Hello Dear,
On my honor, I wish to introduce myself as Mr Johnson Edmar Financial consultant represents the interests of top civil servants, military chiefs, politician and wealthy business people from West African Sub-Saharan, Southern and East Africa.
Recently one of my clients, a retired member of the Angola's state oil firm (SONANGOL) mandated me to move and re-invest his liquid assets to a country with high economic possibility for investment and profit purpose as well as safe keeping to be managed by a reliable/trustworthy business person/company.
The amount involved in this project is USD 50 million. If you are willing to receive this funds for re-investment under a non-disclosure joint venture agreement for a renewable period of 7-10 years with an estimated (ROI) return on investments of between 20-25% each financial year.
Please do reply with a brief but clear and unambiguous proposal of your intended business ideas/projects/areas of specialization you wish to secure investment for, after review of your intended project for investments, if acceptable, I shall inform you in details about the financier and then prepare a memorandum of understanding cum funds management agreement and send you draft copies for your review.
It will be necessary for us to meet in persons to discuss the details of funds transfer process with the bank manager in the bank. Our physical meeting will also help us clear all doubts and fears of possible scams.The venue of our meeting should either be in Angola or Ghana.I am presently in Ghana to meet with the bank presently holding part of the funds.
Once again, I assure you that this offer is a legitimate offer and all due process of international business,; banking and legal ethics would be adhere and followed during the course of this business.
Once I get your reply, I will outline the stages and process of this business.
Yours sincerely,
Mr Johnson Edmar
Financial consultant
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Reply-To: <johnsonedmar5@gmail.com>
From: Mr Johnson Edmar <sakura_ogawa@shirt.ocn.ne.jp>
Subject: Hello Dear,
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2018 21:25:12 -0800
To: undisclosed-recipients:;