- Dr. Desmond Great

Been contacted about a huge inheritance or compentation? It's 419 or advance fee fraud.
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Joined: Mon Nov 26, 2018 9:14 am - Dr. Desmond Great

Post: # 273Post LegalBriefs »

Attention Beneficiary.

Read this message carefully and understood please.

This is to inform you that after the meeting held in my office yesterday which consist between the United States Embassy and the United Nations, African ECO-WAS, we have concluded that you will be compensated with all the money you have loosed in the hands of Africans. We have deposited the cheque of your fund ($1.500`000`00USD) through Western Union department after our finally meeting regarding your fund, All you will do is to contact Western Union Director Dr. Desmond Great via E-mail: { } Tel:+2348106420045, He will give you direction on how you will be receiving the funds daily. Remember to send him your Full information to avoid wrong transfer such as,

1. Your Full name....................
2. Your home Address.................
3. Your telephone number.............
4. A copy of your ID.................
5. Your age/sex......................
6. Your occupation...................
7. Your country......................

Though, Mr. James Ronald has sent $4000 in your name today so contact him now or you call him Tel:+2348106420045 as soon as you receive this email and tell him to give you the Mtcn, sender name and question/answer to pick the $4000 being your first payment. Please Note: Activation fee hasn't been paid, together with International Remittance Charge all will cost you only 75$. You have all guaranteed that you will start receiving your payments with the moment we received the $75.00 today.

Yours Sincerely

Mr. Henry Jerry

Code: Select all

Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2018 10:43:25 +0000 (UTC)
From: "Mr. Henry Jerry" <>
Reply-To: "Mr. Henry Jerry" <>
Subject: Read this message carefully and understood please.
Country Code: 234
Country Name: Nigeria
Type: Mobile
Original Provider: MTN Nigeria
Validity: The number is the correct length for a Nigerian mobile phone number.
More information at

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