ed4220180@gmail.com - Edward Donkor

Been contacted about a huge inheritance or compentation? It's 419 or advance fee fraud.
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ed4220180@gmail.com - Edward Donkor

Post: # 381Post LegalBriefs »

To Whom It May Concern

My Name is Edward Donkor. I am a seasoned banker with the second largest bank in Ghana. I brought an interesting offer to your doorstep for consideration. I have traced and discovered an abandoned fund in my Portfolio. I am looking for someone that will collaborate and partner with me to claim the fund with a sharing ratio of 50/50 before my bank will convert the fund to Bank Treasury. If you are interested get back to me.


Edward Donkor.

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Received: from User (78-3-182-203.adsl.net.t-com.hr [])
Reply-To: <ed4220180@gmail.com>
From: "Edward Donkor." <Edward567@charter.net>
Subject: Please Respond Very Urgently,
Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2018 22:50:08 +0100
Orig IP: | Orig ISP: Hrvatski Telekom D.d. | City: Zagreb | Country: Croatia | More info: https://www.iptrackeronline.com?ip_address=

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