I am Giffney Gerard, my purpose of contacting you is for your consent and/or help to secure and evacuate a certain funds; I will present you to the bank as my business associates. I assure you that this project is feasible and I have worked out a perfect plan to make it successful. I will discuss further details when I am sure of your willingness to do this deal with me. If you're interested, do contact me via (giffney-gerard@outlook.com) for more details.
Thank you.
Giffney Gerard.
Code: Select all
Reply-To: gifneygerardd@gmail.com
From: GIFFNEY GERARD <williambarry1944@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 22 Dec 2018 18:50:38 +0100
Subject: Please Handle This Project.
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Bcc: [Redacted]