- Bravo Marti Ibanez Benito

Been contacted about a huge inheritance or compentation? It's 419 or advance fee fraud.
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Joined: Mon Nov 26, 2018 9:14 am - Bravo Marti Ibanez Benito

Post: # 319Post LegalBriefs »


I am Bravo Marti Ibanez Benito the Principle Attorney of a renowned law and auditing firm here in Spain. I was contracted to audit the accounting section of some firms in Spain. This audit in line with government policies and account reconciliation became necessary following the current European Economic crisis which Spain happens to be one of the most pretentious countries with the Euro Zone.

During my audits, I discovered several dormant accounts due to inactivity. some of the said account has been dormant for over a decade as the initial owner of funds had p a s s e d away. Against this backdrop, I decided to contact you in order to confirm whether or not you know or are related to the deceased family? This is because from our preliminary findings, your and one of the deceased happen to bear same surname and common heritage.

Lastly, owing to the sensitivity of this situation, I urge you to keep this proposal in utmost confidentiality pending our discussion. I expect your response to enable me send you more informations.

Thanks for your time and expecting your response.


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