hold because of the non-availability of the Clean Bill on Record Clearance Certificate which must be presented to our bank before we can credit to your account. And the office of the accountant general as mentioned above issues such clean bill.

Umar Shuaib Ahmed
Zenith Bank
Commercial bank
KM 34, Lagos Abeokuta Expressway,

Code: Select all

Reply-To: ahmedidrismohammed2019@hotmail.com
From: Umar Shuaib Ahmed <ao23456789bnm@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 4 Jan 2019 08:08:47 +0100
Subject: No: RS/1999/729/85638/2019
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Bcc: [Redacted]

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