Page 1 of 1 - Shaza Robert Iskander

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2024 12:42 pm
by Hans Neesantoes
Fuel Oil Scam from LinkedIn:
Shaza Robert Iskander
International Trader/Real Estate Expert/ Transformational Coach

Available now for Sale in Fujairah Port, Rotterdam and Houston

Product:1 Jet Fuel JETA1
Product 2: Diesel Fuel EN590 (10ppm) USLD

Procedure and terms as below described

1. The Buyer issues ICPO, CIS & TSA or CPA, Company Registration.
2. Seller issues a CI.
3. Buyer issues BCL / POF & ATV.
4. Upon verification, Seller issues below listed documents.

A- SGS to Buyer for verification not older than 48 hours.
B- Tank Injection Report.
C- Tank Storage Receipt.
D- Certificate of Origin.
E- UATV (Unconditional Authorization to Verify)

5. Buyer conducts dip test at their own expense in Seller's tank.
6. Upon successful dip test, Buyer immediately makes 100% payment within 24 to 48 Hours Via MT 103 wire transfer for liftable quantity to Seller.
7. Buyer Submits the TSR from his Tank Farm or NOR from his Shipping Company and seller injects the product into buyer 'stank or vessel.
8. The Seller transfers the product title with the complete POP documents to the buyer and sellers pays the commissions to all intermediaries involved in the transaction.

Contact ONLY if you are a ready buyer!
