- Dominique Strauss-Kahn

Been contacted about a huge inheritance or compentation? It's 419 or advance fee fraud.
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Joined: Mon Nov 26, 2018 9:14 am - Dominique Strauss-Kahn

Post: # 1770Post LegalBriefs »

ATTN: From, International Monetary Fund (IMF)

Notification from International Monetary of Funds, My name is Mr.Dominique Strauss-Kahn, I am the Managing Director of International Monetary Fund (IMF) I am writing on be half of (IMF) just to let you know that the formal arrangement to get you the funds was not clear because of difficulties with authorities. Your Funds delivery arrangement did not any more allowed by such company matured bellow ( Western Union Money Transfer or Money-Gram Money Transfer or Courier Delivery Company) The International Monetary of and Lawyer's Chamber have canceled those company because of their disappointed to peoples after collecting fees from them, the arrangement with such company has failed due to difficult with authorities on getting you the consignment through such three company stated bellowed ( Western Union Money Transfer or Money-Gram Money Transfer or Any types of Courier) please stop any cooperation with them to avoid scam you as they will not send you any thing in return, they are not any in-change of your consignment because of your funds is not any more in their control, Please stop contact with any western union or Money-Gram, Diplomatic or Courier.

We have booked the payment assignment with Central Bank to start deposit the funds on your account, Because of the large amount The International Monetary Funds & Lawyer's Chamber have approved to pay you the total funds with assignment of CENTRAL BANK whom will work it out together with WORLD BANK to make sure that you have the total funds on your account by receiving $48 000 on each payment, as now you are free to have the funds into your account. Because of the larges amount you are going to receive $48 000 on each transfer, I would like it to be sent to your bank account in amounts of $48,000 in each deposit' it is possible to avoid difficulties with the Authorities.

We have now track with CENTRAL BANK and they told us that the payment will start as soon as possible after renewing the payments files, to renew the payment files will cost $95, after that we shall obtain the DEPOSIT FORM to get the fund to your account, meanwhile $45 is the only cost you will bear to renew the payment file to enable us obtain CENTRAL BANK DEPOSIT FORM to have the fund transfer into your account, each transfer will clear into your account in 12hours, Remember that you will receive $48 000.00 daily until paid in full which is the sum of 6.9M usd, your try send $95 and I will take care of the balance. The first payment of $48 000 will soon be in your account if possible you sent this $95for the renew to enable us obtain the CENTRAL BANK DEPOSIT FORM which I will use to deposit the funds into your account. Please reconfirm your account.


Receivers Name: VICTOR ODENZE.
Country: Benin Republic
City. . . Cotonou
Code: 00229
Test Question: What Color
Answer : Red
Amount: $$95.00
Senders Name. . . . .
MTCN Numbers. . . . . .

Thank You.

The IMF: Organization and Finances
Mr. Dominique Strauss-Kahn
Managing Director
International Monetary Fund(IMF)ATTN: From, International Monetary Fund (IMF)

Notification from International Monetary of Funds, My name is Mr.Dominique Strauss-Kahn, I am the Managing Director of International Monetary Fund (IMF) I am writing on be half of (IMF) just to let you know that the formal arrangement to get you the funds was not clear because of difficulties with authorities. Your Funds delivery arrangement did not any more allowed by such company matured bellow ( Western Union Money Transfer or Money-Gram Money Transfer or Courier Delivery Company) The International Monetary of and Lawyer's Chamber have canceled those company because of their disappointed to peoples after collecting fees from them, the arrangement with such company has failed due to difficult with authorities on getting you the consignment through such three company stated bellowed ( Western Union Money Transfer or Money-Gram Money Transfer or Any types of Courier) please stop any cooperation with them to avoid scam you as they will not send you any thing in return, they are not any in-change of your consignment because of your funds is not any more in their control, Please stop contact with any western union or Money-Gram, Diplomatic or Courier.

We have booked the payment assignment with Central Bank to start deposit the funds on your account, Because of the large amount The International Monetary Funds & Lawyer's Chamber have approved to pay you the total funds with assignment of CENTRAL BANK whom will work it out together with WORLD BANK to make sure that you have the total funds on your account by receiving $48 000 on each payment, as now you are free to have the funds into your account. Because of the larges amount you are going to receive $48 000 on each transfer, I would like it to be sent to your bank account in amounts of $48,000 in each deposit' it is possible to avoid difficulties with the Authorities.

We have now track with CENTRAL BANK and they told us that the payment will start as soon as possible after renewing the payments files, to renew the payment files will cost $95, after that we shall obtain the DEPOSIT FORM to get the fund to your account, meanwhile $45 is the only cost you will bear to renew the payment file to enable us obtain CENTRAL BANK DEPOSIT FORM to have the fund transfer into your account, each transfer will clear into your account in 12hours, Remember that you will receive $48 000.00 daily until paid in full which is the sum of 6.9M usd, your try send $95 and I will take care of the balance. The first payment of $48 000 will soon be in your account if possible you sent this $95for the renew to enable us obtain the CENTRAL BANK DEPOSIT FORM which I will use to deposit the funds into your account. Please reconfirm your account.


Receivers Name: VICTOR ODENZE.
Country: Benin Republic
City. . . Cotonou
Code: 00229
Test Question: What Color
Answer : Red
Amount: $$95.00
Senders Name. . . . .
MTCN Numbers. . . . . .

Thank You.

The IMF: Organization and Finances

Mr. Dominique Strauss-Kahn
Managing Director
International Monetary Fund(IMF)

Code: Select all

Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2019 06:39:43 +0900 (JST)
From: "Mr. Dominique Strauss-Kahn" <>
Reply-To: "Mr. Dominique Strauss-Kahn" <>
Subject: International Monetary Fund(IMF)
X-Originating-IP: []
Orig IP: | Orig ISP: Ovh Sas | City: n/a | Country: Anonymous Proxy | More info: ... 38.134.189

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