- Steve Carlos Benson

Been contacted about a huge inheritance or compentation? It's 419 or advance fee fraud.
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Joined: Mon Nov 26, 2018 9:14 am - Steve Carlos Benson

Post: # 43490Post LegalBriefs »


My name is Mr. Steve Carlos Benson, I am financial broker of Isabel Dos Santos, the eldest Daughter of Former Angolan president JOSE EDUARDO DOS SANTOS born April 20 1973, she’s a successful business woman but presently persecuted by General Joao Lourenco, and he is bent on collecting all she
has worked with the excuse that it all belongs to the Angolan State hence she got four major contracts from the State while her father was the president of Angola.

He has cancelled those contracts and she is investigating her transactions within and outside of Angola, I am contacting you for an assistance to move the sum of (20.5million USD) which She deposited in undisclosed bank in America for security reasons, due to the nature and status of the woman concern you are advice to maintain almost secrecy until the transaction is concluded. Though she has other funds in some other banks in other countries but she urgently need you to step in to take over this and invest it in your country. But you have to be ready to travel in person to meet with the bank if the need be and I will introduce you to her attorney (financial expert) whom both of you shall hand in hand to achieve a smooth conclusion of the transaction. He will direct and assist you to obtain all the legal document from the government of the country where the fund is deposited to enable the bank in question to carry out the transfer into your nominated account which you shall provide without violating international monitory act as recommended by the world bank and IMF. However, I want to assure you that as soon as I receive your response I will update on the next step of action .She is ready to offer you 25% of the fund directly while we shall draft an agreement that will empower you to manage the fund for between five to ten years with different incentives, while she remain underground investor and have it in mind whatever expenses you may incurred during this transaction shall be added to your percentage I anticipate your urgent response.

As well guarantee me that you can handle this project and You can read more about her.
Through her links if you care:

Upon the receipt of this mail kindly get back to me on your interest on this Email:

Mr. Steve Carlos Benson

Financial Adviser

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From: "Mr. Steven Benson" <>
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2023 16:35:17 +0100
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