- Ryan Donald

Been contacted about a huge inheritance or compentation? It's 419 or advance fee fraud.
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Joined: Mon Nov 26, 2018 9:14 am - Ryan Donald

Post: # 1854Post LegalBriefs »


I am Ryan Donald, CEO of Crown Consulting. I will like to introduce some of our services to you for your benefit and also for you to recommend us to your clients. Kindly contact me via for more details.

To whom it may concern,

As a chief executive of the Crown Consulting company I would like to draw your attention to the following presentations.

Crown Consulting being one of the leading investment & finance multinational companies in the world - provides a large scope of services in property purchase financing. We provide credit facilities to intending/prospective property purchasers anywhere in the world at a very attractive interest rate and flexible payment pattern.
When all else have failed in securing credit to purchase your desired property, call on us and we will make it possible within the shortest possible time and at conditions you can never resist.

Kindly recommend Crown Consulting to your clients and you can be sure we will deliver. Just say the amount and we will make it available. Terms and conditions apply.

Be with us! The future of your investment begins now!

Ryan Donald

We hope this information was important for you. Please contact us for any additional details.

Thank you!

Sincerely yours,

CEO of the Crown Consulting Company

Ryan Donald.

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From: Donald <>
Subject: We are here to assist you
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2019 00:08:38 -0500

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