- Dr. Alan

Been contacted about a huge inheritance or compentation? It's 419 or advance fee fraud.
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Joined: Mon Nov 26, 2018 9:14 am - Dr. Alan

Post: # 322Post LegalBriefs »

Dear Respectfully,

I write to seek for your indulgence on a US$9.7Million deal, I am an Insurance agent by profession, this funds was supposed be paid to my late client as Life Insurance policy, he died interstate without any next of kin or known relatives in case of eventuality and now the paying institution has mandated me as the agent that I present the next of kin to this funds. If I fail to present a Next of Kin the government will confiscate the fund.

Due to the fact you have a similar last name with him and With the papers in my possession, I will make you the sole beneficiary of the fund by submitting your credentials to the bank as the next of kin after which you and I will share it equally among ourselves than leaving this opportunity for other insurance agents to benefit or allowing it paid into the government coffers as unclaimed policy.

Best Regards
Dr. Alan.

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From: SCB Execs <>
Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2018 06:20:41 +0200
Subject: Can I get your attention
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