- Christine Odette Lagarde

Been contacted about a huge inheritance or compentation? It's 419 or advance fee fraud.
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Joined: Mon Nov 26, 2018 9:14 am - Christine Odette Lagarde

Post: # 211Post LegalBriefs »

IMF Corporate Headquarters 1, (HQ1)
700 19th Str., N.W. Washington DC 20431, USA

Attn: Beneficiary,
The disappointments you suffered in the hands of banks and government officials over your payment from Africa have been brought to our knowledge. In our efforts to foster global monetary cooperation and sanitize the finance sector, secure financial stability and facilitate individual and company economic growth, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) through our foreign operations unit have recovered your Unpaid Fund that has been unjustly with-held for long. Pursuant to this objective, the IMF headquarters embarked on a fact finding mission to unravel the mystery behind this incessant payment failures as evidenced in your abandoned payment file available at our disposal. What our fact finding team discovered was shocking The facts are here on record together with proofs of several fees you paid in the process without still getting your fund. That is unfair and totally unacceptable. You don't deserve such ill-treatment considering your efforts and financial commitments as shown in the records. The IMF in her capacity as the custodian of global finance will not allow you to lose your fund. But why did you abandon your payment in the first place?
Whatever be the case, there is good news for you now. The IMF have taken over proceedings in this regard and have ordered the bank and the defaulting departments to move your fund and all related payment files to our trusted paying bank and clearing house from where your payment will be processed afresh and released to you hitch-free under our direct supervision. You are to reply urgently through this email for further details on how to get this done. (

Yours faithfully,
Christine Odette Lagarde
IMF, Managing Director.
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Subject: Attn: Beneficiary,
To: Recipients <>
Date: Thu, 06 Dec 2018 08:32:25 +0100
Orig IP: | Orig ISP: Globacom-as | City: Lagos | Country: Nigeria | More info: ... 211.61.109

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