abd.aljassem@dr.com - Abdullrahman Al-Jassem

Been contacted about a huge inheritance or compentation? It's 419 or advance fee fraud.
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abd.aljassem@dr.com - Abdullrahman Al-Jassem

Post: # 1772Post LegalBriefs »

We are a Gulf region base investment company working on expanding our
investment portfolio globally.
We are into debt funding and we have the financial muscle to fund
any of your projects between $2-200 Million Dollars.
If you have any viable project we can finance and partner together by
making financial investment in form of debt financing and we would be
please to receive a comprehensive business plan and NDA from your
company for our review.
E-mail me at:abd.aljassem@dr.com
Allah Blessings
Abdullrahman Al-Jassem
Executive Director Financial Operations & Support Services

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Subject: re:
To: Recipients <WindowcontrolAboutmichal.bankowsk@zut.edu.pl>
From: EDFSS <Window.controlAbout.michal.bankowsk@zut.edu.pl>
Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2019 23:07:56 +0000
Reply-To: abd.aljassem@dr.com

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