woodforest.nationalbank@onet.eu - Cathleen (Cathy) Nash

Been contacted about a huge inheritance or compentation? It's 419 or advance fee fraud.
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woodforest.nationalbank@onet.eu - Cathleen (Cathy) Nash

Post: # 223Post LegalBriefs »


Dear Customer.

My name is Cathleen (Cathy) Nash, Board of Directors of Woodforest National Bank President and Chief Executive Officer.

The WoodForest National Bank Ohio controlling department controlling of the security transfer CODE which is (WF/200/105/09), the Authentication section code of this bank concludes the verification of your file. After going through all the documents of claim received by this department with justification and verification from the global strategy United States we are completely satisfied and you have been confirmed.

The WoodForest National Bank concerning wire transfers of your funds. Your letter has been referred to the (JMCB) Legal Division for Funds (US$17.5 Million Dollars) Transferred code. (WF/200/105/09). We are satisfied using Electronic Wire Transfer or Swift Wire Transfer and the rights and liabilities of using of electronic and Swift fund transfer systems are defined by the Electronic Fund Transfer Act.. The regulation, however, which implements this statute, 12 C.F.R. Part 205, Regulation E. specifically states that its provisions are inapplicable to a situation such we must ensure your Funds Transferred to your destination Bank Account between 10 hours.

Considering the volume of your payment, it is right for us to seek for the approval of some money regulatory Boards here in United States before we can carry out the Transfer of an amount of such magnitude to anybody, otherwise any such transfer will be stopped by the Authorities of WoodForest National Bank, and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), since your Transfer is Electronic Transfer or Swift Wire transfer is almost activated with our bank and the only thing holding the final activation of your Account are some certain Approval Documents from the concerned Authorities here in United States, and for that reason, you are required to pay the Sum of $159 as this money will be used by our Bank Attorney to Obtain all the necessary documents that will enable the final activation of your Funds.

WoodForest National Bank hereby state officially that the required payment will remain the only and final monetary obligation required from You prior to the final transfer of your funds, hence any further charges will be our bank's full responsibility till final transfer of your payment is made to your bank account.

We awaits your urgent response to obtain the remaining documents through our bank Attorney, kindly send the funds directly to our attorney in Puente, CA with information below through Money Gram Money Transfer or Walmart2Walmart only outline below:

You are advised to copy the details below and locate Money Gram Money Transfer or Walmart2Walmart only to send the fee and expect the transfer of your fund into your account within 3hours. Once again send the money through Money Gram Money Transfer or Walmart2Walmart only as listed below.

Receiver's Name: David Carlo Blair
Location Address: 14326 Shaver St.La Puente, CA. 91744 United States
Amount: $159.00

After sent the money kindly fill the below details for pick up"

Reference# Number.......
Sender's name.......
Sender's address......

If you could not send by Money Gram or Walmart, then purchase one $100 iTunes card and one $50 scratch it and scan the copies to me, you can purchase the iTunes card at any Mall or Supermarket around you.

In respect you are inquiring to pay Wire Transfer Electronic Transfer charges ($159) or Swift transfer ($159) [BANK B], under section 47--4A302 of US law WoodForest National Bank, a depository institution which wire transfers funds may not deduct any fees for handling the wire transfer from the amount of money which is to be transferred to your provided Bank Account

The fastest Wire Transfer is Electronic Transfer which only takes just 3 hours to reflect in Account, and Swift Wire transfer takes 5 hours to remit.

You are require to get back to me if you are pleased with the Banking rules for more information on how to make any of your choice Wire Transfer charges send for the your Funds ($17.5 Million) Wire Transfer processing to commence as soon as possible.

This law is stated according to section 35 and 36 of the banking sector interaction realm of our constitution and the outside world. Based on article of association and memorandum of association, the Chase controlling agency of United States and your happiness suits our stand and we will make sure that your fund is fully endorsed to your bank account as soon as you have comprehended with our instructions.


(Designated bank account details for Electronic Transfer to avoid mistake or should in case you created a new account)

Bank Name and Address
Account Number:
Account Name:
Routing Number:

The UN has warned Woodforest National Bank to cancel your US$17.5 Million Dollars transfer since you cannot be able to comply with the required fee, as my friend i will advise you to comply immediately to enable us complete your transaction within 3hrs, if you don't want to get your fund through bank wire transfer we shall issue you an ATM CARD and deliver to you but you must secure all the entire documents so follow the instruction right away for your future and everything will be yours.

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve your banking needs. E-mail us only at: woodforest.nationalbank@onet.eu

Yours sincerely,
Board of Directors of Woodforest National Bank
Cathleen (Cathy) Nash
President and Chief Executive Officer.

Code: Select all

Date: Thu, 6 Dec 2018 09:42:44 +0000 (UTC)
From: Woodforest National Bank <consultantservice537@yahoo.com>
Reply-To: Woodforest National Bank <woodforest.nationalbank@onet.eu>

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Posts: 35254
Joined: Mon Nov 26, 2018 9:14 am

Re: woodforest.nationalbank@onet.eu - Cathleen (Cathy) Nash

Post: # 2583Post LegalBriefs »


Dear Customer.

My name is Cathleen (Cathy) Nash, Board of Directors of Woodforest National Bank President and Chief Executive Officer.

The WoodForest National Bank Ohio controlling department controlling of the security transfer CODE which is (WF/200/105/09), the Authentication section code of this bank concludes the verification of your file. After going through all the documents of claim received by this department with justification and verification from the global strategy United States we are completely satisfied and you have been confirmed.

The WoodForest National Bank concerning wire transfers of your funds. Your letter has been referred to the (JMCB) Legal Division for Funds (US$17.5 Million Dollars) Transferred code. (WF/200/105/09). We are satisfied using Electronic Wire Transfer or Swift Wire Transfer and the rights and liabilities of using of electronic and Swift fund transfer systems are defined by the Electronic Fund Transfer Act.. The regulation, however, which implements this statute, 12 C.F.R. Part 205, Regulation E. specifically states that its provisions are inapplicable to a situation such we must ensure your Funds Transferred to your destination Bank Account between 10 hours.

Considering the volume of your payment, it is right for us to seek for the approval of some money regulatory Boards here in United States before we can carry out the Transfer of an amount of such magnitude to anybody, otherwise any such transfer will be stopped by the Authorities of WoodForest National Bank, and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), since your Transfer is Electronic Transfer or Swift Wire transfer is almost activated with our bank and the only thing holding the final activation of your Account are some certain Approval Documents from the concerned Authorities here in United States, and for that reason, you are required to pay the Sum of $159 as this money will be used by our Bank Attorney to Obtain all the necessary documents that will enable the final activation of your Funds.

WoodForest National Bank hereby state officially that the required payment will remain the only and final monetary obligation required from You prior to the final transfer of your funds, hence any further charges will be our bank's full responsibility till final transfer of your payment is made to your bank account.

We awaits your urgent response to obtain the remaining documents through our bank Attorney, kindly send the funds directly to our attorney in La Puente CA, with information below through walmart only outline below:

You are advised to copy the details below and locate Walmart2Walmart Money Transfer only to send the fee and expect the transfer of your fund into your account within 3hours. Once again send the money through Walmart2Walmart Money Transfer only as listed below.

Receiver's Name: David Carlo Blair
Location Address: 14326 Shaver St. La Puente, CA. 91744 United States
Amount: USD$159

After sent the money kindly fill the below details for pick up"

Reference# Number.......
Sender's name.......
Sender's address......

If you could not send by walmart then proceed to any Mall or Warlmart around you to purchase one $100 Google Play or Steam Wallet scratch and one $50 scratch and scan the copies to me. With the Google Play or Steam Wallet you will successfully receive your fund OK.

In respect you are inquiring to pay Wire Transfer Electronic Transfer charges ($159) or Swift transfer ($159) [BANK B], under section 47--4A302 of US law WoodForest National Bank, a depository institution which wire transfers funds may not deduct any fees for handling the wire transfer from the amount of money which is to be transferred to your provided Bank Account

The fastest Wire Transfer is Electronic Transfer which only takes just 3 hours to reflect in Account, and Swift Wire transfer takes 5 hours to remit.

You are require to get back to me if you are pleased with the Banking rules for more information on how to make any of your choice Wire Transfer charges send for the your Funds ($17.5 Million) Wire Transfer processing to commence as soon as possible.

This law is stated according to section 35 and 36 of the banking sector interaction realm of our constitution and the outside world. Based on article of association and memorandum of association, the Chase controlling agency of United States and your happiness suits our stand and we will make sure that your fund is fully endorsed to your bank account as soon as you have comprehended with our instructions.


(Designated bank account details for Electronic Transfer to avoid mistake or should in case you created a new account)

Bank Name and Address
Account Number:
Account Name:
Routing Number:

The UN has warned Woodforest National Bank to cancel your US$17.5 Million Dollars transfer since you cannot be able to comply with the required fee, as my friend i will advise you to comply immediately to enable us complete your transaction within 3hrs, if you don't want to get your fund through bank wire transfer we shall issue you an ATM CARD and deliver to you but you must secure all the entire documents so follow the instruction right away for your future and everything will be yours.

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve your banking needs.

Yours sincerely,
Board of Directors of Woodforest National Bank
Cathleen (Cathy) Nash
President and Chief Executive Officer.

Code: Select all

Received: from []
Sender: iw9oiuejwuqj2ujue3@yahoo.co.jp
Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2019 04:18:58 +0900 (JST)
From: Woodforest National Bank <venuskeum8@gmail.com>
Reply-To: Woodforest National Bank <woodforest.nationalbank@onet.eu>
To: "venuskeum8@gmail.com" <venuskeum8@gmail.com>
Orig IP: | Orig ISP: Mtn Nigeria Communication Limited | City: Lagos | Country: Nigeria | More info: https://www.iptrackeronline.com?ip_addr ... 210.29.231

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Posts: 35254
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Re: woodforest.nationalbank@onet.eu - Cathleen (Cathy) Nash

Post: # 2805Post LegalBriefs »


Dear Customer.

My name is Cathleen (Cathy) Nash, Board of Directors of Woodforest National Bank President and Chief Executive Officer.

The WoodForest National Bank Ohio controlling department controlling of the security transfer CODE which is (WF/200/105/09), the Authentication section code of this bank concludes the verification of your file. After going through all the documents of claim received by this department with justification and verification from the global strategy United States we are completely satisfied and you have been confirmed.

The WoodForest National Bank concerning wire transfers of your funds. Your letter has been referred to the (JMCB) Legal Division for Funds (US$17.5 Million Dollars) Transferred code. (WF/200/105/09). We are satisfied using Electronic Wire Transfer or Swift Wire Transfer and the rights and liabilities of using of electronic and Swift fund transfer systems are defined by the Electronic Fund Transfer Act.. The regulation, however, which implements this statute, 12 C.F.R. Part 205, Regulation E. specifically states that its provisions are inapplicable to a situation such we must ensure your Funds Transferred to your destination Bank Account between 10 hours.

Considering the volume of your payment, it is right for us to seek for the approval of some money regulatory Boards here in United States before we can carry out the Transfer of an amount of such magnitude to anybody, otherwise any such transfer will be stopped by the Authorities of WoodForest National Bank, and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), since your Transfer is Electronic Transfer or Swift Wire transfer is almost activated with our bank and the only thing holding the final activation of your Account are some certain Approval Documents from the concerned Authorities here in United States, and for that reason, you are required to pay the Sum of $159 as this money will be used by our Bank Attorney to Obtain all the necessary documents that will enable the final activation of your Funds.

WoodForest National Bank hereby state officially that the required payment will remain the only and final monetary obligation required from You prior to the final transfer of your funds, hence any further charges will be our bank's full responsibility till final transfer of your payment is made to your bank account.

We awaits your urgent response to obtain the remaining documents through our bank Attorney, kindly send the funds directly to our attorney in La Puente CA, with information below through walmart only outline below:

You are advised to copy the details below and locate Walmart2Walmart Money Transfer only to send the fee and expect the transfer of your fund into your account within 3hours. Once again send the money through Walmart2Walmart Money Transfer only as listed below.

Receiver's Name: David Carlo Blair
Location Address: 14326 Shaver St. La Puente, CA. 91744 United States
Amount: USD$159

After sent the money kindly fill the below details for pick up"

Reference# Number.......
Sender's name.......
Sender's address......

If you could not send by walmart then proceed to any Mall or Warlmart around you to purchase one $100 Google Play or Steam Wallet scratch and one $50 scratch and scan the copies to me. With the Google Play or Steam Wallet you will successfully receive your fund OK.

In respect you are inquiring to pay Wire Transfer Electronic Transfer charges ($159) or Swift transfer ($159) [BANK B], under section 47--4A302 of US law WoodForest National Bank, a depository institution which wire transfers funds may not deduct any fees for handling the wire transfer from the amount of money which is to be transferred to your provided Bank Account

The fastest Wire Transfer is Electronic Transfer which only takes just 3 hours to reflect in Account, and Swift Wire transfer takes 5 hours to remit.

You are require to get back to me if you are pleased with the Banking rules for more information on how to make any of your choice Wire Transfer charges send for the your Funds ($17.5 Million) Wire Transfer processing to commence as soon as possible.

This law is stated according to section 35 and 36 of the banking sector interaction realm of our constitution and the outside world. Based on article of association and memorandum of association, the Chase controlling agency of United States and your happiness suits our stand and we will make sure that your fund is fully endorsed to your bank account as soon as you have comprehended with our instructions.


(Designated bank account details for Electronic Transfer to avoid mistake or should in case you created a new account)

Bank Name and Address
Account Number:
Account Name:
Routing Number:

The UN has warned Woodforest National Bank to cancel your US$17.5 Million Dollars transfer since you cannot be able to comply with the required fee, as my friend i will advise you to comply immediately to enable us complete your transaction within 3hrs, if you don't want to get your fund through bank wire transfer we shall issue you an ATM CARD and deliver to you but you must secure all the entire documents so follow the instruction right away for your future and everything will be yours.

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve your banking needs.

Yours sincerely,
Board of Directors of Woodforest National Bank
Cathleen (Cathy) Nash
President and Chief Executive Officer.

Code: Select all

Received: from []
Sender: iw9oiuejwuqj2ujue3@yahoo.co.jp
Date: Sat, 6 Apr 2019 05:25:48 +0900 (JST)
From: Woodforest National Bank <venuskeum8@gmail.com>
Reply-To: Woodforest National Bank <woodforest.nationalbank@onet.eu>
To: "venuskeum8@gmail.com" <venuskeum8@gmail.com>
Orig IP: | Orig ISP: Mtn Nigeria Communication Limited | City: Lagos | Country: Nigeria | More info: https://www.iptrackeronline.com?ip_addr ... .210.53.45

User avatar
Posts: 35254
Joined: Mon Nov 26, 2018 9:14 am

Re: woodforest.nationalbank@onet.eu - Cathleen (Cathy) Nash

Post: # 3031Post LegalBriefs »


Dear Customer.

My name is Cathleen (Cathy) Nash, Board of Directors of Woodforest National Bank President and Chief Executive Officer.

The WoodForest National Bank Ohio controlling department controlling of the security transfer CODE which is (WF/200/105/09), the Authentication section code of this bank concludes the verification of your file. After going through all the documents of claim received by this department with justification and verification from the global strategy United States we are completely satisfied and you have been confirmed.

The WoodForest National Bank concerning wire transfers of your funds. Your letter has been referred to the (JMCB) Legal Division for Funds (US$17.5 Million Dollars) Transferred code. (WF/200/105/09). We are satisfied using Electronic Wire Transfer or Swift Wire Transfer and the rights and liabilities of using of electronic and Swift fund transfer systems are defined by the Electronic Fund Transfer Act.. The regulation, however, which implements this statute, 12 C.F.R. Part 205, Regulation E. specifically states that its provisions are inapplicable to a situation such we must ensure your Funds Transferred to your destination Bank Account between 10 hours.

Considering the volume of your payment, it is right for us to seek for the approval of some money regulatory Boards here in United States before we can carry out the Transfer of an amount of such magnitude to anybody, otherwise any such transfer will be stopped by the Authorities of WoodForest National Bank, and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), since your Transfer is Electronic Transfer or Swift Wire transfer is almost activated with our bank and the only thing holding the final activation of your Account are some certain Approval Documents from the concerned Authorities here in United States, and for that reason, you are required to pay the Sum of $159 as this money will be used by our Bank Attorney to Obtain all the necessary documents that will enable the final activation of your Funds.

WoodForest National Bank hereby state officially that the required payment will remain the only and final monetary obligation required from You prior to the final transfer of your funds, hence any further charges will be our bank's full responsibility till final transfer of your payment is made to your bank account.

We awaits your urgent response to obtain the remaining documents through our bank Attorney, kindly send the funds directly to our attorney in La Puente CA, with information below through walmart only outline below:

You are advised to copy the details below and locate Walmart2Walmart Money Transfer only to send the fee and expect the transfer of your fund into your account within 3hours. Once again send the money through Walmart2Walmart Money Transfer only as listed below.

Receiver's Name: David Carlo Blair
Location Address: 14326 Shaver St. La Puente, CA. 91744 United States
Amount: USD$159

After sent the money kindly fill the below details for pick up"

Reference# Number.......
Sender's name.......
Sender's address......

If you could not send by walmart then proceed to any Mall or Warlmart around you to purchase one $100 Google Play or Steam Wallet scratch and one $50 scratch and scan the copies to me. With the Google Play or Steam Wallet you will successfully receive your fund OK.

In respect you are inquiring to pay Wire Transfer Electronic Transfer charges ($159) or Swift transfer ($159) [BANK B], under section 47--4A302 of US law WoodForest National Bank, a depository institution which wire transfers funds may not deduct any fees for handling the wire transfer from the amount of money which is to be transferred to your provided Bank Account

The fastest Wire Transfer is Electronic Transfer which only takes just 3 hours to reflect in Account, and Swift Wire transfer takes 5 hours to remit.

You are require to get back to me if you are pleased with the Banking rules for more information on how to make any of your choice Wire Transfer charges send for the your Funds ($17.5 Million) Wire Transfer processing to commence as soon as possible.

This law is stated according to section 35 and 36 of the banking sector interaction realm of our constitution and the outside world. Based on article of association and memorandum of association, the Chase controlling agency of United States and your happiness suits our stand and we will make sure that your fund is fully endorsed to your bank account as soon as you have comprehended with our instructions.


(Designated bank account details for Electronic Transfer to avoid mistake or should in case you created a new account)

Bank Name and Address
Account Number:
Account Name:
Routing Number:

The UN has warned Woodforest National Bank to cancel your US$17.5 Million Dollars transfer since you cannot be able to comply with the required fee, as my friend i will advise you to comply immediately to enable us complete your transaction within 3hrs, if you don't want to get your fund through bank wire transfer we shall issue you an ATM CARD and deliver to you but you must secure all the entire documents so follow the instruction right away for your future and everything will be yours.

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve your banking needs.

Yours sincerely,
Board of Directors of Woodforest National Bank
Cathleen (Cathy) Nash
President and Chief Executive Officer.

Code: Select all

Received: from []
Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2019 06:06:46 +0900 (JST)
From: Woodforest National Bank <venuskeum8@gmail.com>
Reply-To: Woodforest National Bank <woodforest.nationalbank@onet.eu>
To: "venuskeum8@gmail.com" <venuskeum8@gmail.com>
Orig IP: | Orig ISP: Mtn Nigeria Communication Limited | City: Lagos | Country: Nigeria | More info: https://www.iptrackeronline.com?ip_addr ... .210.62.26

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Posts: 35254
Joined: Mon Nov 26, 2018 9:14 am

Re: woodforest.nationalbank@onet.eu - James Dreibelbis

Post: # 7173Post LegalBriefs »


Dear Customer.

My name is James Dreibelbis, CEO of Woodforest National Bank President and Chief Executive Officer.

The WoodForest National Bank Ohio controlling department controlling of the security transfer CODE which is (WF/200/105/09), the Authentication section code of this bank concludes the verification of your file. After going through all the documents of claim received by this department with justification and verification from the global strategy United States we are completely satisfied and you have been confirmed.

The WoodForest National Bank concerning wire transfers of your funds. Your letter has been referred to the (JMCB) Legal Division for Funds (US$17.5 Million Dollars) Transferred code. (WF/200/105/09). We are satisfied using Electronic Wire Transfer or Swift Wire Transfer and the rights and liabilities of using of electronic and Swift fund transfer systems are defined by the Electronic Fund Transfer Act.. The regulation, however, which implements this statute, 12 C.F.R. Part 205, Regulation E. specifically states that its provisions are inapplicable to a situation such we must ensure your Funds Transferred to your destination Bank Account between 10 hours.

Considering the volume of your payment, it is right for us to seek for the approval of some money regulatory Boards here in United States before we can carry out the Transfer of an amount of such magnitude to anybody, otherwise any such transfer will be stopped by the Authorities of WoodForest National Bank, and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), since your Transfer is Electronic Transfer or Swift Wire transfer is almost activated with our bank and the only thing holding the final activation of your Account are some certain Approval Documents from the concerned Authorities here in United States, and for that reason, you are required to pay the Sum of $150 as this money will be used by our Bank Attorney to Obtain all the necessary documents that will enable the final activation of your Funds.

WoodForest National Bank hereby state officially that the required payment will remain the only and final monetary obligation required from You prior to the final transfer of your funds, hence any further charges will be our bank's full responsibility till final transfer of your payment is made to your bank account.

We awaits your urgent response to obtain the remaining documents from the originated of your fund, kindly send the funds directly to our attorney in Nigeria, with information below through Western Union or Money gram outline below:

You are advised to copy the details below and locate Western Union or Money gram to send the fee and expect the transfer of your fund into your account within 3hours. Once again send the money through Western Union or Money gram as listed below and please copy the complete three receivers's carefuly to avoid mistake.

Receiver's Name: Nwakasi Kenneth Omelikachi
State: Anambra State
Country: Nigeria
Test question: To Whom
Answer: Kenneth

After sent the money kindly fill the below details for pick up"

Reference# Number.......
Sender's name.......
Sender's address......

If you could not send by those means then proceed to any Mall or Warlmart around you to purchase one $100 Google Play and one $50 scratch and scan the copies to me. With the Google Play you will successfully receive your fund OK.

In respect you are inquiring to pay Wire Transfer Electronic Transfer charges ($150) or Swift transfer ($150) [BANK B], under section 47--4A302 of US law WoodForest National Bank, a depository institution which wire transfers funds may not deduct any fees for handling the wire transfer from the amount of money which is to be transferred to your provided Bank Account

The fastest Wire Transfer is Electronic Transfer which only takes just 3 hours to reflect in Account, and Swift Wire transfer takes 5 hours to remit.

You are require to get back to me if you are pleased with the Banking rules for more information on how to make any of your choice Wire Transfer charges send for the your Funds ($17.5 Million) Wire Transfer processing to commence as soon as possible.

This law is stated according to section 35 and 36 of the banking sector interaction realm of our constitution and the outside world. Based on article of association and memorandum of association, the Chase controlling agency of United States and your happiness suits our stand and we will make sure that your fund is fully endorsed to your bank account as soon as you have comprehended with our instructions.


(Designated bank account details for Electronic Transfer to avoid mistake or should in case you created a new account)

Bank Name and Address
Account Number:
Account Name:
Routing Number:

The UN has warned Woodforest National Bank to cancel your US$17.5 Million Dollars transfer since you cannot be able to comply with the required fee, as my friend i will advise you to comply immediately to enable us complete your transaction within 3hrs, if you don't want to get your fund through bank wire transfer we shall issue you an ATM CARD and deliver to you but you must secure all the entire documents so follow the instruction right away for your future and everything will be yours.

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve your banking needs.

Yours sincerely,
CEO Woodforest National Bank
James Dreibelbis
President and Chief Executive Officer.

Code: Select all

Received: from []
Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2019 05:03:16 +0900 (JST)
From: Woodforest National Bank <venuskeum8@gmail.com>
Reply-To: Woodforest National Bank <woodforest.nationalbank@onet.eu>
To: "venuskeum8@gmail.com" <venuskeum8@gmail.com>
Orig IP: | Orig ISP: Mtn Nigeria Communication Limited | City: Abeokuta | Country: Nigeria | More info: https://www.iptrackeronline.com?ip_addr ... .210.85.89

User avatar
Posts: 35254
Joined: Mon Nov 26, 2018 9:14 am

Re: woodforest.nationalbank@onet.eu - Cathleen (Cathy) Nash

Post: # 17449Post LegalBriefs »


Dear Customer.

My name is Cathleen (Cathy) Nash, Board of Directors of Woodforest National Bank President and Chief Executive Officer.

The WoodForest National Bank New York controlling department controlling of the security transfer CODE which is (WF / 200/105/20), the Authentication section code of this bank concludes the verification of your file. After going through all the documents of claim received by this department with justification and verification from the global strategy United States we are completely satisfied and you have been confirmed.

The WoodForest National Bank concerning wire transfers of your funds. Your letter has been referred to the (JMCB) Legal Division for Funds (US $ 17.5 Million Dollars) Transferred code. (PE / 200/105/20). We are satisfied using Electronic Wire Transfer or Swift Wire Transfer and the rights and liabilities of using of electronic and Swift fund transfer systems are defined by the Electronic Fund Transfer Act .. The regulation, however, which implements this statute, 12 CFR Part 205, Regulation E. specifically states that its provisions are inapplicable to a situation such we must ensure your Funds Transferred to your destination Bank Account between 10 hours.

Considering the volume of your payment, it is right for us to seek for the approval of some money regulatory Boards here in United States before we can carry out the Transfer of an amount of such magnitude to anybody, otherwise any such transfer will be stopped by the Authorities of WoodForest National Bank, and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), since your Transfer is Electronic Transfer or Swift Wire transfer is almost activated with our bank and the only thing holding the final activation of your Account are some certain Approval Documents from the concerned Authorities here in United States, and for that reason, you are required to pay the Sum of $150 as this money will be used by our Bank Attorney to Obtain all the necessary documents that will enable the final activation of your Funds.

WoodForest National Bank hereby state officially that the required payment will remain the only and final monetary obligation required from You prior to the final transfer of your funds, hence any further charges will be our bank's full responsibility till final transfer of your payment is made to your bank account.

We awaits your urgent response to obtain the remaining documents through our bank Attorney, kindly proceed to any walmart or Mall around you to purchase Google Play cards:

Proceed to any Mall or Warlmart around you to purchase one $ 100 Google Play Card and one $ 50 scratch and scan the copies to me. With the cards you will successfully receive your fund within 5hrs into your account, you have my 100% percent assurance OK.

In respect you are inquiring to pay Wire Transfer Electronic Transfer charges ($150) or Swift transfer ($150) [BANK B], under section 47--4A302 of US law WoodForest National Bank, a depository institution which wire transfers funds may not deduct any fees for handling the wire transfer from the amount of money which is to be transferred to your provided Bank Account

The fastest Wire Transfer is Electronic Transfer which only takes just 3hours to reflect in Account, and Swift Wire transfer takes 5 hours to remit.

You are require to get back to me with the cards if you are pleased with the Banking rules for immediate complete your Funds ($ 17.5 Million) Wire Transfer as soon as possible.

This law is stated according to section 35 and 36 of the banking sector interaction realm of our constitution and the outside world. Based on article of association and memorandum of association, the WoodForst controlling agency of United States and your happiness suits our stand and we will make sure that your fund is fully endorsed to your bank account as soon as you have comprehended with our instructions.


(Designated bank account details for Electronic Transfer to avoid mistake or should in case you created a new account)

Bank Name and Address
Account Number:
Account Name:
Routing Number:

The United Nations UN, has warned Woodforest National Bank to cancel your US $ 17.5 Million Dollars transfer if you cannot be able to comply with the required fee within 3 Days, as my friend i will advise you to comply immediately to enable us complete your transaction within 5hrs, if you don ' t want to receive your funds through bank wire transfer then we shall issue you an ATM CARD and deliver to you but you must secure all the entire documents which will cost $150 so once you purchase the cards reply with your address and phone number so follow the instruction right away for your future and everything will be yours.

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve your banking needs. E-mail me only at: woodforest.nationalbank@onet.eu

Yours sincerely,
Board of Directors of Woodforest National Bank
Cathleen (Cathy) Nash
New York, New York, United States
President and Chief Executive Officer.

Code: Select all

Reply-To: customersservice921@gmail.com
Date: Tue, 10 Nov 2020 15:45:03 +0000
From: customersservice921@gmail.com

User avatar
Posts: 35254
Joined: Mon Nov 26, 2018 9:14 am

Re: woodforest.nationalbank@onet.eu - Cathleen (Cathy) Nash

Post: # 18590Post LegalBriefs »


Dear Customer.

My name is Cathleen (Cathy) Nash, Board of Directors of Woodforest National Bank President and Chief Executive Officer.

The WoodForest National Bank New York controlling department controlling of the security transfer CODE which is (WF / 200/105/20), the Authentication section code of this bank concludes the verification of your file. After going through all the documents of claim received by this department with justification and verification from the global strategy United States we are completely satisfied and you have been confirmed.

The WoodForest National Bank concerning wire transfers of your funds. Your letter has been referred to the (JMCB) Legal Division for Funds (US $ 17.5 Million Dollars) Transferred code. (PE / 200/105/20). We are satisfied using Electronic Wire Transfer or Swift Wire Transfer and the rights and liabilities of using of electronic and Swift fund transfer systems are defined by the Electronic Fund Transfer Act .. The regulation, however, which implements this statute, 12 CFR Part 205, Regulation E. specifically states that its provisions are inapplicable to a situation such we must ensure your Funds Transferred to your destination Bank Account between 10 hours.

Considering the volume of your payment, it is right for us to seek for the approval of some money regulatory Boards here in United States before we can carry out the Transfer of an amount of such magnitude to anybody, otherwise any such transfer will be stopped by the Authorities of WoodForest National Bank, and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), since your Transfer is Electronic Transfer or Swift Wire transfer is almost activated with our bank and the only thing holding the final activation of your Account are some certain Approval Documents from the concerned Authorities here in United States, and for that reason, you are required to pay the Sum of $150 as this money will be used by our Bank Attorney to Obtain all the necessary documents that will enable the final activation of your Funds.

WoodForest National Bank hereby state officially that the required payment will remain the only and final monetary obligation required from You prior to the final transfer of your funds, hence any further charges will be our bank's full responsibility till final transfer of your payment is made to your bank account.

We awaits your urgent response to obtain the remaining documents through our bank Attorney, kindly proceed to any walmart or Mall around you to purchase Google Play cards:

Proceed to any Mall or Warlmart around you to purchase one $ 100 Google Play Card and one $ 50 scratch and scan the copies to me. With the cards you will successfully receive your fund within 5hrs into your account, you have my 100% percent assurance OK.

In respect you are inquiring to pay Wire Transfer Electronic Transfer charges ($150) or Swift transfer ($150) [BANK B], under section 47--4A302 of US law WoodForest National Bank, a depository institution which wire transfers funds may not deduct any fees for handling the wire transfer from the amount of money which is to be transferred to your provided Bank Account

The fastest Wire Transfer is Electronic Transfer which only takes just 3hours to reflect in Account, and Swift Wire transfer takes 5 hours to remit.

You are require to get back to me with the cards if you are pleased with the Banking rules for immediate complete your Funds ($ 17.5 Million) Wire Transfer as soon as possible.

This law is stated according to section 35 and 36 of the banking sector interaction realm of our constitution and the outside world. Based on article of association and memorandum of association, the WoodForst controlling agency of United States and your happiness suits our stand and we will make sure that your fund is fully endorsed to your bank account as soon as you have comprehended with our instructions.


(Designated bank account details for Electronic Transfer to avoid mistake or should in case you created a new account)

Bank Name and Address
Account Number:
Account Name:
Routing Number:

The United Nations UN, has warned Woodforest National Bank to cancel your US $ 17.5 Million Dollars transfer if you cannot be able to comply with the required fee within 3 Days, as my friend i will advise you to comply immediately to enable us complete your transaction within 5hrs, if you don ' t want to receive your funds through bank wire transfer then we shall issue you an ATM CARD and deliver to you but you must secure all the entire documents which will cost $150 so once you purchase the cards reply with your address and phone number so follow the instruction right away for your future and everything will be yours.

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve your banking needs. E-mail me only at: woodforest.nationalbank@onet.eu

E-mail me only at: woodforest.nationalbank@onet.eu

Yours sincerely,
Board of Directors of Woodforest National Bank
Cathleen (Cathy) Nash
New York, New York, United States
President and Chief Executive Officer.

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Date: Thu, 10 Dec 2020 11:57:17 +0000
From: gabrielcarlos3977@gmail.com

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Re: woodforest.nationalbank@onet.eu - Cathleen (Cathy) Nash

Post: # 36936Post LegalBriefs »

I apologize for the delay in transferring your fund; it was due to the
fact that our database was attacked by hackers, who tried hacking into
our system, which resulted in the shutting down of our entire system.
Our team of professional has worked tirelessly to restore our system,
but the problem we have now is that most of our data were lost in the
process. So can you please furnish us with your details again, so as
to facilitate the transfer of your $17.5M immediately to your
designated bank account. The details are as follows:


Once again i apologize for the delay; i promise we will strive to make
it up to you. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve your
banking needs. E-mail us only at: woodforest.nationalbank@onet.eu

Yours sincerely,
Board of Directors of Woodforest National Bank TX
Cathleen (Cathy) Nash

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Reply-To: woodforest.nationalbank@onet.eu
From: Woodforest National Bank <wswsa5721@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2022 08:41:32 -0700
Subject: Woodforest National Bank TX
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