- Sandra Ellis

Been offered a lease on a SBLC or a BG? It's almost certainly a scam.
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Hans Neesantoes
Posts: 5641
Joined: Sun Nov 25, 2018 5:26 pm - Sandra Ellis

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Bank Instrument Scam from LinkedIn
Sandra Ellis
Finance Specialist at Eagle Financial


I am direct to a provider who has recently issued banking instruments for a couple of my clients the provider is 100% check-able you can do your due diligence on them. I personally know the provider. They deal with issuing of instruments such as Bank Guarantee and Standby Letters of Credit also Letters of Credit. I only want serious buyers then i will put you in touch with the provider directly.

Our instruments are only from triple 'a' rated banks and we issue from $10m and above. The provider is 100% verifiable.They are ready to issue immediately once terms are agreed.

Sandra Ellis.
Mobile :+447494826555.
Whatsapp: +447494826555.
If you are reading this post because you have been contacted by this individual then you are100% being scammed - all my posts are thoroughly researched before being posted.

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