cs054232@gmail.com - Joyce Anderson

Been contacted about a huge inheritance or compentation? It's 419 or advance fee fraud.
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cs054232@gmail.com - Joyce Anderson

Post: # 249Post LegalBriefs »



This is to notify all our clients about the latest development
concerning all the PAYMENT that are left in our custody. which yours
are inclusive Besides, you was given a High bill to pay for your
transfer paper permit of your fund. in order to receive your PAYMENT
of which we didn™t hear from you for some times now.Hence,AFRICAN
UNION (AU) Head Office has held meeting today been 8TH DECEMBER 2018
with ( WESTERN UNION ) the issue on the meeting is that they now
offering a Special Christmas Bonus to help all our customers that are
abandoned their PAYMENT in our custody due to because of high price.
in order words we are now requesting that those involve should pay
only the sum of $79.00. to receive all their PAYMENT abandoned in our
custody. You shall be Receiving $8,000 in every day, $4000 from
western union while $4000 from money gram after 3hours you pick up the
first transfer making total $8,000 you shall pick in each day,
Besides, my dear, this is the opportunity for you and have to comply
and your total funds of $150,000 shall be transfer to your
destination address before we go on Christmas holidays.

Note; That after the (DECEMBER 10) We will enter end of year project
for the year and
that is the reason we decided to help all our customers before we
enter the end of year project So be advise to send $79.00.
immediately if you still willing to claim your payment so that we
will register your payment once we receive the transfer paper permit
activation because you will start receiving your payment as from
tomorrow morning by 11 am our time here. $4000 from western union
another $4000 from Money Gram making total $8,000 you shall pick at

After the payment of $79.00. we will give the full information to pick
up your first payment of $8000 through Any Branch Western Union In
your Country,

Send the $79 through Western Union or money Gram with the information below:

1.RECEIVER NAME:..............Beacy Amarachi Ugwunyi
3.COUNTRY:.......... Rederal Republic of Nigeria
4.CITY :................Lagos
5.TEST QUESTION:..............HAPPY?

Forward the payment mtcn number or Reference Number, and sender name
and address after sending the Money to enable us pick up the money in
this Department office here and note that we do this to help all our
customers so don't delay because
any delay will make us to cancel your payment or divert payment to
Government to avoid problem because we don't have such time to delay

I am looking forward to receive of $79.00. immediately to enable us to
give your the full information which you will use pick up your payment
in any western union but fall to do so you will loose your payment
because your have only this week after that no more.

This offer valid for 15 Days ***24 Hours*** from today 8th December to
23th December 2018 therefore treat as urgent as possible to wire the
fee today so that

you will start receiving your fund

I wish you good luck and Merry Christmas in advance.

Yours in service
Mrs Joyce Anderson

Code: Select all

Reply-To: cs054232@gmail.com
From: Western Union Bonus <ije9116@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 8 Dec 2018 15:33:32 +0100
Subject: Your Christmas offer is here
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Bcc: [Redacted]

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Re: cs054232@gmail.com - Wilfred Nanavia

Post: # 1042Post LegalBriefs »

Dear Valued Customer,

Compliment of the Season from the Western Union Unit, You are welcome
to the Western Union Promo Office, Abuja, Nigeria. At the End of every
year, we conduct Yearly Patronage Promo on Commerce, Industry and
Employment in Alliance with the INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND for our
valued customers. Your slip was found and your name and email address
were amongst others in a ballot system where you finally emerged one
of the winners in the Forth category belonging to winners of the sum
of $25,000.00 USD. You are to receive $2,150 daily till your Payment
is completed. We hereby write to inform you that we have already sent
to you $3,150 by Western Union this afternoon with bellow information

Sender information:
Sender First Name: Wilfred
Second Name: Nanavia
MTCN: 610-481-17**
Amount = $2,150 USD
Text Question = Color
Text Answer = Blue

Now you should contact us back for your last 2 digit numbers and the
second payment of $2,150 will send you tomorrow morning

Call us here at +234 08135194143 for your last 2 digit numbers

Mr Wilfred Nanavia
Promo Fiduciary/ Coordinator,
Portnovo Abuja, Nigeria

Code: Select all

From: Western Union Notification <cs054232@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2019 18:50:04 +0100
Subject: Call for your MTCN: 610-481-17**
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Bcc: [Redacted]
Country Code: 234
Country Name: Nigeria
Type: Mobile
Original Provider: MTN Nigeria
Validity: The number is the correct length for a Nigerian mobile phone number.
More information at ScamNumbers.info

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Re: cs054232@gmail.com - Steven Terner Mnuchin

Post: # 1599Post LegalBriefs »

United States Secretary of the Treasury
We the peoples..A stronger UN For a better world.
From the Office of the Treasury/ Mr.Steven Terner Mnuchin
The Secretary | U.S. Department of the Treasury
Official Email:steve.m@ustreasury.org

For your best of Interest..
This is to let you know that we received a payment credit instruction
from the Federal Reserve Bank New York and Federal Government of
Nigeria to pay you with your full Compensation refund total sum of
us$625,000 from the Federal Reserve account with my office
I have been having series of meetings for the past 1 month now which
ended 2days ago with the HSBC Bank of United
Kingdom (UK) and the World Bank Officials. This email is to all the
people that have been scammed in any part of the world, the United
Nations,HSBC Bank of United Kingdom (UK) with the World Bank officials
have agreed to compensate them with the sum
of Six Hundred and twenty five thousand US Dollars each victim.

This includes every foreign contractor that may have not received
his or her contract sum and people that have had an unfinished
transaction, people who have inheritance to claim or international
businesses that failed due to instability of Government in some part
of World.

It is my pleasure to inform you that Your Check with check number:
1175512738 have been approved in your favor, The Check Value is
$625,000, However what i required from you is your mailing address information
where you want your Check to Mail

1.Your full Name:......................
2.Delivery Address:.....................
3.Your direct Tel, Cell:................
4.A copy of your ID or ID numbers for Identification:...............
5.Nearest Airport:.................
6.Your current occupation:................

Now your new Payment, US Government Approval No; UN5685P, White
House Approved No:WH44CV, Reference No.-35460021, Allocation No:
674632 Password No: 339331,Check No: 1175512738 and your Certificate of
Merit Payment No: 103, Released Code No: 0763; Immediate Federal
Reserve Bank Telex Confirmation No: -1114433;Secret Code No: XXTN013,

Having received these vital payment number, therefore you are
qualified now to received and confirm your Check with our Delivery
Department via FedEx or USPS within the next 48hrs

Your immediate response is highly needed to enable the shipping Agent
department complete your delivery to your address asap.

Thanks for your understanding while we looking forward to serving
you better.

Kindly email me back ASAP and also drop voice message or text me here
at 904 531 0263

Thanks and God bless you.

Best Regards,
Mr.Steven Terner Mnuchin
The Secretary | U.S. Department of the Treasury

Code: Select all

From: Steven T Mnuchin <cs054232@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 9 Feb 2019 01:26:51 +0100
Subject: For your payment, drop voice message or text me here at 904 531 0263
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Bcc: [Redacted]

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