Page 1 of 1 - Fayed Hacker

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2023 10:22 am
by Hans Neesantoes
Again we are back to the same issue, "Cryptocurrency investment scams" are pyramid selling schemes, they are built on a foundation of fraud. Everything involving them offers criminals an opportunity to rip off retail investors. They have zero intrinsic value and any "profit" you may make is from someone else paying a higher price for a worthless piece of code after heavily investing with them and couldn't withdraw all you had invested. They just wanted to keep stealing from me through any means, so they asked me to pay 15% of all I had invested for a silly piece of code to access my investment chain for a successful withdrawal. It's high time the United States cyber security system tackles all these parasites on the internet. If not for the help of great individuals such as FAYED HACKER Recovery, where would I have been, giving these scammers $697,000.00 wasn't enough, they still wanted 15% more of the total amount. I got help recouping all I had lost when security personnel referred me to FAYED HACKER Recovery. Check them out if you have fallen into the hands of these crypto scammers bros parading the Internet. You can get help to recover your lost asset for certain if you contact (fayedhack AT solution4u DOT com)