unitedbank3232@gmail.com - Christopher Dossou

Been contacted about a huge inheritance or compentation? It's 419 or advance fee fraud.
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unitedbank3232@gmail.com - Christopher Dossou

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United Nations Compensation Commission (UNCC)
UN Information Service

Attention please,

We want to inform you that during United Nations 73nd General Assembly (UNGA 73) meeting September 2018 at headquarters, New Your City, NY United States, A total of $10,000,000.00 MILLION was reported by UN Financial Crime Commision, it was stated that relevant funds were recovered enbezzled funds by various governments and administrative entities around the world. The funds were made available by United Nations Compensation Commission (UNCC) for compensations of 400 lucky scam victims around the world with a particular number of victims from each country depending on scale of our survelance report.

We are happy to inform you that you have been nominated among the lucky beneficiries from your country, according to our analysis you are to receive the sum of $10,000,000.00 MILLION from total amount alongside other 399 lucky victims.

Various Banks around the world were assigned to carry out relevant disbursements, victims in your category will receive their funds at UNITED BANK FOR AFRICA. Kindly get in touch with UNITED BANK FOR AFRICA representative below for further information about your disbursement, follow their directives accordingly to receive $10,000,000.00 promptly.

UNITED BANK, 390 Head east on Rue 2381 toward Rue 2963 Cotonou Benin
Contact Personnel: Christopher Dossou
Email: unitedbank3232@gmail.com

For Bank verification and quick recognition you are required to send the following Reference Code (XCT4YG67R7JKMWJW) and a scan copy of valid I.D to UBA Bank representative contact email address above.

Thank you for your kind attention.

United Nations Information Service

Code: Select all

Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2018 16:00:58 +0900
From: United Nation <namu-tan-j@orchid.plala.or.jp>
Reply-To: unitedbank3232@gmail.com
Subject: ATTN

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