- John Uzo

Been contacted about a huge inheritance or compentation? It's 419 or advance fee fraud.
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Posts: 36510
Joined: Mon Nov 26, 2018 9:14 am - John Uzo

Post: # 672Post LegalBriefs »

DIRECT LINE 2348083835935


A team of Auditors set up by the Presidency, Foreign Contract Payment
commission has discovered an outstanding payment due to you by one of
the banks here and has reported it to our bank for immediate action.

Our bank has called for reasons for non-payment and was informed that
you were unable to pay the statutory charges, and that there are
counter claims on this same money.

Presently there are two different interest groups known to be lobbying
for the payment of this money into two different accounts and we do
not know which of these groups is truly representing you. You are
therefore required to confirm to u s in reply to this mail which of
the groups is your true representative, if any.

You are also advised to be wary of anybody that promises to help you
get your money. You do not need any special assistance to receive your
money, especially now that the Presidency has restated her resolve to
adhere strictly to the mode of payment stipulated in the Anti
Corruption Bill (ACB).

There will be no incredible and unofficial methods of payment in this
case. The system of settling debts in Nigeria is the same as in your
country and anywhere in the world. We oblige you to suspend any legal
action you have considered taking against the bank or individual/s or
the Government of Nigeria because of the delay. Answering the
following questions will help our bank to facilitate your payment:

1. What problem are you having in receiving your money?
2. Do you owe any Bank, company, persons, or group of persons in
Nigeria.Henceforth, get clarification ion from the undermentioned
officer before contacting any other office or person in this matter.

Note that your local representative/s may not be welcomed by our bank
to avoid further complications.

While thanking you for your endurance till now, we promise to fulfill
our part as early answer get your respond to this letter and also take
the right steps.

Yours truly,
Mr. John Uzo,
For the Governor, Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN)

Code: Select all

From: "Mr. John Uzo" <>
Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2018 07:30:36 -0800
Subject: Read and Reply
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Bcc: [Redacted]
Country Code: 234
Country Name: Nigeria
Type: Mobile
Original Provider: Airtel Nigeria
Validity: The number is the correct length for a Nigerian mobile phone number.
More information at

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Posts: 36510
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Re: - John Uzo

Post: # 1745Post LegalBriefs »

Dear Sir/ Madam,

Please if you made any payment to any one in the past or present
through Western Union/Money Gram/Bank Transfer/ for any kind of
transaction contract payment/Inheritance Fund/Lottery Fund/Jackpot/and
so on.

Please you are hereby advised to send a copy of the payment slip you
used if it’s Western Union/Money Gram or Bank Transfer, Just send the
copy of the slip transaction to proof that you were scammed before.

If you don’t keep any record of your payment then send to me the email
you have being receiving from the people that scammed you or any prove
that will enable us to verify and then approve your compensation of
$800,000.00 ( Eight Hundred Thousand United States Dollars). As it was
instructed by the United Nation(UN) in Collaboration with Africa
Union(AU) to pay the sum of USD$800,000.00 to each of the scam

Yours sincerely,
John Uzo

Code: Select all

From: "Mr. John Uzo" <>
Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2019 06:52:53 -0800
Subject: your compensation
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Bcc: [Redacted]

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Posts: 36510
Joined: Mon Nov 26, 2018 9:14 am

Re: - John Uzo

Post: # 39338Post LegalBriefs »

Dear Sir/ Madam,

Please if you made any payment to any one in the past or present
through Western Union/Money Gram/Bank Transfer/ for any kind of
transaction contract payment/Inheritance Fund/Lottery Fund/Jackpot/and
so on.

Please you are hereby advised to send a copy of the payment slip you
used if it’s Western Union/Money Gram or Bank Transfer, Just send the
copy of the slip transaction to proof that you were scammed before.

If you don’t keep any record of your payment then send to me the email
you have being receiving from the people that scammed you or any prove
that will enable us to verify and then approve your compensation of
US$800,000.00 (Eight Hundred Thousand United States Dollars). As it
was instructed by the United Nation(UN) in Collaboration with Africa
Union(AU) to pay the sum of US$800,000.00 to each of the scam victims.

Yours sincerely,
Mr. John Uzo

Code: Select all

From: "Mr. John Uzo" <>
Date: Sat, 7 Jan 2023 00:19:26 -0800
Subject: Your compensation
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

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