westernunionoffice274@gmail.com - Johnson Ben

Been contacted about a huge inheritance or compentation? It's 419 or advance fee fraud.
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westernunionoffice274@gmail.com - Johnson Ben

Post: # 1933Post LegalBriefs »

Attention Beneficiary!

This is an official letter from the western union office,
We officially wants to notify you that the United State Government
have finally instructed our office to transfer to you your compensation
fund of us$3.8million,which we are to be transferring to you $5000 per
day until your total fund is transferred completed to you.

The United state Government let to our awareness that we are transferring
this fund to your name for compensating you as a 'SCAM VICTIM' as your email
Address was picked among the 15 email addresses which were to be compensated
as this victim.

You are to stay aware from any further emails that's not from this office as
to enable you stay aware from those people contacting you claiming they are
from this office.

You are required to contact us back 6 hours from now that you got this email
so that we can commence on this transfer as to enable us transfer your $5000
to you today so that you can pick it up from any Western Union office in your
area.we awaits your prompt response.

Mr. Johnson BEN

Code: Select all

Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2019 21:56:59 +0900 (JST)
From: WESTERN UNION <q3w7nd9@air.ocn.ne.jp>
Reply-To: "Mr. Johnson BEN" <westernunionoffice274@gmail.com>
X-Originating-IP: []

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