Been contacted about a huge inheritance or compentation? It's 419 or advance fee fraud.
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Post: # 686Post LegalBriefs »


Re: Approval Slip Confirmation / Payment Information

With respect to the foregoing business matter regarding the final
release and subsequent transfer of your approved payment valued at the
sum of $2,700,000.00 USD via ATM Card, I write to officially inform
you that your payment order by Automated Teller Machine (ATM) Card
System has been successfully processed today and the US$2,700,000.00
has been loaded into an ATM Card Hence, in compliance with the
Payment Procedure of the UNITED BANK FOR AFRICA, you are expected to
settle in full a "Processing/Shipping Fee" estimated to the value of
US$ $100 USD before final delivery of funds can be effected to your
designated address.

You are advised that a maximum withdrawal value of $5,000.00 USD is
permitted on withdrawal per day with a minimum of $1000 per
withdrawal and we are duly inter switched, meaning you can make
withdrawal in any location and ATM Center of your choice. We have
concluded delivery arrangement with DHL COURIER SERVICE, to be fully
insured by Nice Insurance Corporation. In view of this development,
you are requested to immediately offset the Courier and Insurance
charges of $100 USD through the Company given payment instruction as
follows to enable the receiving company insure and deliver the card to
your address.

Buy iTunes gift card worth of $100 to settle the charge to delays.


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From: ronand <>
Date: Mon, 24 Dec 2018 11:27:56 +0100
Subject: Re: Treat urgently
To: [Redacted]

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Posts: 36510
Joined: Mon Nov 26, 2018 9:14 am

Re: - Sam Moore

Post: # 4145Post LegalBriefs »

After several investigations and research at internet database we find
you among those that have been defrauded and this proves that you have
truly been swindled by scammers in the hope of getting one fund or the
other that is not real.We are working together with National Security
agencies to track every fraudsters down,do not respond to their
e-mails,letters and phone calls any longer as they are scams and you
should be very careful to avoid being a victim to fraudsters any
longer because they have nothing to offer you but to rip-off what you
have worked earnestly hard to earn.

The sum of Two Million Seven Hundred Thousand US Dollars (US$2.7M USD)
should be transferred to you as compensation for been defrauded.

Be warned! Stop all communication with them.

We have deposited your fund at payment agent location where the
investigation started.
Reconfirm your information to them so they can be sure of the person
they are paying.

Contact the payment agent office through this email address stated below;

Contact person: Mr,sam moore
Email:( )

Yours sincerely,

Mrs.Lucia brook
Investigation Officer

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