- Lai Mohammed

Been contacted about a huge inheritance or compentation? It's 419 or advance fee fraud.
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Joined: Wed Dec 26, 2018 1:37 am - Lai Mohammed

Post: # 605Post falconsfan1 »

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Date: Fri, 28 Dec 2018 05:44:48 +0000 (UTC)
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Subject: I am Mr Lai Mohammed, Nigeria Information Minister on foreign affairs to Federal Government of Nigeria
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Attention Beneficiary,

I am Mr Lai Mohammed, Nigeria Information Minister on foreign affairs to Federal Government of Nigeria. I was instructed from the office of the Presidency and Senate Committee on International Transfer to get you informed concerning your outstanding payment with our government which is now under payment review for 2018 payment Re-Allocation. This took effect after our formal EFCC chairman Mr Ibrahim Lamorde was fired from office by our President Mr. Mohammed Buhari and Mrs. Vera Uzo the director of Nigeria Financial Intelligence Unit (NFIU) took over financial matter in Nigeria.

However ,due to our Federal Government public announcement through media that all outstanding (Debt) owned to beneficiaries by previous government has to be paid to beneficiaries concern with immediate effect during this first quarter of the year 2018,This took effect because of fund manipulation and diversion involving our formal Economic and Financial Crime Commission chairman Mr. Ibrahim Lamorde whom connived with Mrs. Julia Graffin from Guam to divert beneficiaries fund which was discovered by Nigeria Financial Intelligence Unit Mrs. Vera Uzo during their investigation.

This ugly development has come to the notice of our President, General Muhammad Buhari (GCFR), commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces, Federal Republic of Nigeria that some corrupt and unscrupulous persons in bank and ministries are involve in illegal ACT of fund transfer with our formal EFCC chairman Mr. Ibrahim Lamorde by declaring that some beneficiaries whom has fund to claim here in Nigeria are dead.

This information has kept our formal EFCC Chairman Mr Ibrahim Lamorde and some bank directors from different bank under our Government surveillance through NFIU, therefore all protocols must be observed concerning outstanding debt own to beneficiaries whom their transaction is due, our governments want to know about your current situation concerning your outstanding Debt if you are alive to proceed with claim.

Yours Faithfully,
Mr. Lai Mohammed

Information Minister

Never use Money Gram,Western Union,Ria to send a fee to strangers. Never buy an i-tunes card,Amazon card(s) to send to scammers.Never use bitcoin and send the wallet/address to scammers. If you do,it is gone for ever. If you must send the money (please don't), insist on Using direct bank transfer only. Send the money to a US,UK,Canada, or South Africa bank account only. You could get your money back by following the advice below..
If you send money to this scammer or to any scammer,please
In the US...
1.first... file a police report
2. second... file a complaint at and include the case number of the police report
in the UK...
1.first... file a police report
2. second... file a complaint at and include the case number of the police report

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Joined: Mon Nov 26, 2018 9:14 am

Re: - Lai Mohammed

Post: # 4592Post LegalBriefs »

Attention Beneficiary,

I am Mr Lai Mohammed, Nigeria Information Minister on foreign affairs
to Federal Government of Nigeria. I was instructed from the office of
the Presidency and Senate Committee on International Transfer to get
you informed concerning your outstanding payment with our government
which is now under payment review for 2019 payment Re-Allocation. This
took effect after our formal EFCC chairman Mr Ibrahim Lamorde was
fired from office by our President Mr. Mohammed Buhari and Mrs. Vera
Uzo the director of Nigeria Financial Intelligence Unit (NFIU) took
over financial matter in Nigeria.

However ,due to our Federal Government public announcement through
media that all outstanding (Debt) owned to beneficiaries by previous
government has to be paid to beneficiaries concern with immediate
effect during this first quarter of the year 2019,This took effect
because of fund manipulation and diversion involving our formal
Economic and Financial Crime Commission chairman Mr. Ibrahim Lamorde
whom connived with Mrs. Julia Graffin from Guam to divert
beneficiaries fund which was discovered by Nigeria Financial
Intelligence Unit Mrs. Vera Uzo during their investigation.

This ugly development has come to the notice of our President, General
Muhammad Buhari (GCFR), commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces,
Federal Republic of Nigeria that some corrupt and unscrupulous persons
in bank and ministries are involve in illegal ACT of fund transfer
with our formal EFCC chairman Mr. Ibrahim Lamorde by declaring that
some beneficiaries whom has fund to claim here in Nigeria are
dead.This information has kept our formal EFCC Chairman Mr Ibrahim
Lamorde and some bank directors from different bank under our
Government surveillance through NFIU, therefore all protocols must be
observed concerning outstanding debt own to beneficiaries whom their
transaction is due, our governments want to know about your current
situation concerning your outstanding Debt if you are alive to
proceed with claim.

Yours Faithfully,
Mr. Lai Mohammed

Information Minister

Code: Select all

From: "Mr. Lai Mohammed Information Minister" <>
Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2019 20:25:38 +0100
Subject: Greetings,
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Bcc: [Redacted]

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