cenbank_org@yahoo.com - Godwin Emefiele

Been contacted about a huge inheritance or compentation? It's 419 or advance fee fraud.
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cenbank_org@yahoo.com - Godwin Emefiele

Post: # 304Post LegalBriefs »

Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN)
Zaria Street, Garki II, Abuja-Nigeria
P.M.B 0187, Garki, Abuja.

Attention: Beneficiary,

This is in pursuit of your supposed overdue/outstanding payment; I have the
opportunity to explain to you the controversy surrounding your
payment, following
the change in your bank account.

Really, this fund is still existing in our government, annual report payment
schedule on foreign debts as unclaimed and in your favour as the sole
but it is unfortunate that your Nigerian representative were acting in
collaboration with some government official here in Nigeria to divert
this money
and have made derogatory remarks on your payment file, thereby unlawfully
demanding excessive taxes and levies just to frustrate you, and i am sure that
this is the reason why this fund has not been transferred to your account.

It should be noted that, the reason why i am contacting you is to seek
clarity if you have mandated one Mr. Edmond Peters from Britain to
collect your fund into his Zurich account on your behalf.

The Central Bank of Nigeria has taken over the responsibility of
paying back part of all foreign debts owed to you and other
individuals and organizations who have been found not to have receive
their payment. in line with these all foreign debt above the tune of
$5Million United States Dollars will be paid in two installment.

The first installment of $2.5Million is to be paid within this
financial quarter of the year while the balance will be paid in a
later installment. Most importantly be aware that $2,500,000.00(Two
Million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars) has been approved
as part payment to be released to you in this batch and the balance
will be paid in (6)Six Months time.

You are therefore advised to re-confirm your information's as stated
below to enable us up-date your payment file for immediate release of
your fund and to facilitate the swift telegraphic wire transfer of
your overdue/outstanding fund to your bank account.

1. Full Name:...
2. Country:...
3. Contact Address:...
4. Telephone Number:...
5. Occupation:...
6. Age:...
7. BANK DETAILS: Bank Name, Bank Address, Account Name, Account
Number, Routing Number, and Swift Code.

This information’s should reach this office not later than 48hours
from the date
of the receipt of this mail. As soon as we receive these needed
details, we shall
proceed with necessary transfer modalities.

Your urgent attention and co-operation will be very much required to
enable us expedite action on the quick release of your fund.

We await your urgent response.

Best regard,
Mr. Godwin Emefiele
Executive Governor
Central Bank of Nigeria
Tel: +2348176191566.

Code: Select all

Reply-To: cenbank_org@yahoo.com
From: Central Bank <cenbankng58@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2018 23:14:16 +0100
Subject: Re: Confirmation of you fund transfer
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Bcc: [Redacted]
Country Code: 234
Country Name: Nigeria
Type: Mobile
Original Provider: Etisalat Nigeria
Validity: The number is the correct length for a Nigerian mobile phone number.

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Posts: 36510
Joined: Mon Nov 26, 2018 9:14 am

Re: cenbank_org@yahoo.com - Godwin Emefiele

Post: # 588Post LegalBriefs »

Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN)
Zaria Street, Garki II, Abuja-Nigeria
P.M.B 0187, Garki, Abuja
Website: www.cenbank.org

Attention: Beneficiary,

This is in pursuit of your supposed overdue/outstanding payment; I have the
opportunity to explain to you the controversy surrounding your
payment, following
the change in your bank account.

Really, this fund is still existing in our government, annual report payment
schedule on foreign debts as unclaimed and in your favour as the sole
but it is unfortunate that your Nigerian representative were acting in
collaboration with some government official here in Nigeria to divert
this money
and have made derogatory remarks on your payment file, thereby unlawfully
demanding excessive taxes and levies just to frustrate you, and i am sure that
this is the reason why this fund has not been transferred to your account.

It should be noted that, the reason why i am contacting you is to seek
clarity if you

have mandated one Mr. Edmond Peters from Britain to collect your fund
into his Zurich

account on your behalf.

The Central Bank of Nigeria has taken over the responsibility of
paying back part of

all foreign debts owed to you and other individuals and organizations
who have been

found not to have receive their payment. in line with these all
foreign debt above the

tune of $5Million United States Dollars will be paid in two installment.

The first installment of $2.5Million is to be paid within this
financial quarter of

the year while the balance will be paid in a later installment. Most
importantly be

aware that $2,500,000.00(Two Million Five Hundred Thousand United
States Dollars) has

been approved as part payment to be released to you in this batch and
the balance will

be paid in (6)Six Months time.

You are therefore advised to re-confirm your information's as stated
below to enable

us up-date your payment file for immediate release of your fund and to
facilitate the

swift telegraphic wire transfer of your overdue/outstanding fund to
your bank account.

1. Full Name:...
2. Country:...
3. Contact Address:...
4. Telephone Number:...
5. Occupation:...
6. Age:...
7. BANK DETAILS: Bank Name, Bank Address, Account Name, Account Number, Routing

Number, and Swift Code.

This information’s should reach this office not later than 48hours
from the date
of the receipt of this mail. As soon as we receive these needed
details, we shall
proceed with necessary transfer modalities.

Your urgent attention and co-operation will be very much required to enable us

expedite action on the quick release of your fund.

We await your urgent response.

Best regard,
Mr. Godwin Emefiele
Executive Governor
Central Bank of Nigeria
Tel: +2348176191566.

Code: Select all

Reply-To: cenbank_org@yahoo.com
From: Central Bank <cenbankng58@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 27 Dec 2018 23:53:16 +0100
Subject: Confirmation of you fund transfer
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Bcc: [redacted]
Country Code: 234
Country Name: Nigeria
Type: Mobile
Original Provider: Etisalat Nigeria
Validity: The number is the correct length for a Nigerian mobile phone number.
More information at ScamNumbers.info

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