- Tony Edward

Been contacted about a huge inheritance or compentation? It's 419 or advance fee fraud.
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Joined: Mon Nov 26, 2018 9:14 am - Tony Edward

Post: # 589Post LegalBriefs »


Dear Beneficiary: You Have This Opportunity.

Congratulations on your fund release. The Ministry of Finance have signed the release of your $2.8million fund. After our meeting with the department of the Federal Ministry of Finance Benin, you have been awarded this opportunity to enjoy your rightful fund in this December. The federal Ministry of Finance have mandated our WESTERN UNION office to start transferring your two daily payments of $5,000 each upon the activation/clearance of your file. You shall receive two payments of $5,000 each ($9000 total) until your fund is fully received by you.

Due to the fast approaching Holiday, we have started the transfers already and your first payment of $5,000 was made out today so that once your file clearance is completed over here, you will just have to walk down to any Western Union office around you and pick up.

If you miss this chance, note that it will be difficult for you to get your fund because this is a bonus that is given to you to enable you receive your over due fund. You are hereby advised to get back to us today with the File Activation fee of $95 which is the only thing holding you from picking up your fund transfer. Note that your first payment is already on the system and it will be withdrawn if we do not hear from you by 3PM on Today (27/12/2018).

Below is the Money reference number for the first payment of $5,000 which you can pick up once you register/activate your fund transfer file.

Be informed that you will get the last digits of the reference number within 1 hour once we hear back from you with the file activation fee of $95. The above Western Union transfer is available for pick up with the complete MTCN numbers. You have to try your possible best and get the activation fee sent and start picking up your payments. Once you confirm your first payment, you will get the transfer details of your second payment immediately.

Here is the payment information through Money gram or Western Union.
Receiver's Name:........... Daniel Uko
Country:........................Benin Republic
City:............................ Cotonou
Sender's Name:..................??

Endeavor to get back to us as soon as possible with the required clearance fee and also provide a valid phone number so that you can be alerted on when to go and pick up.

Please, you have to make it urgent because this is the only delay to the transfer of your fund and you have to pick up your first payment to enable us continue transferring the following payments. Also, you have to be aware that the above fee is the only thing you have to pay for this transfer of fund. I look forward to transferring your second payment soon. You can text or call me on once you have sent out the activation fee or reply back to this email and provide the transfer details of the fee.

Mr:Tony Edward
Head Office Operations Manager..
Western Union Office Department

Code: Select all

Date: Thu, 27 Dec 2018 20:04:24 +0000 (UTC)
From: "Mr. ARTHUR BOWERS" <>
Reply-To: "Mr. ARTHUR BOWERS" <>
Subject: Dear Beneficiary: You Have This Opportunity.

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