kaseylynneh@gmail.com - Kasey Lynne Harman

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kaseylynneh@gmail.com - Kasey Lynne Harman

Post: # 544Post falconsfan1 »

from: Kasey Lynne Harman < mrsayeayekyi@gmail.com>
reply-to: kaseylynneh@gmail.com
date: Dec 4, 2018, 12:02 AM

Greetings My Friend !!!
My name is Mrs.Kasey L. Harman, i want to help the poor in your country, with 2.5 Millon Dollars ,Please do contact me via my email
address kaseylynneh@gmail.com for more information

May God bless you In Jesus name Amen!!!
Sister Kasey L. Harman

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Re: kaseylynneh@gmail.com - Kasey Lynne Harman

Post: # 2927Post LegalBriefs »

My name is Mrs.Kasey L. Harman, i want to help the poor in your country, with 2.5 Millon Dollars ,Please do contact me via my email address kaseylynneh@gmail.com for more information

May God bless you In Jesus name Amen!!!
Sister Kasey L. Harman

Code: Select all

From: Kasey Lynne Harman <kaseylynneh@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2019 08:05:03 -0700
Subject: Greetings My Friend !!!
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Bcc: [Redacted]

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Re: kaseylynneh@gmail.com - Kasey Lynne Harman

Post: # 3771Post LegalBriefs »

Greetings My Friend !!!
My name is Mrs.Kasey L. Harman, from United States, I'm a widow
suffering from Breast Cancer and Stroke, which denied me a child as a
result I may not last till the next two months according to my
doctor's report. I'm married to Mr. Thompson O. Harman, who worked
with Netherlands embassy in Malaysia, and we were married for many
years without any issue child before his death. I'm 54 years old
woman. I have some funds I inherited from my late husband the sum of
($ 2.5 million) which I needed a very honest and God fearing person
who will claim the funds from the bank in Malaysia and use the funds
for work of God Affair donation in the house of God, like propagating
the good news of God and to endeavor God worshiping place and help
less-privileged. Contact me on my email address ;
I found your profile and I decided to contact you for the donation
work of God Affair. I don't need any telephone communication in this
regards because of my health according to my doctor's report, please
if you would be able to use the funds for the work of God Affair as I
stated contact me back so I will lead you to Bank in Malaysia where
this funds was deposited by my late husband Mr. Thompson O. Harman,
who worked with Netherlands embassy in Malaysia, for you to retrieve
the funds in my name as the next of kin for work of God Affair. Always
keep me in your daily prayers. Kindly get back to me here for more
details on the charitable project . I will stop here until I hear from
you. on my email address ; kaseylynneh@gmail.com
Always pray for my health.
May God bless you In Jesus name Amen!!!
Sister Kasey L. Harman

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Reply-To: kaseylynneh@gmail.com
From: Mrs Kasey Lynne Harman <robrandall01@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 20 May 2019 10:19:13 -0700
Subject: Greetings My Friend !!!
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Bcc: [Redacted]

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Re: kaseylynneh@gmail.com - Kasey Lynne Harman

Post: # 5337Post HANNIYOUCEF »

Greetings Dear,

Thanks, for your prompt reply to my message to you. May you remain blessed and your entire families for accepting to help me accomplish my heart desire before I go for eternity though I knew very well that the world will never forget me even if I die today and that was why I am donating this funds for the helpless ones and to help the world at large .I just print out my account statement

Please the most important thing you will do for me is to assure me that you are going to make use of the funds according to my desire because my spirit will be at rest there after I have died seeing that the helpless and poor ones are benefiting from the funds I am donating through you.

Again, I would like you to keep this offer as a top secret, because there are many people in the World today but my spirit chooses only you, so exposing this to people may make them to be envy you or give you some kind of advice that may not allow you to conclude this project perfectly as I wants it.

I would like the bank to make the transferring of the funds to your bank account before I will be going for a blood remission in Canada by next week according to my doctor’s advice. So do forward the below information’s to me to enable me draft and send to you a letter you will be sending to the bank where the funds is deposited with other important documents to back up the claim.

I have attached here some of my pictures for your view and will like you to send to me urgently in receipt of this message the information as I write below

1. Your Full Name:

2. Your complete address:

3. Your age

4. Your occupation and position

5. A scan copy of your international passport/ ID CARD

6. Your direct telephone number

I need this information’s to draft a written letter that you will submit to the bank where I deposited the fund.

You can Contact my doctor at felixgate885@gmail.com at any time immediately you sent those information’s so that I will check my mail. Please it is not all the time that I do have the power to write. And it is important for you to keep this transaction as utmost secrete until the funds enter into your account to avoid bad people working against it as many things use to happened in the world today.

Do always pray for me.

I wait for your urgently reply.

Thanks and remain Blessed

Mrs. Kasey Lynne Harman.

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