efccoffice1211@gmail.com - Tangipahoa Parish

Been contacted about a huge inheritance or compentation? It's 419 or advance fee fraud.
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efccoffice1211@gmail.com - Tangipahoa Parish

Post: # 582Post LegalBriefs »

We received an email from one Mr. LARSINGE SMISTAD who presented his
name and telephone number with a resident address stated that you gave
him the power of attorney to claim your fund $5 billion usd which has
been re-called by (West Africa Monetary Agency) in conjunction with
Suisse Zurich, Switzerland World Bank.

Please try and get back to us immediately you received this email before
we instruct him to pay for the required charges and have the fund
transferred to him.

And he agree to paid the offshore bank account fee $300.00 today, so we
are very happy ok but we want to confirm from you before we proceeded
because you are delaying and you are joking with the transfer and I will
forward his name and the address to the ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL CRIME
COMMISSION (EFCC) Office as soon as I hear from you and we will go court
to make the changing of ownership so get back ASAP so that we can
finished this transfer today.

Your urgent response will be highly appreciated. Feel free to text me
now if you have any question and you're to understand that any delaying
from your side will lead to the confiscation of your fund to Mr.
LARSINGE SMISTAD as the government has said because the fund has been
stay long here.

Actually,the amount required for the process is$300 USD , You are
advised to send the fees today to enable the Delivery Company send the
Consignment box

you can use iTunes card for the fee so you have to go right now to the
Walmart and get me iTunes card of $100 3 because that is the only thing
delaying now OK

Thanks as I wait for your urgent respond.

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Received: from smtpout2-5.webhosting.dk ([])
Date: Thu, 27 Dec 2018 10:09:22 +0100
From: EFCC OFFICE <efccoffice1211@gmail.com>
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: Important News
Reply-To: efccoffice1211@gmail.com
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