- George Ume

Been contacted about a huge inheritance or compentation? It's 419 or advance fee fraud.
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Joined: Mon Nov 26, 2018 9:14 am - George Ume

Post: # 1910Post LegalBriefs »

Seasonal Contracting Attorney on Financial Matters
No.7, Kofo Abayomi Street, Victoria Island, Lagos-Nigeria
Telfax: 234-1-7642589
Direct Mobile: 234-8062682450

Attn; Rightful Owner

I am barrister George Umeh a seasonal contracting attorney on financial matters.

After a serious thought, I decided to contact you again just to tell you the truth because I know all efforts you are making to get paid are just wasting of time. Professor Charles soludo did not help so also Dr. Lamido Sansui can never help you in any way because he does not know the hidden facts about your fund.

They do not know anything that happened that time. Soludo the Ex- Central Bank Governor was the team leader that caused your problems and also extorted money from you. Although he is regretting all the bad things he did to you because it was never his intention but co-workers and top government officials told him not to release your fund. This is what jeopardized your fund crediting. Emails faxes and phone calls you received from soludo and the present central bank governor Godwin Emefiele are fake. I talked to Godwin Emefiele and he told me he have never contacted you before because he never know how to solve your problem. So any person who contacted you as Godwin Emefiele is an impersonator.

You see I don't know if you are alive or not but all the same when I get your reply with your correct amount quoted I will tell you how you will receive your fund immediately. My phone number is above. However I regretted all the bad things they have done to you and your family and pray the almighty God to forgive them if you get paid in this first quarter 2019. This is never a joke. You will be a happy man soon after hearing from you.

Now if you want us to work together, these are my conditions.

1: I will have 30% of the money because it is only the two of us left for now.
2: You will assist my son to open an account in your country where I will pay in my own share.
3: It will be useless and mere waste of time and money if you continue with any other person, so we will conclude this transaction with utmost secrecy with the above telephone and email only.
4: You will provide me with your private telephone, mobile and a private email to facilitate easy communication between you and me only.

If these conditions are acceptable to you, contact me as soon as possible to let us finalize, so that the funds can be released to your account after due protocols has been observed, but if you are not interested, I advise you to forget the fund and stop wasting your time with your so called partners.

I wait hearing from you

Yours in service


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