zika.zakoko@gmail.com - Dr. Zika Zakoko

Been contacted about a huge inheritance or compentation? It's 419 or advance fee fraud.
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zika.zakoko@gmail.com - Dr. Zika Zakoko

Post: # 1797Post LegalBriefs »


This is urgent payment notification from CENTRAL BANK OF NIGERIA (CBN ).

As a result of the difficulties in transferring your fund $10 Million ( Ten Million Dollars ) as approved, the senate committee on foreign payment, the Federal Ministry of Finance and Central Bank of Nigeria had a joint-session meeting aimed at resolving your payment impasse once and for all via WAIVER INSTRUMENT MANDATE.

Please note, the era to pay this fees or that fees is over .
We have adopted the policy to offer you waiver certificate.
Henceforth waiver certificate will protected you from payment this fees or that fees during the payment process .

In line with this development, " AUTOMATIC WAIVER " have been granted to you by the intervention of the presidency and the world bank which mandates the debt management office (DMO) to remit your fund on application of " WAIVER CERTIFICATE ".The cost of the waiver certificate is $450.00 ( Four Hundred and Fifty Dollars ).It is very compulsory that you apply for " WAIVER CERTIFICATE " quote me any day, anytime , waiver is the only lasting solution in this new payment command dispensation.
What is the meaning of waiver certificate, it simply means we shall process your payment in collaboration with your bank and make remittance and hold your bank responsible for our charges after remittance is done, your bank will return our charges, the sum to return as administrative charges/levies/taxes shall be communicated to you and to your bank officially, and we shall hold your bank responsible failure to return our charges.
It has to be bank to bank correspondence now.

So the demand of administrative charges/levies/taxes is over, waiver shall protect you till you see your fund inside your bank account.
This is a special consideration to resolve this lingering payment once and for all.
This is the opportunity you have been praying for, never blow it way.

Therefore you are now in the temple of justice, we are on a healing mission to correct the wrongs of past administrators, please take note that those past officers that administered your payment in the past have either been sacked or reprimanded, therefore, your maximum co-operation is needed this time to finalized this payment without any fuss and bottlenecks as practically experienced in the past, we are going to collaborate with your bank to ensure smooth transfer, your payment is wire transfer and your bank must be involved as a mark of transparency and accountability in this new executive payment order.

In furtherance to this information, the beauty of the waiver certificate is that WAIVER CERTIFICATE will protect you until you see your fund inside your bank account.

The new debt management office (DMO) have seriously intervened in your case and your name have been shortlisted for immediate payment on waiver policy.

Therefore you are required as a matter of Urgency to RECONFIRM YOUR FULL NAME, ADDRESS , PHONE NUMBER AND FULL BANKING DETAILS.

Failure to hear from you would be assumed that you have abandoned your payment and we shall not be held liable anymore, this is urgent notification from the debt management office (DMO ). A payment telex to your bank is ready with irrevocable payment guarantee.

Yours Faithfully,

Dr. Zika Zakoko
Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN )
Telephone : +234 - 8102816257

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From: zika zakoko <zika.zakoko@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2019 23:13:16 +0100
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Re: zika.zakoko@gmail.com - Dr. Zika Zakoko

Post: # 21829Post LegalBriefs »


Please read this message very, very well.
I am writing in respect of your unclaimed fund that is overdue.
I come before you in truth. Time heals every wound.

I am Dr. Zika Zakoko , wire transfer Director, Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN ).

Please note that the sum of USD$10,000,000.00 ( Ten Million United States Dollars ) has been approved in your favour for immediate payment.

Presently, we are on a healing mission to redeem your payment without any encumbrances as practically experienced in the past.

We are deeply sorry for the inconveniences you must have encountered all these years in pursuit of your payment and I am seizing this opportunity assuring you that such delay will never repeat again under my direct supervision as the new wire transfer Director.

You are in the temple of justice now and if anything goes wrong, hold me responsible.

Please I want us to reason together as a team and work out this payment on mutual benefit and interest.

I strongly trust and believe that you will reward me when the transfer is done, this is my primary motive. Let us work as a team to realize this payment on mutual interest and benefit. This is a new brand payment scheme and this is a top-secret between you and I.

I personally submitted your name for payment in this new payment dispensation.

There are some beneficiaries whose names were shortlisted and sent to our correspondence bank ( KUTXABANK SPAIN ) of which your name is among the beneficiaries that was shortlisted for payment.

Kindly reply and I will direct you to the officer-in charge in KUTXABANK SPAIN , instructions have been given to KUTXABANK SPAIN to effect remittance of your fund without any encumbrances as practically experienced in the past.

Please, I beg you, do not take this message with the wave of your hands, this is the opportunity you have been waiting for.

I am 100% sure of your success.

This is a brand new payment system , a situation whereby all charges/levies/taxes during the payment process shall be deducted from your principal fund by KUTXABANK SPAIN. The era to pay this fee or that fee is over which has been the bane of your payment hiccups.

Now listen, All these years, your fund is in BOND ACCOUNT , which makes it difficult for paying banks to deduct charges from your principal fund, when you requested that charges/levies/taxes be deducted from source ( principal fund) , they usually declined to deduct charges from source, now it is possible.

First thing to do is to remove your fund which is in BOND ACCOUNT to a FLOATING ACCOUNT, which will permit the paying bank ( KUTXABANK SPAIN) to deduct charges/levies/taxes from your principal fund and remit your main fund with effortless ease.
This is the new brand payment system to redeem your payment permanently.

Removing your fund from the BOND ACCOUNT to a FLOATING ACCOUNT has been concluded by KUTXABANK SPAIN as the only lasting solution which KUTXABANK SPAIN shall give you details.

Waiting for your quick response for further directive.

Yours respectfully.
Dr. Zika Zakoko

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From: zika zakoko <zika.zakoko@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2021 12:13:10 -0700
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

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