Dear Sir,
This is to notify you that the federal government has instructed the
GTB Bank to pay you the oustanding fund own to you in the past
years,we will like you to comply with our rules and regulation and get
your transfer.
We will use the easiest means of payment to pay you which is internet
system of payment. the amount approved for you is 12m Pounds. Do you
know there is a safer and more secure way to carry out your online
The GTBank TOKEN gives you optimal protection against online thefts,
hackers and fraudsters. It is the key that grants you full access to
carry out 3rd party transfers and payments online via the GTBank
internet banking platform anywhere in the world.
How to use a token? The token device is required when:
* Transferring money from your account to another GTBank account
or to other banks.
* Generating secure codes
* Conducting FX transfers
* Processing Cash/Draft In transit
* Adding more service options on our Internet Banking
platform (add service)
* Making FX Sales e.t.c
Note: When conducting any of the transactions listed above, you will
be required to input a 6-digit code in a defined field to validate and
conclude the transaction. This code can be generated by clicking the
white button on the device.
* The token always generates a random code for every
transaction thereby making it impossible for another person to carry
out online transactions from your account.
* There is no need to visit a branch. With a token you can
carry out online transactions anywhere in the world.
* You can send money to family and friends and make payments from
a computer and web-enabled mobile phone
* The token is the latest in banking security technology which
uses a 128 bit data encryption to protect your account details
We have finalized to send your token immediately please confirm us with your
receiving address.
Please get back to us if you wish to get your transfer with you.
CEO GTB Bank London UK.
Guaranty T rust Bank ( UK) L im ite d is auth orised b y th e P
rudential Re gul
atio n A uth orit y and r egulat ed by t he Fin ancial Conduct
Auth orit y a nd th e P rudentia l Regulat ion Auth orit y (
FRN:466611) Reg ist ered in E ngla nd
and Wales (Company N umber: 05969821) Regist ered Of fic e: 62
Margaret Str eet, London W1W 8 TF, GTBank, Address....60-62 Margaret
St,Fitzrovia, London W1W 8TF, UK
Mr Agbaje Segun .
CEO GTB Bank London UK
Code: Select all
From: "TOKEN London UK CEO." <>
Date: Mon, 24 Dec 2018 13:08:33 +0100
Subject: CEO GTB Bank London UK
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Bcc: [Redacted]